Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1973, p. 10

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I>AGI:' 10,'IIUtlSI)AY, l,'LBRUARY 15, l9Yi3, WUI'TBY FUE PRESS W axers Pfay-off hopes for1 the Brookiin-Whitby Canadian Tire Juniior M.B" Tiremien ii d-, cd somciwhiat last Thursday when they buwcd to the Markhiaî Waxers 5-4 iin a hard-it ting gaine played ait Brookl in Arena. Markham led 2-I at the end of the first period on goals by Bill Lukewich and Marty Prentice. Douig4Vood scored the only Tireien goal of the opening period as lie took a pass froîn Tom Mc- Leish and Randy Dickson. All three goals in the first twenty minutes of play were power play goals. Markliam outshot Whitby 1 9-9 while building the 2-1 lead. The second period turned out tu be quite roughi, as Kent MacCari and Les Spang- er of the Tiremen squared off with Bill Lukewichi and Paul Crowley of Markham. Both MacCarl and Lukewich picked up fîghting majors at defeat Tir.em en 5-m4 2:22 of' the 1eriod, while Spanger and Crowley waited uiil 3:2-6 Lu start t lic ir fist- ic display. Markhiai ended the iniid- dle framne withi a 3-2 lead, as Bernie ('assidy founid the mark at 4:21I. Brian Millar brought thic Witby club Lu within one goal as hie scored at 13:26. Shiots wcre even in the second period ai 17 cach.. The clubs scured two goals eachi inthli ial period, Bob Keeler and Dave Norris scored for ilhe Waxcrs while Johin Sedglcy and D)on Nicholson replicd l'or the Tiriei. Markhian ou tshiot Wh itby 52-41 inIi te gaine and alsu licld thec cdge in penalties takinigi12 of' 21 iiiiiîors han- ded ont by the very lenient officiais. Next gaine l'or t(lire i- imen is Thtîrsday, Februariily 15 Mhen t hcy lhost the ()shawa Legionaires at the Br-ookiin Areia Lat 7:45. Thîe Tirînen f'inishi the recgular scaison schcedule at hiome aga inst thie St. Michiaeis BLIZZers 01nSunI- day, Eebrrîary18 lat 6 1p.11. NOTE: Due tu the Braînalea Bilues def'eating Markhiam and Pickering during weekcnd act- ion, t he Tireien are now el- iîiniated. Midgets eliminate Lindsay ini 2 Thie Brooklini-Whiitby Con- solidated Building Corp. Mid- gels opened îlîeir best of' three O.M.H.A. playoff round agaiî1st Lindsay' aL the Brook- lin Arena on1 Saturday, re- cording a 6-I win. Althioughi the Lindsay teaLli opened the scoring at 3:20 of the first pcriod, the Brooklini-Wliitby boys were nuL Lu be deîîicd as tliey camne back witlî 6 uniaîswcred goals duirinig theîc rnîiiing 56 inuLtes. Carlo Caaizula led the Consolidated Build- ing Corp. teain witli two goals, while teamniiiates Tcrry Hlarper. Ken Clarke, Garth Bushi and Mike Rowley added singles. The second gaine of thec series wLîs played ini Linîdsay Sun day nigh t. Tomi Conne liv sLipplicd the 'sliut-out goal- tending recquîred Lu posi a 7-0 "wini and wrap rip tîteir series twxvugainîes lu o oe. ELEOTROHOME .a.an extra degree of excellence. ELDORADO 26" SOLID STATE COLOR TELEVISION 2 YEARS PARTS & SERVICE WARRANTY Full console styling in Spanish form, wiîh rich lattice grille so characteristic of this design. Other style accents include; carved corner posts, heavy base and massive header. Specitications Chassis: An alil new design by Electrohome retaining our reputation for quality and reliability. Chassis circuitry is completely "solid state" in design. Both printed and handwired circuits have been used to ensure reliability and performance. VHF and UHF tuner cicuitry for long reliable life. VHF Tuner utilizes niboriumn metal con- tacts for added reliability. Electrocolor: Electrohome's Automatic Color Control, Set color preference once, and this circuit will remember your choice from program and channel to channel. Electronic Controls: Electroick*, Electrotint* and Electrocolor* permit the simplest colo r TV operation possible. Ail that is necessary for good color, is; *Turn set on, *Select Program (UHE or VHF) *Adjust Volume. Picture: Super Rectangular, Black Matrix picture tube. 3:4 aspect ratio (samne as that of a movie screen) assures that none of the picture is cut-off. F!piu~a "'We service what we seli ourselves" 1 723-3043 918 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA j j j, I I I~ 'I 1 *I i o.