Whitby Free Press, 8 Feb 1973, p. 8

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PAGE 8, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1973, WHIT13Y FREE PRESS Homeowners buying maore compact electrical a'ppliances Because of today"s trend to snallcr lïîmilics and ti) in- creascd apartmient living, Cati- adian homieowiîers arc de- nîaîiding, and buy ing, large nu mllbers o 1 coîiipac t re Irige r- amors. d ryers, iii ic rowa,ýve ov- ens. au toitiat ic and cotîveit- t ioial asliers. Six year s ao. comipact sales wcre oily 40,000. Ilii 11)7 i , sales soared to a record I80,00() nuits. Thie end is tiot in sîgit- by -1I976, sales of 400,000 n nits are forecasi. Canadiatisliave been busily buying appliatices for ftic past txventy years or so. Silice l 951 i hey lhave bouglit miore than 29 tmillionî appliances and, today, virtually AIlhomies iin Canada arce ecuipped wvitli at least orie refriglera tor and mne range. Figures from neicCanad l Appliances Nlanuf'ac turers As- sociation shîow i ta o Eighity per cent of Cana- dia n lousehlods hiave a washier. o 'Fli saturation level of' autoniat ic dryers aîd freci-- ers iii Canada is niow ai tflie sainle level as iin t hç Untied Stiate s. o Wile miore t liati i0Opet ceiit oft (anta dia îî houtse- liolds hiave a disliwaslier. anotiier 6.0 pet cent aie equ tipped wl ti ait couli- t ion iîg equ ipiietit. Appliatice niauufaciurers cite thle no-f rosi refriigera toi. self-cleaniîig range anîd miore specialized lauiîdr ecqiiticii as exaîîples of' pioductinii- itova tion tht lihave fui fil led COtîSumiier needs aid kepi ('an- adians buy.ùig appl lances. Ilii 1971,- for exaniple . 2 miil- lion apphiances were sold. Of' these, .1 Imillioni were re- placement purcliases. Flic no-I rost re trigera toi ci im ina tes thew nccd for iniit- ai defrost ing. Frost no longer buildstup on citlier [lie f reezer or tresli food conpa rtnme nt o f the uit it and. by i1970, inu- tactumers expeci tha t o-Irost reli igera tors Witt accon nt lfor 7(0 per cent of ail sales. Atiîliatîcoveil cieaIning is relat iveiv uew in (Canada. 'l'lie seif*-cieiî' systemn was introduced in i1965 arnd, fou r years lter, the 'coiît inuois- cieaning' systeun camne along. l-eesthe dîeiicce be- tween the two systeiiis: ili ia self-dceani' ovenl, food sout is red uced t o a I igli t aslî du ring a separate higli-heat cycle; ini cot îniuotis-cieaning'. special- y-t rea ted su ri'faces Ini thFe ini- terior oi'f Oie oven disper-se soit dturiiig thle normal baking or roast ilîî o perat ions. witlîiiî tlîre years, 45 per cent of ail ranges sold wvill f ea turc one of' the autoîuaic ove n caning f ea turcs. Witli thelie iany new f*abrics aval ia ble t o cousuimers t oday, a iid thle need t o va ry thNe asli agit a tion aîid spin speeds. mnulIt -speed au toiia tic wa siiers are f'iîd îng iiîcreaised favoi wvitl hlioiiciakers. .Niutoiiiat ic cNclc dryci s. t(oo.take itue eussoik ou i of d ry 1ig cd1ot li es. thiaîîks t o a coin- binat ioit of seîîsîm.oan d pie- ~.alibaic~Itîiîiii~ dcIce liti îîd icaîte svlieît clo ilies arc coini- pletely' dry'. Oîte of ('aniada \ iiew~est trade associaitis is thle Pot - tahle Apitc in atiie Associationi (IPAi,\>A. ()ver 00) kiîîds of potrtable appliaunces do cverv tliigtioti opent catisai the flîck tM a swicli 10 cLîrl \ oui Itati . .