Whitby Free Press, 29 Mar 1973, p. 10

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PAGE 10, THUBSDAY, MARCII 29,1973, WIIITBY FREE PRESS Housing Costs As sorious as it is, tlie spiralliîîg cost 0f servicod land for housing is only one of lte price problenîs facing Meti-o area house builders-and sub- sequently house buyers. The cost oflunîber alotie going 11110 tie average itotse wihl clinib by $250 April 1, accordiîîg t Gerald W. Amni- sîrong, Toronîto IHomie Build- ors' Associationi president. To this wilI be added a 2-0 per cent increaso in the price of dry wall-or another $50 per house. Titis spring is also a major period f'or renegotia- lion of labor coîîîracts anîd the only way wage cotîtracîs are negotiated isUp. Armîstronîg re-affirmied an ourlier predicîloî t itat sîitgle- detaclied lioue pricos inithie Moîro area anîd beyond wil likely escalate by at least $6,500 ini 1973. Prices have c 1 i ni b e d by $4,000 silice last faîl, ho esti- mnated, to thie point where lte average singîe-detached house cosîs $45,000. Soinii- To Increase d et a c loed houses average $38,000 to $40,000. Land is stililte big bogey iii thc housing picture and withouî lanîd, Iliere can be no houso. In the mîajority cf cases, whon lanîd changes liands thero is a price increaso, said Arnîstrong, who is also president of Arîîîstroîîg Homnes of Pickoriîîg. For exanîplo, lie noîed, land ini Burlintgon lias in.- creased fromi $13,500 a lot last sumnner ho $1 9,500 now. In soeni i -r ural1 aroas il liaý,s c1i ni b ed fromi $14,000 10 $1 4,000 10 $1 8,000. A thre. bedrooin bouse could bc pur. chased wiîlîiî Metro's bor- dors for this price ini 1961I. As far away as Alliston-- 47 nilles froni theoinîtersect ion of Highiways 401 and 400- lot prices have jumiped froni $9,000 last year ho $12,000 now. "I dontî think price iii. creasos are going 10 slo w down during this year," coinî- miented Armistrong. "'Land is in very short supply and builders, are going to oulside areas to keep building and paying exorbitant prices." SO far, bigluer prices have îlot roduced lte tumber cf purcitasers. Tite presidetît pro- dicted buildors would ho able 10 selI everyîlîiîîg hey could produce tliis year. However, lho said il will onfly ho for tho noxt 30 days that builders can guaranc firmn prices to purchiasers. Af. ter tlit, îte future is s0 ini- definiite because of slîiftiîîg costs tluey will ho unable to do so. Ho adviscd thiose coluteni- plating itouse purchases to do s0 wiîtlin titat period lu oh- taini a firin prico, whiclî will ho lower than later. Reints are also due for large increases, lie saîd, if the sîrike of' elevator irstallers is tiot settled sooni. Tie result- ing higlu cosîs of apartîmont accomnmodatiouu will force somne People 10 seek otlier fornis of lictusing, hoe pro- dicted, sucit as doublinig up w'itb aniotiter fanily. TOIRONTO-Money froni the Ontario goverient is flow- ing ouI at a rapidly growiîîg rate 10 early fIlers of inconie tax roturns, Revenue Minister Allaiî Grossînaui said tuday. Payuuents under thie new Ontario Pruperty Tax Credit Plan have grne 10 100,000 O nt a r i o residents hy' mid- Marclh, Mr. Grossnian said. A lîmghu proportion ot' luese wero lu persons wlio were nul re- cîuired lu pay inconie taxe., and wvIo fiîed relurrus unly in order t o cIa li tlic n lue cfi t Linder thie new plan. The Revenue Min ister. vhu along w IliTr)easu rer Jolint Whîi te is invu Ived iu t he plan's a d nui i st a t lu î, said t fi a t nîauîy thîousands of addiî louaI clainîs are in varions stages of' processu ng. "we ar'e doîug unr best lu bring thli Properny Tax ('redit Plan lu thc attentionof' ailI wlîu are cI igible -and fliat cuild incluide ativunle whu paid pruoporîy taxes or rent ini 1972," Mr. Grussmian said. Advcrtiseenuts anud postal de- livery ut a Tax Cr-edit notice lu ail îuouselioîds lu Ontîario are beiîîg iîsed lu brinle hie Plan tb thiea ttent ion outhIlose whu are olipihle. m 7:00 p.m. "We are ospecia,,lly anxiuns tu reaclu ail luw.inconîe taili- lies.Ipenisîiîîers. farmers and rootiier-s," lhosaid. Special Ontlariu formns are iîicluded wili the Federal in-. couic lax f'orni anidthie On- tarlu paynienî s are p)rocessed Ilirougli the Federal tax sys- tenli. Vhiile tiaîiv (aîiadians an- Ioula ticaIIy reccive lax torns. unusl people wlio uornîaîly do nul pay' Federal iîîcoîîîc ax ulust ulîtain thi uwilltorns wliicîi are available trti all puost offices. In additioni lu fillIiug inth le muauve On t aru Fax ('redit IfOrni cIa inian Is îIiutisfilI iin pages one. Iwo, anid four of Ilie Feder:îl lax f-ri n d l Or wa rd t lie ni t u Ot tawa, Tax C'redit