Whitby Free Press, 12 Apr 1973, p. 8

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PAGE 8, TIIUIRSDAY, APRIL 12, 1973, WHITBY FEE PRESS KALNINS' COLUMN ON i Being A Canadian Today 1Ilfeel like a second class citizen. As a niai er of tfct, 1 iad thlis t'eelinig going on for some tlime but il was ý,oîîirnmed carlier this week by the ('anadian Ilxiernal Affairs Departînient in Oittawa. More specifically, 1in reterring 10 fthc people who issue the Canadian passport and other travel documents. AI th ougli 1 have been ln this country for the Iast I15 years and I con- sider niyself a good Canadian citizen, the Goveriimien lun reality does îîot aoece witli îly contenti( ns. This can be easily tested, ifl yout need a Canadian pass- port. The other day I leaned that the present Governiment issues a passport, valid only for thueearos. After thai, no passport is being exîeîîded. You hiave to imake a brand new application for it. For an average Canadian, to put il blunt i , il 's a pýain ln the neck. Once again you are asked to answer a bairrage of questions like; Whiere do you corne irom? Whiat do you do'! PLUMBUNO DISCOUNT 70 Oro& ILut. Ut Wlby 1 DIRECT TO YOU Houri: 9O.L.to 9pm Mon-FVi ont. S mm11IoWaS ON& 6U6601 ONE LARGE PIZZA' COÈMER PIZZA I PEN 668«8807 WE DELI VER 4-1 a.m. 668-8808 204 SROCK ST.&S CAN 1DB SERVE YOU? On Tliursday, April i 2th one of o'ur represeîîtat ives Ms. K. R. Powell wiIl be at The Carousel Inn in Ajax In this district and- throughout Canada rnany persons and firms In practically ail types of businesses including Agriculture 0 Tourist and Recreational Businesses 0 Construction 0 Professional Services 0 Transportation 0 Wholesale and Retail Trades, as well as Manufacturing have obtained loans from the IDB to acquire land, buildings, and machinery, to increase working capital to start a new business, and for other purposes. If you consider that IDB can be of service, you are lnvited to arrange an appointment with the IDB representative by telephoning Ajax- 942-5580 or in advance by writing to ÀWINUUSTRIAL DE VEOPMEN T BANK MidOntario Branch, 250 University Avenue, Toronto (Telephone: 368-1145) Are you a Caiadian citizen? And so on. Thie only question the Governmiiet las omnitted is: Why are you a Canadian'? Perhaps, thecy should ask mo(re questions. 1 would be very interested to know wiîy anybody iu lus ciear inind wait s to he a Caniadfian for duîce years oniy? Ilhis practise of' rnaking a new applicatioli shotild bc aibandonied. I t wo Ild bc a f'ar muore logical way to handie the situai joui hy sinîply renewing the old passport. This could be done by asking a person to answer a few sinmple questions pertaining 10 the changes ini the lasi three years. And ail tlîis iilorniation can be amnended lu that sanie passport. Oniy wliîen the passport starts to look like ani over- crowded race track, a new oac should ihe avilable. Think ofl the limé and monley saved. Now 1 ca n liear the old argumen t thai more crooks will he walkiîîg arouud wiîh tui 'old" Canadianl passport. WeIl, I have ncws f'or al l tose îîaive Goverumnent officiIs. The ciin mals are noi worried aboutthde changes. They know how 10 get a passport, il tlîey ever need oie. But ii new and stupid Iaws terribly inconvenience the average citizlen who wants to bc left atone. lin als(î couivinced Iluat any passpor t in thie world is a nationalistic îhing. N'ou are proud tw show ii lu you r friends and proulliy eîîtluuse, "Look, linl a Canadian. This is OU R passpoi-t . But, as the Canadian Goverimeut sees it, you are oniy a "proud Canadian" f'or a nîeasly three short years. So. my advice to you, folks, is: stop waving huaI Cana- diani flag. The Governient is not on your side. PUBLISHER'S NOTE: The above coluinîn 15 priinted as submiltted by Mr. Kainîs. The opinions expressed theeinl are not necessarily those of' the Whiîby Frece Press auJ/oi ils mnanagenment. FANFARE FOR OSHAWA WEEK JUNE 24 - JULY2 OSHAWA FOLK ART COUNCIL PARADE Organizations interested ini parîicîpating ln the animlI OFAC parade and otiier events, please con- tact OAFC secretary 728-4968 or Parade Chairmnan 623-5 I12 h , or write Box 342 Oshawa. MIDDLETGN'S BOOK STORE WEDDING INVITATIONS & PRINTLD STATIONERY WHITBY 668-2492 NOTICE TO CREI)ITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F JOSEPHINE ROBERTSON, deceascd. All persons having clainîs against tte estale of the above mieutioned, lte of the Town of Whitby ini tue County of Ontario who died at the said Town of Wlitby 0o1 tle I1liti day of May 1 964, are required to file proof of saine with the urîdersigned on or before the 1 4tlî day