Whitby Free Press, 22 Mar 1973, p. 2

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1A(,I 2, WHITISIT VEPIk-SS, TIIURSDAY, MARCII 22, 1973 Lett.ers to the Editor AFIER A LONG, HARO LOOK AT THE PASI, GARTSHORE READY TO TACKLE DOWNTOWN Dear Sir, In a report on the Toron- to Centred Region dated May 1970, Cedarwood appeared as a local cen tre straddling the eastern boundary of Metro- politan Toronto inîrediately south of Steeles Avenue. Ac- cording to that report, the projected population for Ce- OSHAWA darwood (by the year 2,000) was 20,000 to 50,000. ln its status report of' August, 1971, the provincial go ver n ni en t stated that the projected pop- ulation of Cedarwood was to be 40,000 to 75,000; even though a inap included iin the sanie report still showed Ce- darwood to be a local growth 576-9511 M M THIS. SUNDAY MARCH 25, 1973 GET MORE 0F A GOOD THING They're real golden, real crisp, real sait,, real hot and really BIC; - they're McDONALDS LARGE FRENCHI PRIES 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 2(Value 39c) Buy one large order of french fries and get one FREE on presenting this ad at either McDONALD'S locations. LIMIT - ONE PER CUSTOMER) at ether McDONALD'S V&Ild sumr w tousra*domtw SmNLD8 SimbOE ST. N. ATr TAUNTON OR centre only, wîth a maximum projectcd population of 50,000. On March 2, 1972 Cedar- wood was announccd as a sub- regional centre with a future population ofat least 200,000 (or approximately the current size of' London, Winîdsor, or Quebec City). Such a rapid increase may be regarded by sonie people as progress, liow- ever, 1 can't hielp but think of a song froîn the musical "Li'l Abner" whiclî contains the flnes "Progress is flie root of' all cvii. Progrcss is tlc cauise of' it aIl. Our living standards now so good, 1 had to chanîge îny neighi- borhood. Say, whcre is Levitiown" L.ness the public takc a firni stand and force some mlemlbcrs of thé "Blue Ma- chine" to corne to their sen.ses. Levîttown, a monumen t ho urban sprawl and rural dcvas- tation. will bc tound nul only iii Buck',s ('otnty, Penutsyl- vania and Long Island, New York, bu t also ini Markhiami Pickering, and Scarborouigl. Yours truly J. Peter Salter 1 Sir Caradoc Place, Marklîami, Ontario. WHITBY - 106 Byron St. S. 668-6495 or 668-9909 Following seriotis sîudy of' thc minutes of' aIl previous minutes of the Downtown Action Comimit tee, commit- tee chairinan Councillor Jirn Gartshore says "a positive ap- proach" is miost needed for the rejuvenation of the down- town business section. Foremost on his agenda is Homnecomning Year with a par- ticular effort being extcnded to have merchants and prop- erty owners p u bli ci ze the downtown area. During a niceting lîcld at town hall thcse and other observations were made with respect oftlîe following mat- ters in resLrrectîng the coin- niittee prinmarily con cerned with Whitby's core: 1 "That a regular street dean- ing prograrn should be under- taken by the Town with re- spect to thie downtown busi- ness area. '). That the merchants under- take a nîass co-ordinated ad- vertising and promotion pro- grami of' their services simnilar to that bciiig undertaken by the Whithy Mail stores. 3. That consideration be given lu a dial-a-bus service. 4. Thlat the develupmnen t of' aparinients ini the downtown area should bc considered by the coiniittec as heing de- sirable. 5. Thiat the local newspaper should be placing more enm- phasis on 1p r o ni o t i n g the duwntown buisiness instead of' eniphasizing tlhe eipty st ores. ATTENTION!- HOME OWNERS SAVE YUSL ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Facia Boords - Windows and. Doors - Instollation if rquired. KAISER - Direct Faciory Bronch SUPREME WUNDOW à DOOR PRODUOTS 1730 SIMCOE ST. M. 73~4 Goreski's Summer Resort Ltd. CLUB ANNRENE A MODERN DANCE HALL PHONE 9835-.30683 Fishing - Swimming -Trailers, Campinig & Marina ONLY 20 MILES FROM WHITBY - R.R. 3, PORT FERRY, ONT.- PIZZAZZIP 6. Tlîat any promîotion pro- gram for thc downtown area require the co-operation and involvement of the property owners and merchants. 7. That since 1973 is Home- coming Year, the merchants should promote the town and themselvcs by working to- getlier. 8. Thiat the owners must be- corne involved for any suc- cessful project to be under- taken in the downtown area and the mierchants theiselves must work together. 9. Tlhat there is a lack of varieîy stores in the down- town area." After further discussion raised at the meeting the corn- mittec resolved as follows: 1I. Thiat with respect to the developrnent of the former Buckle property, the commit- tee supports the use of the sanie for apartmient residential use provided the sanie mieets the planning requiremients and CMHIC requiremients l'or de- velop nie nt. 2. That a comittee consisi- ing of Mr. Wilcox, Mr. Schaaf and Mr. Catton be appointed lu nîeet witli the Developuiient Coiiiimissîiner for the pur- Oshawa 766 Simeot St. S. 576-3255 pose of having himn assist, paying particular attention to the occupaîîcy of vacant stores with a better mixture (if va- riety stores etc. 3. That a committee consist- ing of Councillor Desjardine, Mr. Collins and Mr. Townsend be appointed to investigate the implenientation of a co- ordinated joint advertising prograin for the downtown area. 4. That Mr. Cockburn and Mr. Durkee be appointed to meet with Councillor Bill Ir- win to discuss the implemen- tation of a dlean-up program for the business section on a regular basis. 5. That letters be forwarded to the appropriate persons to dlean up behind the stores and requiring the particular mercliants to have their gar- bage placed ini appropriate containers for pick-up by the Works Departmnent. It was also agreed uipon ah the meeting that a rclîi tec t Alan Wilcox, who lias denion- strated a keen irîterest in the rejuvenation of downtown Wlîiîby, would act as Vice- ('Iairmaîi of the coninittee. Your WIII, Y@ur Lawyer and V andG0 Everybody needs a wiIl. Every wiIl needs com- petent administration. G.o to your lawyer for your will - to V and G to assure that what you leave goes wbere you want it. Eighty years of experience in ad- ministering estates stands behind our judgement and assures corporate continu ity in carrying out your wishes. TrRUST çOMPANY SINCE 1889 LD. Reid -Manag. 308 DUNDAS ST. W.- WHITBY -=p4 DAVID R. PARSONS CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTI 110 RING ST, EAST TOYOTA Ffom COROLLA 9* WtI mîTir * T rW *w Ofo ^OW Por oSyedwwo lDUNM ST. W. 668m4792 LUKYPIZZACNTS WIN $ 5000 Every time you buy a pizza frorn PIZZAZZIP -- you could win $50.00. Just fil1 out the form on the top of the box and mail or bring it in, enclosed in a plain envelope to either of our two locations. Every Sunday there is a draw. Corne on in or phone, YOU COULD BE A WINNER! THIS WEEKS WINNER: Paul Sevcik, 1008 Byron St. S. Whitby.

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