Ilîay'iilts Cali reach l o S-250 depcndiîîg upoiî snch lac tors as taxable inconue and amunt of' prop- erîy taxes or ron t paid . Total pnujec led cost of' thie prograniî is S160 miillioni. RA COON Not too often in my lino of work (which is phiotogra- phy) 1 get involved in a crazy, mixed-up raccoon story. But, that's what happened 10 me last week. Toronto Sun city oditor Cal Millar dispatched nie to an apartiment building ini Willowdalo with following instructions: "Pick up a *raccoon basket at the Hurnane Socioîy's kennel office and thon lhoad straight for Parkway Forrest Drive. Dave Cooper (Sun photographer) and Rhona Kane (staff writcr) will be oxpecting you." Only whoen I got to my destination, 1 learned that 1 was part of a mnuch bigger mission 10 be carried out. Along withi Mr. & Mrs. Jack Selig who liad found an injured baby raccoon, 1I had to gel the raccoon into a metal box. But soon, with plonty of advice from mny news-oriented conîpanions, 1 discovered that the tiny animal (at first be- liovod to be wild) just wouldn't follow our plan and voluntarily leave the cardboard box ho was in. Everyone agreed that poor littho folla should be left in te king sized cardboard box and thon taken 10 the Riverdale Zoo. Next steli was 10 secure the box. A plastic plate was put on top of' the box and the latter was taped and stringed around. While aIl titis thing was going on, Cooper kept clicking his Nikons. Reporter Kane, however, found a sanctuary in niy car hopiîîg Iliat she won't have 10 take part in tho "roscue" oporation. w Luckily enough, the hugo box fitted mb m ry little Volkswagen and thie raccoon was sitting righit beside mie- not knowing lus fate. Tliere was only one hiitcli. The friglhîened anîimal lîad to do luis tliing-and guess what-it aIl camie Ou1 011 ily soft fronît soat. But, in tlie best Englisit tradition, 1 just carried on. The ordeal canue 10 an end late in tlhe afternoon wiîlî a bit of "aromia" still ingering on. 1 got (WCl], you know whiat) and sonie uncxpected froc publicity. But, despite aIl tlhe fun, noxt lune I slould knuw botter nul 10 togot involved ini those raccooîu stories. Thiese little stinkers, 1 agree. nuake good copy for a news editor, but for a roving pliotograph]Ier ..welI. I ho t er no t taI k aboLit --l FARM NEWS 'llic Ontlariu Fat ii Fneslî N'larkeltingAssociationu 'ilI ho thie first gruw'er on-gatîîzatîouI lu have a conîsumîer îîîenîber un the IBoard of Directurs. Ib'is wvas decided oîî aIIthe tirsIs execu tive mîee t inîg uf'the nuow1y fornied Associa t ionout g)rowver*-roîailer-s. Miîîistry ut' Agricul tutre & Food uf-ticials will also bc0 represeîuted ini an advisony capacily. 1973 - The year of the *Reuponsive, liandicu rlght feeis right *1600 C.C. 0110 Piston Engine *SAVE NOW AVAILABLEUMZJ Thîe finsi President uf'theu Associatiloni is Duuig Avery, of Ilie Faiiîiy Farniî Marketî ii Brockvil le. Jerry Utten ut Stonîey Crecek xvas ceed as Vice-Presideuît and Johuii Vaîu- dcniberg u f'thîîe Ontario Minis- try uf Agricultur'e & Food, Viiueland Staîtinas Socnetar-- This group lhopes luoes- îablislî ilîibstatîdards uf quai. iîy and service aI hïin retail millets whectlier tîbey are farni muarkets or pick-yourI-oWvn Op- oral ious. WllIi lle ilivolve- mnut ut*hIe Con ils nLi i er ,s Couîtcil. tllie coîsuîrîens' view- Points sliould bc well nepre. senîed. Thiese muarkets xwill ho idenîified by a distlictive logo wbicli wilI remain thie propen- ty oft IliteAssociation. Directors wenoe lected onu a negiotial basis and Man-slu Slesson- of'Red Wiîug Orcluards, Wiîby represets îlisCetîal Ontario neuiotî. lu Protecs you when yoii neel It mont *Interlor Luxury 0 SAVE MDA808 UP TO PE .'SEDAN $1 00.00 DX 3 SERIES I SERVICE SALES PROPERTY TAX GREBIT ~NELEF BUFFERIN 10OOs- SUGG LIST SI 79 Ultra Dry BAN Anti-Perspirant 1 9 oz. with30% More (11.7 ozJ 3 SUGG LIST S2 09 PHILLIPS MILK of MAGNESIA 12 oz. - Regular or Mont TOOTHPASTE Freshmint or Spearmint 50 ML HALO SHAMPOO,7 8 oz. PLUS 50% MORE(12 oz.) Normal. Dry or Oriy VO5 HAIR SPRAY 13 Ounce w SUGGESTED LIST S2,98 BROOKLIN-WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOC. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Dunlop Radial PIy Tirs NEÀDQUARTERS iATTERSLEY TIRE SERVI CE 103 bsandas St. East, Whitby 668-3356 SUNDAY APRIL 29, '73 AT COUNCIL CHAMBERS, WHITBY MUNICIPAL BUILDING THERE WILL BE AN INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW EXECUTIVE AND ELECTION 0F DIREC- TORS. THIS IS A PUBLIC MEETING, ALL ARE WELCOME.ý See them toda'y ah AR LIE SALES LTD. 2O9W DUtiDAS STr. W. WHITBV 668-939-7 àýý -1

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