[ley do it e fi 701lessl\ and elfi clil t l. -llite :sscît iot i n aIII IIt îs t o carry ouit resca reli de- velopiiert and mani fact ure ol, appi iaiices thlt provide op- t iîîuîî performance and incct thle f)rodutc t sa fe ty st anîd ard s set ou t by t lie ('anad ianîStiain- dards Associaition (('SA). I n recentit iontilis, il Fias esta- blislied iîîdust ry guidel ies on sucli miiîters as advert ising etîties, warranies, and service. TIwetity-two portable ap- pi iantce n i lctnrhr ave a pproved a fOrtîtat guidelice thla t is desigîîed tw improve the cuistonîicr-'s uiîdcrstaiidiîig ol a warratîty agreeent. Warrant es are now to be as bîlef and simple as possible; t11 i n tuf e soblIig lti.l along witli the du ration ()f the warraiity, 10 hc clearly dc- f'inîd ; anud t lie finti pritîî CI ini iîîatecd. 'lice last several ycars hiave seen a draiiiat ic iîîcrcasc iii thie nuiiiber of*thmajor appl i- atîces sold ini Caniada at tri- buted largely to the great vaIlue coniiîrs arc e itting f'or thliir iiîoiiy . As ati ex- ample, in price itndex terms wliere I1961I = I100, price rela- tives in laîcst I1972 figures for' refrigerators and ranges were 90.6 and 93.1i respectivcly. Westinghouse Automatic 30" MÃ"del KF230 Automatic cooking convenience at a modest price, plus many extras. Infinite range of heat control from fash high to gentle simmer. One-pieoe oven liner and "Bubble" rack glides won't trap grime. Lower oven elernent lifts for cleaning. Lift-off oven door; 7 rack positions. "Golden touch" dual elemnent oven heating maintains even temperature. Lifetime silicone oven door seal; window. Oven and surface element signalites. Sto rage drawer; broiler pan included. Levelling legs. Cornes in White only. l r.'L 'i liii 1i b' - .@~-I~- - i.-.-- I ~ -i WASER$279 DRYER $179 Heavy Duty Two Speed Laundromat Model LA360 Turbo Vane agitator with built-in lint filter, works with ex- clusive "Double Wash" tub agitation. Four water temperature combinations. "Lock 'n Spin" safety feature locks lid during spin cycle. Heavy duty drive and suspension to cope with big unbalanced loads, and assure long service. White only. Westinghouse Heavy Duty Economny Drying DE330 Regular or Air Fluif selections. Thorough Cross-Vane turnbling and Balanced Air Flow drying. Heavy duty construction. White. Not illustrated: styling sarne as DE380. TIOBIGI:r Tetnhos ONLV ~ $229 Westinghouse Jet Swirl Washing Action 2-levels of powerful washing jets ensure 100% coverage of ONLY both racks. It's so thorough you don't have to pre-rinse. Every dish is washed twice, rinsed three times (on Mixed Load cycle). Superior f ilter system removes every scrap ot o wtr inm ain wash an fiealrn Beez 4 e-troug cn-$ 25 ho e s in mrom wash tran inatizerrnees 145 degre 59n vection drying seeks out every last bead of moisture, s0 China and glass corne out sparkling. Westinghouse Deluxe Frost Free 15 Model RT154 3.5 cubic foot 1 24-1b. freezer in which f rost will neyer forrn,$3 packages neyer stick together, ice cube trays neyer jam. Extra cold 7-day méat keeper itores 171/2 lbs. f resh meat. Butter con- 3 7 ditioner can be set for hard, medium, soft. Cheese compartment; removable container for 22 eggs. Vegetable crisper in tough, easy-care Lustran. Three fuII-width shelves adjust to over 20 positions. Fits flush to wall, projects only 27" and can be buit in. lmproved compact forced air coolîng system. Pulls out on adjustable AM rollers for cleaning floor. Deluxe 1/2-length woodgrain handies anai door trim. Colors (ext./int.>: Avocado/Avocadlo; Goldtone/Goldtone: HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA) LTD. 90 Simcoo st. S. 725-5332 lkà.ý F7:j

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