PAGE 12. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8,1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS MO TORING wlth Mi1ko 9»9«,s Halda Speedpilots, Curta Calculators and Fleuer Master Tiîne pieces mean littie to many. But to others thesc terms are household words. To those few who set thecir Lîime pieces by listening to the Canadian Observatory (CHUI) beeps and send their watches in for repair if' they are out even seconds; and to the sanie people who cry bloud il' their Halda odonieters are out one-hundredth of a mile, these household words are life itself. These words are as familiar as tea and coffee to the professional rallyist. And this weekend, February 9th tu 1l th, the largest annual gathering in Canada of professional national and international champions will take place. The occasion is the 2lst Annual Canadian International Winter Rally, the oldest international car ralty in North Amnerica. This rally is designed as the ultimate winter driving challenge for drivers, navigators, cars and automotive equipment, and regularly attracts competitors from across Canada, the United States and overseas. Competitors in this year's event include names like: Andrew Cowan, (professional works driver who resides in Scotland), who will be flying ini to drive a Fiat 128; John Belle fleur-possibly one of the best Canadian navigators- wîll be riding with Andy; the Canadian National Rally Champs Walter Boyce and Doug Woods in their factory sponsored Toyota Corolla; Jean Henderson and Ken Pogue, the winners of the 1972 Pre ss-on- Regard le ss in a four wheel drive Amnerican Motors Jeep Wagoneer; and of course Jean- Paul Perusse and Lee Bartholemew, winners of the last two Canadian Winter Rallies and strong contenders for the national Rally Championship. And these are jusi a few of the many competitors who will be gathering at Centcnnial College (930 Wa,.rdcn Ave., Sca rboruugh) Lomnorrow, Frîiday, February 9th at 7 pa..l'or thc start ut' the eleven-hundred mile event. The sniallest number utý of entrants ever iii this rally was 73 and the higlîest wvas an iiii,,zinig une h und red .and fi*fty-five. Su rcst assu red the comlpe fition is stf uV aînd pie t iful ! As a Inatter of' faci, lec Richardsoin and i were en tered neariy a mion tii go anid the hest ssf art ing position we couId geL was No. 47. Ano(her *interesf ing t'act is that nu une inuke of car lias uutshune flie others in the hiisf ory uf* this rally. Thc top winners areC ('rvuir, Di)ufstn, Fiat, Renaul t, and Saab, ail ied with t wo wis ach. No doubt we wiIl sec the tic broken this year. But aside t'rom the statistics, and the glamnour and glory of glittcring truphics, few peuple realize the labour and sheer mianpowcr that goes into the preparation uf a good rully car. 1 know a couple of mechanics, Tom and Terry, whose wives must find iL hard Lu believe that they are working on a certain 'gree n monster' until 3 a.m. every morning! But it actually happens, and nuL just occasionally. Take for example a certain MGB-GT that Pete and 1 arc running ini this rally. Preparation has included: rebuilding the shocks with competition kits; installing heavier springs; competition sway-bars front and back; a full length /4" thick skid pan; four Marchai Quartz-lodine lights-7" and 53/4"; Lucas headlight conversions; a quartz-iodine back-up liglht; extra wiring harness; three interior nîap reading lights; a fire extinguisher; two front wheel drive units hooked up to 2 Halda Speed Pilots, and 1 could go on and on talking about the Michelin Radial-Ply ires etc. And l'11 bet that Chuck (the owner of the BP station where we work on the car) is probably going to wish we geL lost in northern Quebec and neyer mess up his station again! But in ail seriousness we are most thankful to the people who have helped us put toge ther a professional rally Leam, anid a professional bunch of mechanics who will be working froni their ruck as a service crew for us. From the partial list preceding, 1 think that you begin Lo geL an idea of the outlay necessary for an operation like this. Even something like lubricants, which isn't usually given much thought can, believe it or, not, run over a hun- dred dollars, cspecially if you have Lu rebuild everything. A tip of the old Burgess crash helmet goes Lu George Rankin and Roger Pye of Pye and Grant Oil (Whitby) for helping us with sorne of that 'Pennsylvania Gold' Kendall GT-l Racing Oul, not to mention the snowmobile grease (iL gets pretty cold where we're going). In any case, 1 hope next week (God willing that we return) l'Il have some interesting stories for you about the '73 Canadian Winter RalIy. 'TiI then, Happy Motoring! Lasco wins two The Brooklin-Whitby Las- co Steel major pee-wees re- corded two wins recently as they defeated Oshawa S.S. Pools 8-5 and Port Perry 6- 1. The first win for the Steelers camne about as Doug Zinkiewich and Paul Brown scored two goals each. Single markers were added by Danny Maguire, Dale Sawyer, Scott Ravary and John Waddell. Dale Sawyer led the Steel- ers Lu the 6-1 win over Port Perry as he fired Lhree goals. Singles were picked up by Danny Maguire, Peter Foran and Greg Tushingham. The Steelers ended the regular season with 19 wins, 2 ies and 4 lusses in 25 pînes to take first place. 4beniles lose &st game The Brooklin Concrete Ju- venfles entered the first round of O.M.H.A. Juvenîle play- offs against the Ajax Juveniles on Tues. Jan. 30 with the first game in the Ajax Arena. The Brooklin-Whitby team won that game 5-3, but Iost the second game 5-4 in uver- tirne in the Brooklin Arena on the following Saturday. The third and deciding game in this best of three series was played in Brooklin on - Monday. The irst period ended with Ajax leading 1I-0oun a goal by Garry Tapp. Lou GrenierLtied the game at 1-1 at the 2:25 mark of the second period as he shot an easy une towards the net. The goaltender mis- judged the shot, and the score was ied. The second period ended I-1. Joe Marteil scored at 2:35 of the final pcriod Lu give Ajax the lead once again. The cementmen tried evcry- thing, but could flot geL the equalizer. The officiais called only four minor penalties tfrroughout the entire game, which was rather chippy right froîn the opening face-off. The 72/73 season is offi- cially uver now as far as the Bruoklin Concrete Juveniles are cuncerned. The club will probahly go Lu a few tourna- ments did play a few exhibi- tion gaines before hanging up their equipînent for the sum- mer months.