Whitby Free Press, 22 Feb 1973, p. 2

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I>A(;l 2, TIIURSI)AY. ll:'BRUARY 22, 1973, WI'iTY [R :PRESS readers lOTFI E EI)IOR Mr. Normiani (afik's re- centi quai terly Pariaîielitary ReportI io itle colistitit eiit s oif Onitario Ridiiig surely de- Serves soiiîc ediiorial coiii- mentli. Ailihotugi Mr. ('fiksed- eral ridiiig is split down the îîiddîe ou thie pro's anid con's of' botlî federal airliori aiid proviiicial subuirbtai devehop- mîenît expropriationis aîîd ac- quisitionis, lie chose te ig- niore both i iii s 'report'. Every Canadiaii taxpayer will hiave Io coiîîribute Io pay for homies and lanîds ex- propriated for the airport, anîd every Oîîtario taxpayer- will have Io slîell ouitlor homes and lanîds acquired for the Northî Pickerinîg Devel- opinment. Mr. Cafik appears write u11iire Or uîîxilliîîg to dis- cuIss, eiher issue. I îstea d. lie t reaits h is con- stituelits as iîjtwits - ais ev- ideîîced by h is repiorts oui Local Initiiative (;raiits ap- proved t1o date. ('la reinonti District Lions Club is Io geL $18,5954 lfor xiiiter recreatjoli facîlities anid, accord iîg Io our aleit M r. 'a fik. will cre- aie 15 jolîs...i SI .263 eicli'? Pickerinîg Townishîip lias ne- ceived 528,'7,S2 fo r ilie coul- structinhicpitennliis court s. and Mr. ('afik says thîis will provide 26 jobs ... at SI J 06 ea cli? If iliese are exaiiples if ilie salaries tlîaî will be paid for jobs creaîed by the airpori and suburbaiî deveîopiîien t. otir fedleral îîîeîîber hiad bet- ter fiîid excuses f'or the ris- ing cost of livîiîg. His 're- Port, is a Iuxury We cannot ai tord ftie 4-votc nîajoîity tha t gave Mi. Ca fik such a cavalier attitude towards lus consi ituents and blis party's spendiîig. Aine Waîîstall, ('lareient. Si r, i aini ratdie r con celnie d re- gard ing a paragra pli i akeii f ronti t he )epa r nie niof' H - tîcatiion kevised 1 970 and mnucl itle sainie ii 1960 thla t teacliers are to teacli, to0i- cînde by precept anîd ex- amiple respect l'or religionî and tlle priiciples of' christ ian morality and tIlle Iîiglîesî re- gard for trulli, justice, loy- alty , love ol country , humit- ity, benlevoleiice, sobriety, ini- dusîry, tfrtîgality, purity. tein- perance and ail otlier vir- tues",' (beautifil inideed). A fu rtlier regulatioîi is duat students are to be expelled for profanity or inîproper language. How cati liis be nmaintained when students are called upon tIo read English Literature books filled with protanity and ilhe taking of God's naine iin vain? I have writ ten to tlle Flonl- Mr. WNells ask ing for an ini- terview Io talk ibis over. Mr. WNells lhas replied, lias not given nie anl appoiiitiien i and sta tes tiat 1lEiglisli Lit- erattîre books are plîced iin sclîools iiow by approval of' thte local truistees. My next cqtesti,)n would bc how maiiy trustees have chîecked on i lie se books fo(r*' pproval or disapprovaI. 'NitIili te grea t diversîy of' books aînd thîe large coun ty sy steliii would be impossible loi t rilsies evenl glaîice ihiroogli aIl the books. Is thleînaine o f'(;od a nd christiaiiity to be respecied Grapo Juice Cncentrates from the sunny vineyarde of Spain Franc* and ItaIy, Wini bases and Fruit Purees fromu the fields and.orchards of Ontario and British Columbial IEVERYTHINO for th. wine and beer makeri 84& A WINEMAKER Oshawa Centre (beside Ioblaws> Serving Ontario in 8 centres 723-2271 w' 'I ~ ~ I Okay, okay 1f el las! It's a sweet melody, but w'here's my littie birdie? Photographer Alex Kalnins took this amusing picture at his parent's place as some old friends droppedin and proudly presented their newly acquired budgie cage. And, the proberbial curiosity almost killed the cat, judging from the Kainins' photo. ill our country and sclîools? If SC),t lien Soîn1ethin1g 1niLst be donc. Mr. Wells states if there is eniîgl in teresi and op- position to certain books, mne at 72'5-1280. they can ble reinloved îhirongll the local t rustees. YOuL 1 Resideiîts of Wlîitby, whiai Rev. is your op)inionlea jýse îplumîe Whl i irs Truly. R.H. Jaines. by. Goodwin says Mayor openly flaunts procedural bylaws Wi-lriTY-[l)epulty Reeve Johin Goodwiii las accuscd May'or )es Ncviiîaîiiot' iii- tel l)trel g iowii procedlui-aI bylaws to siit lius (MIliecails a t tlicpar ticunlar (inîe. 