Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1973, p. 6

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P>AGE~ 6, '1'IURSDAY, Il BRUARY 15, 1973, WIIITI3Y FRIEEPRIESS Question: How do y a lifeboat into a WHITBY --Hw tlu bru a 58- y'ear-old steel lifeboat iiîto a traiîing schuooiîei ii two years is a probleîîî tacing thîe Wlitby sea cadet anid Navy Lcague Cadet corps. The boat, anîd imîie lceet îîated Ioth le 28 t'cet lomng wide, wvas do- corps by Mc- Namiai'a Mýaritie Iwo weeks ago. Oiîgiiily il vas part cil' the equipnîient ol' a 1iîce Edw.ard Islaind î'Sri-y hal reiîo- vated by M4cNaiîîura last year as a dredginig power' statiîon. "'WC Plani 10 cCiivert it 1Io a vessel capable oil'accullio- du t img a dozen cadlets and eou Comîiiiissioner Eric Silk ai- nooinces thie ret ireiieit of, Clief Imspectur Robert George France, age 62, as licad u' the Liquor Laws En- f'orcemîenmt Brandci. Chief Inspectoir Franîce joinced the Force iii 11)37 anid served ut t le Wukertonl, Whiitby anîd Barrie detacli' iîîeîîtS prior lu lus transterîiii i954, as a Corporal. lu ilie old Liquor Con iroi Act lia vesi igat hon Brani whichi op- erated within the Crinuinal Investigationi Brandi. Rising through tthe raîiks, lie cont jnted iin iluat urca of operatioli and was subse- crest ('mi qoemtiy inade Director uft îe Ci lranicli wil t he raik ut' Cliie 1' Bride, a Iispector. thie Cr Married witlî 2 sons, George Brandi1 anid Janmes, Chi jet' lîîsîect or lias assui France vil I reside %vi ti i ls Liquor wile Margaret ut 10 Hope' Braiîch. convert schooner? w0tild like lu 1)111 a schlmcî rig oniiiii,' said Ail' l[ces, sea- mulai shlip imstiîuctol oi Itlic cadet Corps. Once coliverited, tIlle bol wîil aid in I lic sail îlg rograli cil Ille cadet corps aindcii a hie tlle ol'licers to take thte cadets Ml weck-lonig sailing t rips. -scc t , Sca îboî c ingl lInspector J .5. Mc- lSeitiolr iîîvest igattlin i rlulilmal I mvestîiili11 for tIlle pasi I10 years. mclid coiiiiail i(Ille Laivs lin orccîîient Conversational French ut 'Y' l'lie Whitiby Fainily YMICA is ol'teriiig a Frenîch Couver- saiionulI Class starting Febru- ary I 4th. Thîe course serves as an opporîumîity for adulîs lu be iîîîrodîîced to thte Freci language and îo bruslî op oni BIGGEST CLEARAN CE EVER Zenith Most Models Availablo 10%Solid State Chassis (flot SC1 'Usrld Philips Ail Caànadiaul Mode FALCON TV 426 Simcoe St. 701 Oshawa 2-01 Freinch learncd in scliool. .A I ilîuit ut' 20 people vvill be accepîed. 'llie class whll iineet once a \veek un Wediîes- day iiigit s l'or 2 liours, ut Hiemry St. -lîgli Sclîuul. u I Pla ns ai su cal I l'or co tering the boat ini the, amîiual schloonier races aIl>ort Crcdlt. A coliîilii ee Coîsist iîîg ut' Iliii Boil tcr, Sub Lt. Cy Me-liii, Alf LeCs, Lt. Clharles ( ICdlrey and Navy I eague (Cade t C( ps'oI»('iiiiamd iîg Of'- l"cer R~eg I Iewtoii lias bem lOrnied to supervise thie re- Cnlst ructionio(>tlie lifelîoat. ',We eed Carpeîîteî s, wel- de rs an d persoiis witi exlier- icilce in slîip î l illig", 'said M r. [ces, wlîcî enipliasii.ed Iliai Ilie job is hi lie doue by voltiiitucr abor. AIS() requo red s Wu)d Ifor itle conîstruction.iî, anîd niiuey ti pay l'or thie Joli. I duîî't k now whia i h wi Il cust . but iti wvil I lake t wC to tilrce ycars ici ILîuildI, 'said Mrl. [ces. Boa t Conversionîs are clone ol'te cinii Lglaiîd, lie sa id. buti seldoi iin Canada. lIelie ial t i 1W restiiig tenuiorarily aI Itle Wliitby Sa iliîîg School, bu t a pîlace is requ ired by thle cadet corps wlbere ihe actual reconistruc- tionl caîî bcecarried oui. Pleaser Support the Heart Fund Il 1 isimiportanit for CveryoriC to realize that the Heart Fond, conductcd lhere anid hroughiout Canada during February is somicthing more than "jusi another hecalth drive." The Hcart Fund is uîîiiquiely