Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1973, p. 8

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WIIITI3Y 1REUAIRIiSS, THURSI)AY, APRIL 5,1973, P'A(ilE'8 KA LNINS- KALNINS ON POLICE BRUTALITY '1 was beaten Up by police for laving incense," c eried The Toronto Sun front page headline the other day. The story was a familiar one: Toronto police officers hiad picked Up David Murphy who lhad been laler charged with possession and trafficking of hiashishi. At' the saine lime. according Io Murph)ly, l1e had beeu stripped of his clothing and severe11y beaten up. "They hit me on the head with one otfîny owu shoes, big chunky kind with very heavy hecels. There was blood everywhiere," Murphy told reporters shorily afterwards. 1 could go on, describing other torture miethods uised on this 23-year-old Torontonian, but it won't be necessary siîîce 1 have a pre tty good idea how police go abou t in acquiring "evidenice" tor thecir court cases. This sad story. prompîed ine to sit dowvîîat my old typewriter and dasli off somne of' my own experiences with police officers. In my line oft work., 1 mccti thein very ot teri. And evcry lime, they îry to make mv vork as difIficul t as possible. On numerous occasions 1 have been escorted awav froin accident scejies, major fires and explosions, 1101 cou n t iig hold-up cases and traffic Janîs. AI thoughi police otticers know, t hat l'in ia news pho- tog rapher a nd it is mv du ty' te cover maijoir accident s and tires. stilii they provide ne wi iii pieuty of harassmnnt. 'Fle standard accusatlion is: you arceflot supposed te 1w lic le (how~ do they know thiat'?) anrd if x ou're ilot goi ng t listen CAN 1DB SERVE YOU? On Thitrsday, April 12-'h One Oft' Oir representat ives Ms. K. R. Powell wvîll be at 'Fhi C'aroiisel Inni in Ajax In this district and- throughout Canada many persans and firms in practically ail types of businesses încluding Agriculture 0 Tourist and Recreational Businesses a Construction * Professiorial Services 0 Transportation a Wholesale and Retail Trades, as well as Manufacturing have obtained boans from the ID'B to acquire land, buildings, and rnachinery, to inerease working capital to start a new business, and for other purposes. If you consider that IDB can be of service, you are invited to arrange an appointment with the IDB representative by telephoning Ajax - 942-5580 or in advance by writing to fiINDUS TR(AI DEVEZ ORMENT BANK Mhd-Ontario Branch, 250 University Avenue, Toronto (Telephone: 368-1145) te uis, 1t1011 WC will charge you wi tii oi net ilug police. lu1 police parla nc e ieWord "o)lt rucli ou "i s be h îg iliierpreted qui te ibcrally. 1 eau bhe lialf* a mile away f'roîui uIc f'ire aud l'Ili still "ob)si ruclilîg" police. 1Thiligs gel worse wlicen police physicalîy h iuder caîilra. mon ul'roimi ta k iug uews 1p je turcs. Sonietfinieig.),-wl i i le cove rinig a Red tia id dcliie si rat ion it iiTorot ito, a poli ce. iluait graîhb)1ed uîly caiera as I was tryiîîg to gel a picitire of' a imai be ing arrested. WIic n Te int o suri î iucliclid a si i 'ff coi il Ia ili t, tIhe aeIi ig depty cli ie ' "couId nîî u t ciileiîbe"sticli anit îie ie n LjsualIly . ilf you colipula iu, t(lie police depa r i îîe nt su cI deiuîy becoines very ablseiî 1-11iîided. M t eelime, I eveit wrole a î'ersoriîal let 1er 1<) brouteo police cli ief la rold Adaîiisou . 'l'lie le t er mis îîeveî' propcrly ackuowledged. I lîsIeadi, I go I a plioll1e ca Il hI'nuail ae t i îg police cli ici wit h a raltlier Illiniisy expIa liat ioî î lia t pol icceen we re t ryiiug t o 'pro tee t Ilme. Pro tee t Ie roîil i a t? 