'Flicaccuisatioîl, imade op- enlly du riîîg a i egular Coutin- cil session, coiideiîiîed ithe îîîayo 'r )ipiocced iîg w il h a îiecî ing atier 1 1 : -0,)on ilie iiîglîit ot* [ch: uary Sîih. ')iscu ssit l ni sale coi' a portioni of'the Iformer :îrelia julojeri \ iook place a i thle liieei îîg in (queisiti. anîd lie iîiat tel ofI'primil iierest lo th li ubLilic ot)t \Vliy. lIme liiaî ici- slîtmild have bccîî deuli witli iii a public iiîaiîier anid lit heinid ch scd doors a t înidiigli -'As a CO licil Iasi vea i %v e miade i1iai11Y iii istiakes." lie rebuked Newmiian, -and îiearhx' aIl iliese iiiistakes werc mîade aficri imidiiglit. ILlad il ino( beeî t'oi a lasi iiiiiitite-s\vi icli Oniii lik- ilio) ()It lie pairt sol eule or i WO .ct n lic il miiiibers. i lie îp operi \ wolnhd have beeiî sd iii ) î:ciple auJ ilie puîb- CAN 1DB SERVE YOU? O11 Nloidalv, Febrtiary 26 one of our representatives Mr. N.B. Mazycock will be at Ltucieil Motel In this district and throughout Canada many persons and firma in practicaily ail types of businesses including Agriculture e Tourist and Recreational Businesses a Construction e Professional Services e Transportation e Wholesale and Retail Trades, as weIl as Manufacturing have obtairted boans frorn the 1DB to acquire land, buildings, and mnachinery, to increase working capital, to start a new business, and for other purposes. If you consider that 1DB can be of service, you are invited to arrange an appointment with the 1DB representative by telephoning Witby - 668-6879 or in advance by writirig to ÀMINIJUSTR/AL DEVEWOPMENT RANK ,.' i lic told about il later. Thiis is wli y I urge thlat tIlie pres- il least . 1e allowevd iitio iliese mîeetinigs. lic said.' Navor Newiiîan îespoiided liv suy iig i lit Ille chair ruled Ille nmeet ing should coiiii ue beyonid I1:30 pmin. aind iliat Ille couicil cai iluleet I12 or I a.iii. m.r.3 a.1i. or - 5.i. iC Il so decides. ~~~iîexîIla iiîed ilia i aîIy iiieetiîig tht * ()lcticl uit- m)iiat ically adjournii1 I1 îm . Iîless a miotijonli 15put anîd carri ed by a liajoit y[ tb 1iocced. iButai 1Il : 3(. lic su id. Ille coimil I iiiusi îmii1îllitut a 1Jiîeî ()Ilij cii .lic elibo3tra ted. At i le Felrnary' i coiii- mîitice iiiectiiig. a situationi a rose wliereby hIe iiiayor ask- cd tb have a special iîîeeî- iîg at 1 :45 p.ii. The miotijoli wvas put anid carried tîy a iiiajori tyof' tllie couniil iieiii- bers, but thle imo tijolixa s ilot uinaîifinous. "TIhis lias bo abuse the priîiciple of' our procedural bylaw," lie said. "I suggesî thlat tlleie îayor chose h is owii iîîerpretatioîî of tlle by-' law 10 suit Ilis owîî re- qu irieîîîeîîîs, auJ 1 furtlier sug- gesi thai wlîeii *we deal afl'er- iiîidiglit wvit h itemls o f sucli iîîterests 1tlîte taxpayers ol' tlîis coiiiiiiuiiiy, tlat we do so witlh hJlalifiliotls support as set ouit by bylaw anid lot Jusi witli the support of' a iii aj oity." The procedural hîylaw ou file ai towii hall sets oui clearly thlai"ifîtheccotiiicil is still iii session i a1I1:30 p. iii. it slîall, adjourii uiiless oilierwise deterîîîiîîed by ouii-' ailillilous vote of, îîîeîîîbers l)Isc5lit . Thîe resolut jol i li iii- it iated discussion on ftie for- ier a relia site ai tlle closed coiiiiiiîitîc mîeetinîg larbiîîged a lîylaw passed tlle followiiîg Tniesday îîiglît whicli authior- ized tIie couiîcil to seil 2,250 square feet of flie nortlîcrîî portion at thîe site to the On tario Liquor Control Board for $3 per foot. The ciitire îîîatter is si ilI ini iegotiatioii witlî council await iîg the Liquor Control Board's dccisioiî on Ille $3 per foot price. fý1 'il wiu j .Pm £Eni Tu.edy' nd.TbUW&ds IVANIS 'If 'Yo want to look your besV"' Sc@ b i FR11 PIZZAý WITH THE PURCHASE 0F ONE LARGE PIZZA CORNER PIZZA OPEN 668-8807 WE DELIVER MON-SAT. 4-2 a.m. 6880 204 BROCK ST. S. e ï il Vvld*y 6414alm 4=1

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