îL §âPîlisI . . . . L)ave Sorichetti and Jinm Bran- ton set the tiace with îIwo goals eachi, while Garth Bush, Ken Clarke and ('arlo Çamn- 1zzola notclied single nmark- ers. Thie Brookliin-Wlhitlbyinîid- gels are flow wxaiting k(I. Itle Minniers ufthtle Ajax-Cobourg sel ies. Mitchell Lumber record win & Ioss 'Filic 31ooklîni-Xlutiby Mi(- chell Lu inher pee-weesplayed lxvo exlhiit ion-pilles ovei thle past xeckeid. wininig unie d itî sini, Ot ie. 'llie fir-st -allie \vas a3- shiutout over Port Perîy. Keithi Wilson, Eddie I Icyden anîd Gilbert Nicuiîtdyk scored singles (Or the xiii. The second gie mc or Ilie Luîîîberiln x vas ia 6-1I loss ito Ilic Oshaxva LittLle N.. L. Golden Seals. Wavine Nid- dictoni scorecd tIllc lonc goal tOr tlîle3Brok1 i i Wl11 i t 1 tediiii. Certificates of Recognition were awarded to Whitby's athletic champions last week at ceremnonies at Heydenshore Pavilion. Two of the local ranking athletes honored are depicted here. They are Debbie Taylor, lst round winner, Provincial Gymnastic Cham- pionship and Derek McCammond, Ontario Junior Snowmobile Cham- pion.- Photo by Alex Kainins Blades lose Thie BokI tMi ity c- Co rmaîck BlI des iimajo)r bani- tains openled t lîcir hesi t ( Liiice layoff series agailist Lin dsav un S a.Fb i 0 ( iI Biookiîi. anîd cameuicmit ton flie short end out ait 8-4 scor e. Gienî Jolinsioîî scored txvice 'or ftie losers. wvileu Robiin Barimes and lue Mclîîîyiîe added sinigles. T'le scon)Id gaille of' this scites xvas played iii Lindsay tule 1lu i lu viiîg îîigli t anîîd thte l3rokiiî-Wiît by teaiti clIai- ked rip a 0-.3 win. Scoriiîg for, 1 f Y- ý of BRAND NEW 72 AND 13 COLTS only two 12's COLTS Iefts A BIG SPECIAL FROM WHITBY DODGE FSC opener the McCorniack Madles iin Lhi iiîîipolrtiL le xvas lhani- died by RobinîBarîîcs xvitii txvu. Richîard Pigea n. lue Mc- IriLyre. Trodd (Xîscy anid Jef Bauli i x'li one cucai. 'l'ie tird anîd decid ing paille out tliîs best of* Ilirce series xviii be played alI Lhe Brooki ii Areiia on Monday, Februars' 19- Gaiîelime is 7:3-)'0 pi. 11 Big Mac' s trailing in playoffs file 13îtîtki iii-\Vi itlhv MIac- )oiîaids 13ihNac's trail the Aj a x itiiiior hait t aîîîs txo palles tu imiîe i tteir hest of» seveit play off series. Tie Bi- NMac's lost 4-i iii t(liet)pe îî înggli uc xi tii M'arty (Gallas nlotcliiîg the Ioue goal. The Seconîd gaine xvas a 4-3 affcaîr iii lIxour of ,Ajax. L)ave Stocks led t uc losers xviltii twL) gua s. xvl ucMa rty Galias added t lie siîîgie. Thic t uird s'anie xviii be piayc d iii Ajax. Thu rsdav. 19 ZrlLuu.y i 11and t l outit Oaiîîe xx'Ilihe aluthile Brooklii Areii mi aonouday. Fehl-ru a ry i1 a at() p.111 STeanii lceader an d CLîpt aiii Lioyd ('unior is expccted bLîck in thle Big NI C i1c I îet l'or the reînaiing 'oLines, and a lot of' thîitgs could change withi his returti oni Tlîrrs- day cveing. - Forbes nets 'hat trick' The Br-ooklini-Wh it by (Con- solidaited Build ing Corp. inid- gets defleiithîle Port Pcrry idglets 8-13 ini un exhibitioin gainue recet ly. I iLrry Forbes led the Brîildcrs at tack witli thre-e goails, wiiile Cai-Io Cait- aizzola anîd Daive Parishl scor- cd t wu goals eachl. Keni Clarýke CANADIAN TIRE SPONSORS ïO.H.A. METRO JUNIOR 1399 OSHAWA LEGIONAIRES at VVHITBY CTC TIREMEN 'Brooklin Community Arena THURS Feb. 15th. 7:45 P.M. Model No. Cl12-309 $799 95

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