TBY FR EE PRESS, THUR SDAY, FEBRjUAýp 1, 1973, PAGE Il_ MOTORING with Mike Burgess' Speedsport '73, the Toronto stop for the International Chanipionshiip Auto Show, was more than meital and paint, and even more than blowcrs and slicks. The C.N.E. Auto- motive Building housed ail animal gathiering ut' racers, eus- tomi exhibitors, traders, and sorne utf the biggest namies in the automobile business. It was like 'oid home week!' Whiere cisc under une roof wouud you run into peuple like John Phliliips-who used to hiead Ford of Canada's Racing Division; Gary Mag- wood-ex * Formula Ford champion and hecad of the Mag- woud Mosport Rucing Sehiool; Howard Keiiy-Kingston Slalomi racer whu wili be running a car ah Mosport thiis season; Peter Chapmnan-Mosport's sales genius; nut to men- tion ail the R.R. boys fromi EMPI, Imperial Tobacco, Moi- son's and Labatt's, and ail the local rodders (like Gary Chiailice) froni Motur- City Car Club? And I could go on and on, but whiatever i do, i can't leave out pretty brunette playnîate Jo Collins, whiose picture is iocked safeiy in mly trusty camiera. In ail lhonesty i was huving tou miuch fun reminiscing with al the boys (and girls) that hou littie timie was spent appreciating the displays. 1 rationalize by saying "l'il prob- abiy sec enoughi cars ut the Autofest car show wich im invoived in organizig." Anyway, the approximately 50,000 peuple whio found their way 'down' were flot disappointed.. The Miss Love Machine was chosen and in turn crowned by lier predecessor Kathy Szucs. Thiere werc fashion shiows courtesy of Miss Ritchie, modeiled by Barbizon girls, and sercnadcd (defi- nitely the wrong word) by the rock group Robert E. Lee (who luukcd us il' he'd been poured into his trousers) and the Brigade. Custoni, Rod, Drag and Sport cars un dispiuy werc probably coliecîively worth over Si .000,000. And thiere wcre mnotorcycles, mini-bikes. go-karts, antiques, and even a ski-bout. Thiey even hiad rucing filmns on the second / SVON< DX ULf DX FUEL OIL 6684381%M DaiIy Special Buffet Luncheon c DaiIly IncludinglCoffee Royal FountainbleaUi Restaurant & Tavern Oshawa Centre (next to Simpsons Sears) "We're open Sundays, noon to 10 p.m." FULLY LICENCED Tax (Coupon> I 1 ..*WORTH 70c *WORTH 70c I BRUNG Tifs COUP ISPECIALTY 0F THE HOUSI ICHARCOAL BROILED, REDBRN NEW YORK SIRLOIN STEAK Baked Potato. Tomato Ltice, Fontainebleau Salad, IFrench Dressing, Toaited Roll, Stuawberry Shortcake. Te&, Cofftee, or S.-f Drink *ý - MON . $2.59 Plus .26 2.85 Leu .70 2.15 floor runnîng con tinuaily. To sumn up SpeedSport '73, al 1 can say if you will pardon the pun is, "what a gas!" This comning Tuesday, February 6th at eighit p.rn. at dhe Holiday Inn (Oshawa), tlie first meeting of '73 for Oshawa Motor Sport Club will feature Hank DeVries as the guest speaker. Hank is dic chief instructor at thie weHl known BP Skid School and wiil be talking on safe driving tech- niques, and fromi what I understand aiso hias an iiteresting movie to show. Admission is frce, and ail ages of either sex are weiconie. Su for tiiose of you who have hit a siippcry piece of road, got into a skid and hiad tlhose icy chiilis whiic your heurt stops beating and your huair stands on end, you will nu doubt tind this a vcry intercsting cvening.. Because ut' popular denmand (miy mther called) it appears iny last luoruy into thicworid ou' show business (Cabie cast 8 TV) miay be rcpeated un a regular basis. Negotiiionis arc under way for a regular miotor sport shiow, pi obahiy a lit tic shorter than thec last une, to bc aired on cabie 8S. l'Il keep you posted if and whien. Thie iosi pres! igious (and îîîost difficuit ) raliy of flic year. thie Canadian Winter Rully ( Feb. 9 --l1) thie unly FIA saic t ionied rai iy ini Canada on thie international champion- sh ip trail wili hiave aut least two local critries in the lornm ut t*ellow inutor sport writer and photugraphier Pete Richard- son and 'Yours Truly'. This eleven hiundred mile, three day even t. encoun ters soine oft the worst roads and weathier WANTED Namnes and addresses of former Whitby residents for invitation to Homecoming '73, July 27 - Aug. 6. Please send Iists to County Town Carnival Comn- mittee, 117 Green Street, Whitby. HELP MAKE THIS VEAR MEMORABLE FOR ALL WVHO KNEW WH ITBY conditions in Ontario and Quebec, and attracts most of the international 'works' heams. Having aiready paid our fifty- five dollar entry fee it looks like we're committed. The car preparation is a littie hectic, but seemns ho be shaping up. Only probIcm is, how do I stop 'en-route' to take pictures? Further details next week. 'Tii then, Happy Motoring! AmongiS5 contestants, Anne Florence Harvey, 17, of Willowdale was chosen Miss Love Machine '73. With her 34-25-36 vital statistics, she says she would like to be a model. At the moment, Anne is a student at Havergal Collegiate. She likes motor cycling. -Photo by Alex Kainins How 10 gel the Income Tax People 10 Iend you money interesi free lntcrcsted ' \\"ell (s' po.ss:blc. Scction 79B of'the hincome Tax Act 'sa' "s. The Govcrtnient encouir.ges\o uu to Ipreparc l' or \oui- retircmenIll gl\i\in g vo0Linimpurtaiit income tax deduct ions un munoie: NOUiU\ est in i Rcgistcrcd iRetirecct Sa\ ings Plan. You cani save hundreds of tax dollars caIcIh \ car t lits a\ . YuNur H1U\s not taxam-ble until retirenient; theni, onlly as incomne receis cd. (you r tax it hrac.kct is likcl\ to bc lu\\er thenl too). I t ail adds up to about the Saille a,; 'burro\\ ng- imuncv from the G rmnintcrcst frce t. . thc sa\ings tiiat ta\ cdeferniiettnia\ bring. Yoti can lcarn the fllI stor\ u oni tax Advanitages uni Retiremenit Saivings fromi the weil- informied prolessioimI \% ho represcrnts the Manufacturers Litec. IHe is associahcd with a conpany that has a record for sound aiid protitable nioney manlagemlenitthat's outstanding in the industry. \V\hcn yotu talk to im iibc sure to ask hirn about thc built-in gua r 'nitces tIt bn an insured plan can offer. Phonie himl todavy or mail this coupon l'or a tIree, informativec brochure on ho\% \oui ca ni sav e tax dollars. _________________ * "'iA ~ Please send me, without obligation, a * ~ !.~" free copy of the bookiet: "Regîstered * * - ~ Retiremnent Savings Plan."a IA UA T RR 't, u INUAC COMPANYI Suite 501, Bell Tower, Oshawa Centre TOYOTA From 0 *» Won~I T 0 Rer' WWIý n foop.. 0 IP.w. #Md Snmmmnm a Ae tà R OMMe WYWA UOY Inu S.W 668.4792