Whitby Free Press, 22 Feb 1973, p. 10

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MOTORING with Mike Burgess l)espi le bnw 1Il'n suaiil i... d oi nd deîeî li/.ec ieegel s iii th oleW)nd c I i- spicr t, i t s rea ssnrinig t e knnow lia t seivie peoffle st il! have faiîhii i)yen. Que weekeîîd yen deni ish. a car, tht lie îet yen 'îe eti'ered anet ber car'. iR.alph Ro~binison, cair )wilCianid pîiec t ce-er- dinater h las fernuîiated tlie iirst pretessiuîîaliy ergail- ized slalomu teai. Thiis îeam e'l'e)rt is ained at tlhe 11)73 On tarin Regien Slalom ('iîaullîiship anîd thle Camadiaî Nia tional Cliailîpiensh ip. ANct ing as teaniml a- ager is Jim lHalliday. an engineer wiîb GM. wbe las beeni thc Ciefl Steward, On tario Sole Even ts Ceîîîmi- il tee l'or the last tîhree years. The founr drivers iii be: Rutlh Hal iday. On tarie Solo Evers Ladies Champion in '09, '70, '71I and ~?flIN$TAKE OUT INS SER VICE E96LISHI STYLE F1511 and CHIPS Halibut only TRY OUR FISH and CHIPS Vou'll like them KENTUCKY STYLE CHICKEN SNAK. PAK. 904 DINNER BOX $1.35 GIANT BARN $5.50 BROILED BURGERS Three coins in a Fountain. You couldn't wish for Better Barwood Malil, Ajax _ 942-2811 rîniîer-tpi)in '72; DonCi(letiient, On tario ciassClhain- pionI iin '71 aiîd rniiiîer-np iin '72-, Raipli Rebinsont an il Yenrs 1' nl y. '['lie techlnicai advisers aîe: l)ale Neil (wiîn las eve r teln yea rs raci iîg e xpe rieli ce îî ('allacLia an d 'tIlie U.S.A.): a nd Max Ei .a 1p n lIessieiil i cclicwWillii îlianly yea rs e xperi iuce ia in t ailiii coun petit ionilCars ini Canada. In i1)72 Max îîîainlaiîed tfel"e rîîila l car Ilitpiaced l'ennîb inîflic ('anadian ('Chaampion- siîip. Anîd last butnotîet leaist ks Ray W iiiiains, whe ,w iii be re spensi hie lnri. ic stt.*I lle iîe ch a nica werk . Raiy lias lîad extensive experielîce prepariîig seve ra ti)pcciii- petitimu ve b ici es iii SeontIh A[riCa belInre ccii ig tIe Canada ini i970. '[lie car t hat will le tised ks a Dat sun 1L51i0 seda n wb iclî bias lîad ever Iwo years et' develepiiieîit oni ils suspenisinanîd eiîgiiîe. Thîis saine car was tused by Ruthb Halliday ini I971i te ret ain lier clîaîîîpioniibp stat ns anîd lias beemi driveil i ceipe il inn hy Raiphi l'on the pist twe years. Preseî iîîcmdif'ica t ions iiîclude Kciî i adjtistable sbeck abserbers. (4), GT Aliîiiîunîiii wlîcees wîîlî Seiiperit i75SR 13 radial- piy lires. lowered anid sti i'ered sus- penlsionl eaturing sherter springs aîîd Addce Sway Bars. B.E. L. Treîîics Capaci tive I)iscbarge ignliltion sy stelî anîd taclîeîiîeter, fmli accessory ilist rnieil ion l)y Smîilth Indust ries, iîîedil*îed irar feiîdens l'or tire clearance hy liRE filait were cuslemin îst alIed by M arian îAu le. anid acust iii paîilt joli cdone fiyfiie sainll[i n. 'l'ie car is aI se equi pped wi tIi I nbnla r liead crs anid twxiii 1.;/4 Streiliberg carhiireters. Modificatins for fituucniîi îg season i îcl nde: a cenîpiete eîiginie rebuild : iîstaiig a h igb ccmpressin pistonls; rewerkiîg tIlie cyl iiider biead and inistalliiig langer valves, anîd drcppiig iii a si iglî t y lic I er caiii- suIft. The fronlt 1teiders xviii he replacedi witli I iglît - weigliîî fibreglass feîîders îlîat bave beeiî ieworkéd [tir iîîcneased tire clearanîce hy iirraiîa Pe leî aîce l amx for tlleLuse of*I13- l1w 7" wieels wit h 60-series nid ial- ply lires. Thiis seaseIl tlie car xvill i e enît ered iii ailIlleie eleveîî Ontario Regieiial Slalomîî Clîaiîîicîîoslîip )eveil s ail (Xîiaî~î an NationaI Silim eveil is. anîd liepe 'iiy. severi club slalomîîs includiîîg a proposed iîîîer-clnbi senies ( wich lI'iii siill! wrkiîîg ()il)witlbIlite Oshawa. Kingsteon, Peterborough anîd Orillia sport car club)s. 'llie t eanii i s pne senily maainîg I lie dec isicul eon îII tis rlols()-i prp sa Is thlara e n îîder n tvisi Liratiin bel [cre beginii ig aiiy new developilîiîemi t Ilie Car. le p noiposeLi itoddifIica tiins areneiecessa ny toe iia ke thle car cmet it ivetn ide tllie i ew nildes 1fori197.3 wlîicli place il ili Ilble )-Pre pane d c iass. Il' (lie prniposa i is accelliteLi wcrk wiil begimi ininiediaîely. Wiîliî no pei'sei praise inltenidLed, I1'ii1 SnureIlite ji nefessi LiiiSili Loft Ii is Ceffoirt aniIlie taleîiled iiieîibcrs iiîvolved. sbid îiakc tlîis a h igl y successîi teain. 'T'il îîex t vee k, I lappy Me t t> ig! ~Ii 579-1035 Oshawa in Regionai views nus )e.sunnoid New imin tiI* Wiîii [ix'and .lauuiles I>i cary oI Osiiîuxva xillii Ier tiîeir. respective Views onureg- ieiiai oge criiîîeîi î ai a diii- lier Ille eliiig olt tlle iib ('laiiben e(ofuCommerce,. Fehi- m-1ary -'S. 'lule eveiilig xviii e- gin xviii)a soialiî&înnaIîthe BroLikliii Lgionl l at a0:30 p.îî. Iclicxved by diniier ai 7 p.iî. Bar 'acilii ies xviii be availa hie. At temdamice is Iiiîîîiîed te 60 Lower your taxes Raise your savi ngs Your deposit at Victoria aînd Grey of up to $4,000 iin a Registered Retiremient Plan before March Ist wiii be deducted fromi your 1972 taxable incomne and xviii raise your retiremient incorne. Start retiring today - at Victoria and G rey. CTORIAan TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY 668-9324 L.D. Reid - Manager i., Are you a Planner ?IC.OHM Well we are N O W ! you can FLY to Britain, Glasgow, Amsterdam & Frankfurt by A.B. Charter WiII take you there daily. (Tats right daily) FLY Now for only $187.-0 and u p (Rememnber nowv there is NO club memberships required. So corne in and let DONALD TRAVE L do the planning for you. Donald Tra vel WHITBVý 668-8867 rrz 111, 1 lit 1 ý U 1*,Illçtlý%K Y 115 1 1, Discount 13 King St. West A (1- IAI *1*1 Il 'P Y 1- 1-1M 1 IAR Y 1 1 lt)7 1 1111111% Y VR 1- V PR VYS

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