One Mighity st ranige tbings hap- penling ini our town',s imunr- icipal cii'cles these days. The Iatest poiser was Planning l)ir- ector Dr. M'ot'eed Michiael's retuiru to tuait post al'ter re- signling to take a siîulilar pOSl in Qi a'Ma. Total length of' absence was abot iwo days. He clainîed Iiis affection for Whiitby over-powered inaierial gains lic wuuld hiave received iin bis new posit ion. Moves o!, Ilîis type are uIsuazlly lonîg ini the îîîaking an d we cani't hielp but wvouîder why lie didn't iiiink of' ibis ea rler. Hilda Sleeman is one of our town's long-time mer- chants. Her ladies fiashions hiave adorîîed înany of our citizens over a great miany years. We had occasion to shoplier store recently and arrived at twvo very firin con- victions. Quiality and selec- tion are nlear tops buit so are her prices. My litîle so- jouiriî put a real dent ini mvy pocketbook bt i must admit the lady receiving the gift was more than pleased with it. 1)oli't vuii bel jeve i busc si ories yotn liar t lia tCoLlin- cil lor Jiimi Gar-tsliore is t lîrouigli as lîead of' tlle ('il- izen 's St udy Croup )because 111S te n ire uo 'lice is a1t ain end. This îniav be t rue buti thlere are ut lier uniiderlylis, -ea su ns. Il îi Ii.)sec ret il lai ut ber ime nîbe rs olt thlic Cru u are less t lia n encbian ted at ("uuîicillur C arl sliore's per- ti.riaice lu date ini cotin- cil deliheraîioîis. Tlîey 1 ind it a Uifle biard lu lak-e that lie bowcd ont as an uoppuniel lu ai recen t 1w Iaw pruvidi 1W iunfev te a id Illie lba Ii lis is)ircliase ot*hIe lowii hlIl. Sti re - il i iîav lia vc becin 100 laie lu stop ils lpassage bu t niembl)1' eted lie SbIOLIld bavc a t leaisi 51ood ut o be cuunlted il]upsiin Alier a1l,.lu )res'cuitllhe sale ut hIle îuwn liaI,1and [lie cunlSt lCion u1 1thCtleu waS une utftHie in iireasunis Cor Ille existenice ut)I'Ilegrouip wvliicdi lie bieids. Licence plate deadline nears TQRZONTO-More Ihan 1I. 300,000 Quitario iiitoiisls Stili have lu puirchase tue ir 19c73 liceu-ice plates, and tlîey have uuîly live weckdays lu do su bet'ore tlie Fehruary 28 deadiiîc, Ministry o!' Tran- sportation anid ('onîmiiuiîicat- ions ut'ficials warnied today. However, ail goverriniîent licensing uo'fices across the Province wiIl reuîîain open on Saîurday, February 24, frouu 8:30 tu 5:00 p.un. to assisi car owners whîu canuiot pur- chase their platles dUring thie we ek - Many otlher privately op- eraîed licece issuing offices iin sîîaller cenitres will also exteuîd their h1Ours lu cupe wîihl the last minute rush. The deadîjuie l'or driving wiîlî 1972 licceice plates is niidnigbt, Fcbruary 28. Aîîy inîturist convicted of' duiv- ing wilî expired plates is lia- bic for a minfinîum fine of1 $20 plus court costs. Aninual cost for ail 8-cyl- inder velîicle is $40; a 6- cylinder vebicle, $32; and $23 for a 4-cyliuîder vehii- CIO. < view Reaction is ,a-btiidisi' to Oslhawa mayor Jim Pott- icary's atteînpt to wield the big stick as to where reg- ional goverlunent lîeadquart- ers will be. 'Gentleman' iim wotild like to dictate that it should be ini the Motor City but we're inclined to believe this is parochial think- ing with anl utter disregard for the suggestions of other municipalities within the re- gion. Tlîank goodîîess Queen's Park saw fit to build ini the safeguard that the new reg- ional counlcil, after it is el- ected, will make the decis- ionî. Oshîawa will certainly have a big voice on that counlcil but it wilI need a greaf deal more than Pot- ticary's weiglit f0 swing the decisiou iin favor of Osh- a wa.