PAG 1, TIJS»AY, âtÂARca8, 1973, WHITBY FRePRS Withpre-planninfirstdine 'aic'catibe pini Doubl-dut okware cornes to the rescue A new bride's best friend - ai Satltosn Hotrav ,servngf1 cart - wiII lielp keep her dinner oni sehieduile. 'li'e Hutray k (lesigI1ed to keep A food ait erving tenuperature tntil everything ks ready. Then a dinner can turn inte, a disaster of dried out vegetables, lu.mpy potatoes and hard, cold rolîs. How te, keep f ood from drying out under those circumstances? Many new smart brides and more experienced cooks, too, will use a food warmer te, keep each dish at serving temperature, wlthou.t over- cooklng, until she's ready te serve the entire meal. .. no matter what the deiay is. Evexi when there are no delays, the temperature controlled f ood warmer helps miake meaitimes mun more smoothly. For there's no need te, worry if one dish Is ready bef ore the rest of the meal, or if everyone is ready when the food is. Preedom from that kind of worry makes the bride more rela.xed and happy. Se she can spend more time with lier husband instead of dashing back and forth f rom range to, table. The new bride will soon discover that the most pop- ular food warmer is the Salton Hotray, the greatest gif t te good cooking. And for entertalr'lfg lt's indis- pensable. No more runnlng prepare not, nors u oeuvres in advance, so she can enjoy her guests when they arrive. And the new bride doesn't have te break up a lively cocktail conversation by de- manding that everyone eat while the food is hot. The food wiil stay hot and fia- vorful umtil she decides the time is right te, serve dinner. With good planning and her "Best Friend," her very first dinner party will be a success. Everyone will agree the new bride is a wonderf ul hostess and a very good cook. Saiten Hotrays range in size and price f rom $7.95 to $54.50. For a reai serving helper there's the Hotable serving carts f rom $75.00 te $23000. For the latest cata- logue of gourmet cooking applia.nces and the Atter- You-Cook Book filled wlth gourmet recIpes write: Sai- ton, Inc., 126 Zerega Avenue, Bronx, N. Y. 10462. Entertainiflg can be fun. but when lt's a first com- pany dînner and the guests are his parents-and yours, of course - any bride is entitled to a moment of panic. But no more than a minute. W'hile dînxier for six is more complicatcd than hamburgers for two, it can stili be enjoyabie if the new bride keeps the menu sim- ple, and plans ahead. She shoul d start by deciding on her entree and build the rest of the meal around it. Now, how w.ili it be served? Take stock of the dishes, glassware, silver and other equipment you have. In- stead of rushing out to buy a needed pot or pan, she should plan to make some things do double duty. Electric skillets, for in- stance, can 0f ten be used for baklng cakes as well as roasting meats and miaklng s te ws. One of the hand lest pieces or equipment any bride can have 15 General Eiectric's To)ast-R-Oven(r?.i) toa.ster, especially If she's cooking in a tiny apartment kitchen. It's a mini-oven, of course, but it can also top brown and toast automaticaily. For added comfort, it has easy-to-use controis and a large see-through window which lets one keep an eye on ail cooking operations. Best of ail, the Toast-R- Oven is compact and doesn't take up a lot of valuable counter space. Here's a recipe for com- Pany f are that not onlylets of bride' min i-k itchen and maxi menus - A> I,<osit t> the Iride's enk rt4anlng, tte(GE IToitt -0-O%'Cn ioatter is iiiiiii..i/C and tititilt i-f unttioru d ,it bakc%, top hr>i4n. PLACE SE'ITINGS When shopping for ster- ling, the tableware is usual- iy off ered as a numbered place setting. A six-pîece Snappby place setting includes a knife, fork, teaspoon, soup spoon, salad fork and but- ter spreader. idea Entertitining beeomes carefree wtiî i "Snappy Set," inew approach in coasters thiat snap on to the erystal guasses. Gone ig the lear of water rings on the bride's new table tops! Per- ecet as a shower girl, tîtese coasters corne in a v'ariety of colors. Froni the Good Life Collection of the David Douglas Company. of Slieboygan, W-j».. pamekagedl in a Iniailathue girl box wilmh renioiaabue label. %F A F"iflfIMPElIIAL 1 (10 oz.) package frozen putty shcels 1/ ('UpbInitler or margarine 1/1 rup > elopped green pepper 1/ tvaspooln >ait I iil<avenfle ('111) Inailk 2 (6 ozi.)C packa ges fr,zem vrai)ii e t lawe d a Bake patty sheils in Toast-R-Oven( i M)toaster der. Biend in flour, sait. pepper and cayenne. Remove froma heat and gradually stir in milk. Re- turn to heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantiy. Add crab meat, lemon juice and capers. Lower heat and continue cooking 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Spoon mixture into patty shelîs. Garnish with lemori slices and parsley. Yield: six servings. witbfood warmer bas din nertime maid) - *~ ~* ~ Iql-Àp tiw wý-I .ý-I el' e Steakhouse& Newlywed's entertaining blends elegant, informai It's .great atmosphere .great prices .great service Phon. for Reservations, 66b8-4377, * **** ** *** * r # t VU V z--- Niclc Angolopoulos- Proprietor >Whitby -. :< i.: , , rU 4 4 4 4 54 - i e Tavern . great food i. . 4., a