'p WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBARUARY 1, 1973, PAGE 13 By Elizabeth Tyler THE MYNAFI BIRD (Tie Greater Indian Hill Mynati) The Mytnah, a port anîd intlligent tiuimber of thie stafing faîniiy, is nc reasing apid ly ini poputariîy iluthue Atuenicas. Wtuiîn compancd tb uther feaîlucred ixets, the Nlynatu bas mnuy diffecrent ciuaactcristics. Hc is omunivorouîs anud cals bernies and fril as weil as insecîs. lie dos îot cal seeds utf any kind becaîtse lis softîbill is utîable 10 crack thie shielîs. And, excepî 01n ver\' rare' occasions,thue Myrnab bas luol becîu successtutty bned iin capl lvi ty. CapI ured by natives lu thue jîug-le h ighiids of' niîula anud Iranu. the voutng tledgiiiigs are land-fed by Iluese natives ttîtil approxiiuatety two mon tbs oid whtuîhey arc exporîed lu coutitries tlînougtîott he wurld. Ownership of' a Mynah on- tails lit tic carc and is quite incxpensivc to keep. To ensure plenty of cxercise his chromnium-plated cage should bc at toast 2 feet in length, 2 feet iliehighit and t ½ foot in width. The cage, feeder, water hoider and perches shoutd be washed once a wcek and the bot- tom i ticd with dlean sand, litter or cornr-nerciaily pro- pared imateriai. Your Mynahi loves to splash in water, and shouid bo given the opportunity to bath on a weekiy basis. Even with bis wcekty battis and daiiy )reeniing of' bis f*eathiers, hoe aiso will undergo the motting period. This miolting stage can occur anytimie during the year, 50 il' hie appears listless, his feathers tose thoir sticen and lic plucks or scratches at themn, don't worry. It is a good idea to supplemen t h is diet with vi tamins, found ili most pet 51101), t10 help ii through this i)eriod. Food shoutd be aivaitable 'in lus cage tbroughout the day-ho loves, to nibble. As mentioned carlier the Mynah shoutd liot bc given seeds of' any kind. Hlis diet should con- sist of' various types of f'ruit and bernies, cut in sismall pieces and specially propared mynaii peliots. A friendty, hutnuourous, littho bird, both you and youn frionds wiii love his coi-nie antics and wheîu traiîîcd how to taik, wiil bc an ideai compalîlon for young and oid. Tho Mynah lias the ability to irnitale any sound hoelîcars- fromn the ringing of the tetephone or door boit 10 trai whistlos, bis ownor's voice and laugh or snoezo or cough. Quito often you'Ii answcr the door to no avail or pick up the telophone and it didn't even ring. From a young sooty tooking fledgling, your aduit Mynatu wiil have a handsomc, jet black plumage, highiighted by a gneenish mietallie sheen, intcrspersed with white spots on the wings. His legs and bill arc bnighit yeiiow and lie has facial wattics around the nape of his ncck. Properiy cared fo r, this hcaiîhy littie bird will in ait probability be a miember of your fiamiiy for many years-he couid live up 10 thirty yoars of age. For those who shy away from pets because of the potentiatlîhighi cost of veterinanians' services shottd bo awarc of a new schierne being introduced lu Ontario. Peticare Heatth Services witt bo introduccd this irnonth in the Toronto arca. Only dogs and cats wil hoc coverod by the plan whictu witt cost $Si4 for six înonths or $27.50 a year. Insurance is nuîuning the plan with the approvai of the Ontario Vcîcrinary Association. It wilI cover buis up lu $300 inctuding five days iin hospilal, with a $25 deductible l'ce. - Copyright 1973 - The Brucoklîi-WvVbiî by Junu- ior "B" Tirenuen dropped îwo gaies to the Oshawa Legioru- aires oven the week-enid. anud as a resuit . the play-of' 'pic- turc ducs îlot look good as fan as the local Jr. *'B" leaii is concerried . Wl t lu un y fou r gaies iefî. the Tireîuieîi arc four points out ot the finai piay-otff spot tuat is curreiu îly liuod by the Branuaie. Bitues. The Tireinen have oaiiues left aigaiîust: Oshuaw'a Lêegioni- ailes, Mat'klîaîiWaxcrs. Belle- ville Bobcats aînd St. Michacis Buzzers. If' the Tireiei could win th rcofu tlîci r rena ini iî'Ou r gaines. and the Brainialca Blues were te lose tliiree of, thleïir re- inaiiii iii t'oi-. thle T iriei t cou Id iuake tuie piay-otlfs. Blades split in weekend action N1( oruîack Blades pla\'Od1 two ,aiiies iblis weekl oi tO Sîeul't'vil le Ba ttis 4--' atud de'etiue Oshuawa (Canaidi:tu Corp-Is Nijort Bantailas I1(-O. Wade Roberts anud Gleni Johni- stutu were thescir ti Wli11bv Mn the Steuiville gainue.