of May 1 973. Afler that date the Public Trustee wilI proceed ta distribute the estate, having regard onty to the claims of which he then shaîl have hiad notice. DATED at Toronto this 4tiu day of April 1973. PUBLIC TRUSTEE, 145 Queen St. West, Toronto, ADMINISTRATOR Flomecomning Bumper Stiekers Now is your chanîcc to gel out anid publîcize i lomecconi- iîîg'73 whercever you go. Dr-op 1 mbi tIlie Chiaînber offlice, i1i7 1 Green St. anJ pick uip a 1 lb îiucon iing '73 Buîîîper St icker tor- yoiîr car. Thecy are tece, ancd en tille you to a draw tor- severai tucky prizes. Just fi lu the 51 ub a ttachiedtluthie sticker-, anud a prize iinay be yours. Thîe Jraw wilI take place July 31i ai ite carîîival diîîîîer. Let 's gel out auJ tell evcryone thlat Whiitby is the place to corne tu lis suiîmîner f'or Ilue best carîiival ever. Trade Conumissioruers Visit F'or tIlle seconid year. wh il. Y industries were toured by a gruup of' five assistanît trade comnuissioliers 10 study ex- port conditions bef'ore takiîug tlueir pusts ari ud ftue world. The tour was conducted by Developuiient Coîîunissiuner Wes Wiîuîers April 4. Otnce agaiui Whitby luas liad an op)- l)(rttuliity Io shîowvoff' its a sse ts. Keep the Heart of Whitby Downtown Tuie D o w ult o w ru Actionî Comii it tee las recoîuîîîeuded tu Ie planninîug depa rt uuîeut tht liai li uart of Wh il by re- umain li the Jo\ntown core. Severai observa tions by thue cuuniîiîitIteý were iuîctuded lu a briet un ilie uîew officiaI plan uuw uunder discussiuun.The dowuît uwnvi conunuliit ce ai so re- puolts ilbree or tour îîew busi- liesses wvill lie opeuiuîg ini tue cuîe area îuexi uionith. Membershuip 'Ficneuuiber.siiip commîit- tee 1epuorus i luat t iii is'ears ienuibcrsiiip is tlie saille as i ast yeuîr. atuJ un iv un e iii rd ut tule yeaî bias passed. Let's wurk tu double our nieîiber- su ili by thle endJout iliie yeai.. Areuîa Tender l'ie tend(er foî the nlew Wliitîîy areuia vil l be awardedl al i1 upublic uîueî ing inithle iuovn com ucii chaiibers Apr-il '0t1î ai 7 1.m Chuauuber of Commerce Week April 8 to 14 iýs Chiairibeu. of (Commuerce \Veek. a tillue Io enîphasize the work of' the chaîîber in our cornînuîity. This year is also a special oneC for the Whiit by Chainber of Comumerce, beguîî wheîî the town lhad a population of unly abouît 3,000. Anniversary Dinner The 45tlh Anîîiversary Diii- ner- wilI be hield at the Red Room lun the fWhitby Mail Restaurant Tuesday, April I OtlI, with a meceting at 6:30 p.mi. ai i dinner at 7 p.m. included luthie prograrn wiIi be a slde show on industrial anîd commrercial deveiopinîeît of the past by Briaîî Wiîîîer, a Ciaiuber Jirector anJ archi- vist of the Whitby Historical Society, anîd a taîk 0o1 prescrnt auJ future industrial growth by Deveiopmnent Commission- er Wes Winters. Mr. Wiîîters will ilîterpret whiat is happen- inug 10w liîîdustrial and pop- ulat ion growtiî and assess its implact on the future of the town. Don't miss this iîîterest- ing anîd informnat ive îîîeeting. Carîuivai Opening As one ot' ils prc-Yjects of' the year the Whiiby Cliaîiber of Commîîerce is co-ordinating the otticiai opeuîing ot' the Couiy Town Carîîival îo be lieîd ai Heydenshore Pavillon. Tuesday July 31. Ceremîoîîies wiil consist of' a diîîîer anîd danîce, startiuig with cocktails at 6:30 pliî. Mayor Desiouîd Newmîan will he opeîîing the caru ival andJ welcoîîîiîîg tlie peoi .)le rel uruîing as guests of' 1-iumicoiig '7 '. A Iiimiited îîtîîîîer of, ticket s ili be availabie at S15 pel couIple t roi ilue Clîaî le r ottice, I1I17 Green St. or from îuemilbeî s of the Board of Directors. Lusi day foi- obîainiîug tickets is July 24. Admission to the ca ruival upen ing will be by ticket only anid ail tickets 111nSt 1be purchaýsed ini advaîîce. M rs. le p)bu rî11iSisniicharlge Of ticket sales. At the officiaI opeîîing the Carnival QUenI will be presented, anJ aiso the draw will be hielJ fori-lte buîuîper sîicker prizes. TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNING BOARD PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN PUBLIC MEETING The Town af Whitby Planning Board with be hahding a PUBLIC MEETNG at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 26th, 1973 in the Cauncil Chambers 405 Dundas Street West, Whtby, Ontaria. The purpase of this meeting is ta cansider the OFFICIAL PLAN ALTERNATIVES. Further information with respect ta this meeting can be abtained tram ý - Planning Office, 14 Church Street, Braokîin, 655-3346. Cuut H. F:P. it Dr. M. Michaeh, M.T.P.I.C., Directar af Planning CHAM-BER 0F COMMERCE NEWS

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