- Nlill\' lice lu licar tuait Qi la\vajutaiis luo51)cud a f'ewý niillimn dollars to tix up thîe ()siiasvaii1lar-bur su Iibatil Cani a1cctruiiuiidatc sluips \vliic1î pîx' itle Seawvay. - MBroad- betit lias beeuî puttinîg the gear-s lu 'raispurî Miuisier jean îm ar-cliand tLo lîelp [Un ng îlîis about. But douit we baive suiîe pretyiv ga ndiose planis lu develop unr ovuî tuarbor'? Maybe Iid %vill be \vise Iu ackinosvtedge thiis l'1acî anîd se ' lie caii'î gel a 'e\sv slîeckles trîi thle Federa I Ilcsn oî aid Ibis very wýorlîwb\vlile cauise. Yeab. w\e knuw r lîev alrcadv spemiîa pi n aiîce lie c. \Vcîh inkiktlîey LOULld duouîuclî bei 1cr. L)oggonle it, Whitby Hot- el. 1 pr(>mised mivself to leave vou alone for awhile but circumnstanices juLst won 't per- mîit it. This week, we*re tak- iuîg dead amni ai the plumb- ing departmnent. The so-called rooîn for Kings ini the front end of Jirn's Stage Door roomn continues f0 smelt like a you- know-wia t - The reason? It 's simple. T[I e urinal wonît flush. And a steady custom- er like yours truly knows whereof lie speaks. Neyer. repeat ilever, have 1 observed the unit to fluslh automat- ically and it sure doesn't man'sý By Bill Williams Noticed Witby Chamber of Comnmerce ha s sclieduled a meeting where mayors Des Newman and Jimi Potticary will discuss regional govern- nment. But what does the Clîamber do'? Lîimits attendance to 60. But, considering the calibre of' the entertainment, maybe they're right. From $2188 COROLLA 1200 SE DAN *Front Disc Brakes *White Wall Tires » Rear Winidowv Defogger Four Speed Synichromesh Transmission And Manny Others BESTWAY MOTORS Dundas St. W. Whitby 668-4792 DECISION The Canadian Radîio-Televiîson Commission announices the follovving decîsmon effective January 4, 1973. Decision CRTC 73-1 OSHAWA, BOWMAN VILLE, WHITBV, ONT' - 7109150 Application by Pine Rige Cable TV Limited to amend its cable tetevision licence for Oshawva, Bowmanville and part of the Town of Whitby, Ont., to add the distribution of CKDS-FM Hamilton, Ont.. Channel 237, on 96.0 MHz and to distrîbute CHIN-FM Toronto, Ont. on 93.5 MHz instead of 95.0 MHz. Decision: APPROVED IN PART The part of the application to add CKDS-FM Hamilton, Ont. is deferred. Monique Coupai, 1* Canadian Radio>-Television Commission Conseil de la Radio-Télévision Canadienne J WII'VY RI;l>RE~SS, IIURJISDAY, FIiBRUARY 22, 1973, P>AGE, 3 SPECIAL flush rnanually. As a resuit flhe stencli gets pretty un- bearable a t timies. Sometijues even wafting out onto the floor of the dining roorn itself. We know plumbing re- pairs are expensive but, coîne on1 guys, give the customers a b)reak. Our town scemis to be niaking news wlherever we go these days. The la test inistaamcc was in thle main floor lounge of' Toron to's Brown Derby. Que of' the resideni nîusicianis -- A Cut- up -- hias a îîumber of*' nii- bic one liners directed ai Whiitby thiat lCor sonie st range recason gel big gtiïîtws. WC believe it will bc only a niatter ot' lie bet'ore our nieigibho us ini Osh awa a nd A- jax demand equaIýl t bue. I t'Il serve 'cin riiglît il' îbey get ED -iý j . &RM GI ,ALLEN weight reduction crusade HELP OUR MEMBERS LOSE 50 TONS 0F FAT FEBRUARY SPECIAL 14 VUSITS FOR 51400 LOSE 14 POUNDS AND 14 INCH ES IN 14 VISITS FOR $14.00 OR RECEIVE A RE- FUND0F THE DIFFERENCE NOT LOST. :Mill% NDERWEIGHT )V E R WE1GH+61mt[tbM 6 Months FREE if we fail CALL OW FR Y- ~-OURo ANDFIUE* N - 90,000 - 80,000 __WH ITBY MAI 70,0 00-__ 579-261' 60 000 ___OSHAWA CENTI 50,000- _ 579-205 40,00 _____ CANADA'S LARGEST CF WOMEN'S FIGURE SALi - 30,000- __ 2-0,000- - 10,000_ ne -n- 'Copyright Figurmagic Iniernalionai 1970 MON.-FRI. OPEN 9a.m. to 9 p.m. DAYS AY SATURDAV "-ae 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. SIDEWALK SALE On presentation of this ad receivo a SPECIAL REDUCED RATE on amy of our rogular *e.b.rships LL 7 'RE '2 ýHAIN 0F ,ONS 16 !VEEK !A - unuimurea Visits JR FREE ýLYSIS MUMÉ