importanit. Essentially, it is a comnbinied appeal supporting Aie nationtwide fight againsi a great complex of diseases and disorders-heart att.ack, stroke, igh blood pressure anid hardcnting of' the arteries, rheumaztic fever and inborn hicarît defecis, to mcen- tljol only a fcw. I)iscascs of' the heart anid circulationt, \whichi your leart Fumîd dollars liîlp 10 tiglit, arc responsible l'or more thanii 77,000 deathis ini Canada cacli ycar. Thiat is more thian the cunbiincd total, resulting t'rum iA il oter discases and causes of' deaih. Ini faci these cardiovascular discases accotit 1 or ovCr 5l1.4 percent oft Aldeathis. Thiere is onily mic practicai way to fighî hleari diseuse, miy ly supporting yooir Ileari FouIndaition 's balanied progranîs of' rescarcli, education and iniforination. You cati do ibis by conitribuItinlg Heart Funid dollars. Truiy, the Hecart Fonid deserves a place at the vcry top of your "giving l'or lîcaltii" list. Mail your Cheque 10tu hc Caniadfian Heari i'ond. 310 Davenpori Road, Toronluo, or tu the Whitby Chapter, which lias receily miailed youi an appeal. *LMBN DISCOMNh ~ I FIXTURES & SUPPLIES I 701 Brockos. N. Whitby 20Xo DISCOUINT DIRECT TO YOU1 Houri: 9 arn. to 9 p.rn. Mon-Fni Sat. 9 *.m. to 5 p. FulrL' 5oesflAV Stan Hayes. driving a Polaris TX Star- tire. and with a 51 minute lead over the ciosest compelit ive brand snowmobile, won the shortened Winnipeg 10 St. Paul "500" on January 25. The last leg of this tour day event was cancelled because of extrqMpefog con- ditions and iackof snow cover. -----"'Fîe other Poiý__rv rcMpee thie dominating sweep of this years "Top 10" by winning 2nd, 3rd, 41h, 51h and 9th places! This impressive victory closely fol- lowed the Polaris win at Eagi e River, Wisconsinl, where Bob Eastman, driving a TX Starfire, captured the coveted World Championship crown. Thats two major wins for Polaris with- n one week ... against the world's best compelition.What better prool of Polaris Jquality, performance and reliability! FaI (0)iY$woii0 Iàbe <wOIK'.4m Ë a WOÀ HtrId 3 Ck2f07Àfl& m# 9f, . ÀgIfLe f iffl Ait7 1Yv1w, Dont miss this once-a-year chance to buy a famous, race- bred Polaris at rock bottom, clearance prices! Polaris continues to Wifl big ail across the country. That should be proof enough that Polaris offers a top performance value at any price. But the big news s that right now, you can buy a race'bred Polaris at the lowest price of the season. Gel down to your Polaris dealer soon and take advantage of his specil Avalanche of Values low. clear- ance sale prices! Buya0 IMtin7À Or ? fa,,SVO dufrlng79U&0 0 dAM MO/ 4 osOFVALUES CLEARANCE SALE C harles Bell Sales & Servioe Trounton Rd.W. '-6- i73 668m6601 From cOROLLA o. Front D.sc Brkwc o Wnww Mil Tirm 0 Rm rWiendow 0.bour o Faiow ld SyndhoonmWh Treneuwu.on 0ÎOW aUdM.w Oehmr USYWare DxuNm ST. W. 6684.792 Enjoy a prepaid vacation FIy acae C p)1 pald vacaiitiiton ad save m llC too! Each pay day put i portion out your Vacation îIionley ili l a V and G speciai savings accoutît thai wiIl puy yuu f Iive per centi inîcrest. Draw ibis fond out i aivacation time iîîc lc geiîeroos lute lest your- iîomîey il i have cai 'ed lui yOti is yOibonus Ifor thinkiî'ig alicad. Si ail I 01 prepa id vacation t uiîd tlu day.i atViciui ianid Grey. GREY RUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W. VVHI TBY 668-9324 Former Whitby OPP officer retires Evennp '«- TWeSdaY a«WThumdmy %tif you want to lookc your bestul (4E w4»24 41X4321 THÎIRD id MnsayesPOLARIS -81:3:4 F-OURTIt Jim Satranski POLARIS 8:.48:19 FIFTH Oorothy Mercer POLARIS 8:49:04 SIXTH Id Mansueto ARCTIC 9:03:08 SEVENTH Larry Colton ARCTIC 9127:21 EIGHTH Wayne Konickson ARCTIC 9:36:48 NINTH Bill Riopelle POLARIS 9:52:34 TEPJTH Bonn Eide ARCTIC 9:53:ý48 mý m m

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