PAGEL 2, TIL;RSDAY, MARCFI 8, 1973. WIIITBY FREE PRESS q<Wl t the Cuoty lemn) Homtown papérdr oWhkby, Drooklil, MyrUc sMd Ashbum; urvinq AjaxsudM Nkcrlng. Pabllshd veuy Thwsodoy NMkkd by Withy I r Prg'.sInc. 212 Brtwk Si. South. WhstblY. Mail liox 206, Whitby. Phont, 66" .111 or b6". 11, Geix-ral Monaper: W. ~lul Durkec I-'iwnl tan ,rn fiiaaî%MAILING; Sport% Fdlior: iugWck PERMIT' Advertilno: Rosi Wini%anky NU. 29~41 TO THE EDITOR 1 suggcst to you Mr. Kal- fins that your boss either slow you down, or fire you! You're obviously not think- ing too well to say the Ieast, on your suggestion. that Mr. Sins present his nude photos for display. Congratulations to Mrs. H-achie and lier critics for their "hasty decisions" as you su arrogantly put il. You don't seern to hiave thle sense lu realize -thal un lcss blîdren have been exposed lu nudity in the home ( which I 1happcn lu agree with ') i t eau have a hindering, if nul downriglhî liarm f'uI cfl'ect. If somle people don't ap- point themiselves as guardians to the ones who have been lseItered froni this exposure, which you feel conipelcd 10 exploi 't, just possibîly, and think about this sir;, more harin could be donc to more people than benefit which you mnust feel can corne of a display sucli as this one by a phiotographer whu happens lu have ail Lt il I i s t e d number which y0Lt can't locale. Wc can ail sec pictures of nude *"U.S. colored girls" in almlosi any local barn, shed. or on tradesmien'"s calendars, and if wce want our children to sec il then we cati casily arrange iL. We sure don't necd Whitby Arts, Mr. Simis, _or Mr. Kaîins to do it for US. If wc shouîd dcny this art to our childrcn, have they really been deprivcd? They'll learn ail this sonie day, don't worry yourself about it! The parents who would introduce their children lu nudity in the Whit- by Arts, or any other show- place will find a way lu do this su don'î mnake believe you are hielping anyone lu supply a need lu Ille chiîdren. If yoLt desire tl hep LLur cunununity Mr. Kaîimîis fitd sonie worthwhile reporting, otlîerwise give up! Your paper is OK. except for you. lncidentally, your "Girl of thec Wcck" feature is a compîcte wastc of yoîir paper's space. Yours trLtly, Don Kennedy, 1108 Athlol St. Whiitby. PUBLISHER'S NOTE: We welconme dilieremit opin- ÎInS but nu personal ven- deltas. Kaînins is enl iîled lu his opinion on nudiîy and su is the wriîer of' Ibis IcI 1er. The biggest damnage was donc to ipsI airs fuLrn ilure and reecaltionl rouni iniitlie base mient. >. ...... I CREST TflfTIIPA qTI: One of the ~stiwagoup STRIPE' STORES c' wm ropTHROUGHOUT ONTARIO Store Hours pliMonTue. Wed. Sat. pe 9am -6pm Thurs. Fri. 9am .9pm 121 BrockStreet West WHITBY, ONT. Letter to the editor - - w Mm-wodw" .b*y IV A x 0 wu Oe.M ut &a - '¶f ymawu*tlm* your best" à b L - - ý DoeIop Radial PIy Tire HIÂDQUÂRTMR AITRILET TIRE SERVICE 103DDdWs t. lust Whltby 668e3356 wi w) ( rè on Oc 0 =0 DISCOUNT STORES imaw emme, \7