'Fle Toron to police f*oice iii igh t be flic best in Northi Aiîcriczi as Ilîr aîs the crime peievut ioîî goes, bu t speakiîig oft publi e rela tions, tlîcy st ilI hiave a lonîg way t(i go. Par- tîcularily, îlîcy uiuist do soiîîe tIi ig t o imlprove thie ex ist ing relatioins be twee ilhe press anîd cii izeis il large. Ilt sh oulduit be boo dil't'ficul t Io proceed wi iii tIiis hiiglîly iluportan t task . A f'irs anîd lforcîîîost requircîerit lor all police otticers 15 10 be able 10 recoguize îîîeir own role iin today's society. A policecinis job is niercly to culeorce i[lic law and îlot te abuse il. No oflticer lias thie rigli t to hlarass and irîcori- vejlieice a citizen il' iîe's ilot tee sure of, ilie law. l'Ili also awarc tîlt a peliceiaiu's lot is lot auI easy orle. Nevcrtîieless. More eautIion is iîeeded inii ha ud I iug varjouis cases cri iitial o r etlic rwise. I arnl particularly jwi iurbed by Illie ong-cxisîilig pi :cî ice thla t no reasoli a hIe exI)p ýl atjou sl iId 1w give n bv thle police jlt a citizen to(i- sornie i casoir decides le quest ion a p)01iccîli a n's ae ilius. [tls li!aýssiile iliat evei y mai )ou a sireet is a poienial crimjuiial. Anid, let's gel rid of' tire lelti-ever Gesiape meîeliods stîll beilîg used by soiule police depla 1Ill l Inis :ici ss ('alizada. P.S. 1Ilhope ltathiiis coluiîir m nay ricli sele tIhe iver v tewei s inii oui police dejx tIillnenlts. 'Iluis. an ample opporlitinityt\wu Id be givenI toial pol icemre ni t eex press illcir owil Point t c )tvieW. PUBLISHER'S NOTE: 'l'ie opinions e\piesscd Inît îhk article arc îot iuecessarilv tliese o et lihth\ ['ree lPress SWIMMING POOL The WHITBY RECR EATION ADVISORY BOARD invites the public toa ameeting for the purpose of discussiug design crileria for the Proposed Whilby ludoor Swimrring Pool. Councîl Chambers, Whlitby Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street West Tuesday, April lOtI>, 1973 7:30 P.M. fisc Jockey Unlimted CO. LTD. VOUR MUSIC MAKER V À0 À& ProtesinEtal S&MC' S \Vleiipneî îy Gilliait "Miss ('aniada"" egehn idly woni- dered jiasi lew tarIltle 21/' imiil lienî lxisienSea I camiipa igîl eiivelel)es eu Id neacli cend- 10-eiîd. 1Wlîipper \Waison anîd 0) il t a r i( i < n in . veyo il _ Richiard Wa ne etScarboreughi caîillee up svîtilîlis visital a i- ,we. broit t Ilie Quebec bei dOi \Vith ltlie caiiipaigii open- rue week etf Nai cli2.2, every hoemre iin ()iitaio sîiehuld have ieceived ils I istel easas :rei lier isual r crtîrder et I lie Ou t a i ie Societiy for ('rip- pied ( 'îldi cii\ anîral titid diîve. 'llite cariijxigii vill 1u1h li- i iI'Amier Suiîda. ~.Api il21 1w hIîcli dite t[lic Sec ietv Ili( ees te Ila ve ra ised Si1,67-5 ,000)tIrouglheHiCcoin- biuied efflorts etf ils 2,32 af'fil- iaîed Laster Seal sel-vice Clubs scrving hiaudicapped youtng- ste*s tlîoulîeu ot tlîe province. WVatson. long a inlenîber of' thie Society's board ol' direc- lors. exîressed hlis Persenial conviections Mien lie sa id: "I know now only tee wcll jttst Iiew i ougîitit at road le re- liabilitti inre-ally is.but lFin neitrilavelling it alenle. Over 14.000 youiîgosîers will he walkinig il witî Ie tlîis year. We neced .a1Illtel'oeil) N'e1 u ea <'jvc il' we*r e <J(j j t e nke everv sîep ceuII. Ple:îse. uxîke ceer stop)cetîlit. Support veuÏ local I-aýst ci Seal canii- 1WHITBY MINOfR LACROSSE ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION AT THE WHITBY COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MARCH 31ST AND APRIL 7TH, 1973 FROM 12 NOON TO 2 O'CLOCK FEES $4.00 SINGLE AND $1O.00 PER FAMI LY EVERY PLAYER WI LL PARTICIPATE IN THE GAME "HAPPINESS us PLAYING LACROSSE"e GIVE TO EASTER SEALS ONE FREE PASS TO FIGURMAGIO for free home demonstration of ELECTROLUX No obligation - Cail day or night " Hourly Bus/Train Service to Exhibition Station. " Free Parking at most GO Stations. * Children under 12 haif the aduit fare. For further bus and train information phone: Metro Toronto 248-31 12 Clark son-Oakvi lie 845-6694 Burlington-Hamilton 527-8187 Pickering-Ajax-Whitby-Oshawa 942-2000 ** 7IAÀNS/r7 Gomerment of Ontario Transit Operated by CN and Gray Coach Linos

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