-Against ('anajdian orp doubles were scot cd bY Brian Ward. Wade Roberts. Gîcnu Jobtuston, anud Joe NMelttyre. Singlcs by Todd Cascy and Robîin Bariies. Barry M itier liad îluree assists. PARENTS - Your Son or Daughter can EARN SETTER SCHOOL GRADES through POWEREADING a new readi ng course fromn Programs For Achievement in Readinig Incorporated now being offered exciusively at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Classes wiii be hetd on Mondays and Wednes- days f ro m 4: 00 p. m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Saturdays f rom 10:30 to il1:30 a.m. Typing classes aiso aval lable on Saturdays;* Better Concentration; increased reading rate; better retention; new 'Flue 1 rsî loss tb hue Osliawa Legionaines vas inlte Brook- lini Aretua last Tiuursday. 'l'lue Legiuiuaincs camue out oMt top 4--3 svhile outsiuoliîg the Tircnîeîî 41 -29. Tule Oshuawa club also took thle lead ln iiuiiuor peîual tics, as t iho 1icked uip 6 comupared teo iuiy .3 t'on Witby. Doni Nichuolsonl. Jolinu Sedg- ley and Doutg Wood scuned t Or th lu enîit lunthle loss. The secoind loss t thue Legiuiiaires was jut 24 lueurs ter as hue Tirien î,, ravcltcd te lte 'ivîc Atuditoriuuuini (Jsiuawva tOeho unshot 55-i19, aîud Ouîsconed 6-3. Had iltuol beetu 'Or thle ou tsîaîdiîîg goal- îeîudiîîg of' Kimi Croucli in the Whiitby îlots, thue Tircei woîtld have conic ouIut oflte Civic Aud itori ulumtoroutgluly eînbarrassed. DonîuNichiolsonî, Mîke Harper anîd Tomi Mac- Lecisît scored feOr the Tiretuicti ini dusislale. Thue îux I gaîîe 'onrt(lue Br-ook Iit-Wiuiî by Tiremcuu is ini thme Bnookliîu Areîîa on Tluursdaiy. Feb. I wlueîu tluy luost thue Belleville Bobcats. Gaîuuc tilîie is 7:45 p .îu. Basebail meeting Saturday Presideiiî of thle wti t b Miuuer Basebaîl Assoc.. Mike MVcArt lui lias atiton ced ilitat tule associa t lis An îital Mecet- inug will ho lueld tbis St . Feb. 3rd. lu thle Coutrîcit ('hamtbers t, te wtitby Mouiicîpal Bîttld- iuug LIgett iîiunutdet way at 1:30 1)11. 'Flue evetut wîti muark ilite lau udt iîîg o I*thle fiftli seasotu t'on the orgatit at ioiu wluicliulias iluet MIt uttretiiudous s(tcCcess silice ils beginning in 1969. Lachi vear since tluat time (lie W.M.B.A. lias liad an itîcrease ini registrationl and lias on- largcd ils prograni Io mcet tle growiiig dernaîîd tOn orgaiîized basebali by'Ille boys ot' Wluî- by. ln ils tirst season 330 bovs were registered. anid by I 97?' t ls luad growiul o(,Ver 550 wir h plavers aged 0 te '0) on clu1bs piayîîug at Ille Toc-Bail, Tyke, Poc Wee, Ban- tamn, Midgcî and Junior lovels wiîî 1-8 clubs iin House bagues aîîd l'ive clubs nopro- scîuîiîg Wlitby in thue Easten Ontario Basobaîl Assoc. Tlhnoc clubs won Eastern Ontario crowius, the K of' C Tykes, the Wlîitby Legionaine Pee Wees, and thec Canadianl Tire Midgcîs. lIn1the House bagues, clubs froîui Brookli, Ganrard Road aîîd Almnonds alotîg wiîlî clubs froîîîthue t"old town" provided reprO- serîlalloîlfnoin u aIlaeas. The tmeetinîg wili featune reports froini the Regisîran Jolutu MacDonald, Tyke and Tee-Balil Convenur Winstoîî Muscliett, Pe-Wee Convenon Bill Wallons, Baîîîaîu Conve- iuors Ron Twining aîîd Alec Fîliien aaîd Treasunen Bill Pu- clîalski. Tîtere will be an lec- tion ot officens fuorIthe coî iîîg ye an. C.IIO4 - 1390 AJAX *LOCAL NEWS SPO*RTS ePlus à the 1 f inest COUN'TRY PERSON TO PERSON 'COMMUN ITY r RADIO ý CHOO 13 90 PIa.yoff hope fades HMSS WRITBY "SUBMARINE" I668-AW66681 Orders Over $3 . OO Delivered In Town FREE 1 217 DUNDAS ST. E. Across From The Post Ofhce CLEARANCE SALE With your trade - oIy With your trade - only $69 LTLLE-QUICK SERVICE È 131 Bloor St. E. Oshawa' 723-0192 Thurs.& Fri. 9 - 9 Mon.thru Sut. 9,- 6 1 . - - numamium -1