Whitby Free Press, 25 Jan 1973, p. 4

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PAGE 4, TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS One Unseasonable tempera- turcs, blustery winds and icy- cold rains are contributing to a flu-prone existence these days. Despite rumors to thie contraîy, the current speil of sickness among the citizenry has nothing to do with the virus straini causing what is called English influenza. Thiis killer bîîg, which is raising bavoc elsewhere ini the world, bas not made mnuch of a mark ini Canada yet. Only 30 re- ported and identified cases have been recorded ini ail of Canada. Medical authorities report that the 'bug' bother- ing mnost of us thiese days is an old standby-one we have been familiar withi for years. Had a brief visit with a chap named Rod Liddell this week. He hails from the Gaît- Cambridge district and is mak- ing quite a name for himself as a gospel singer. Rod re- ports he has just signed a man s view By Bill Williams three-year contract with Word Records, an international re- cording company, and his se- cond Stereo LP entitled, We Travel Together, was released last year end. In addition to singing the songs in the al- bum, Rod also wrote many of them. He is backed on the recording by the King James Version, a group well known i the field, and vocal ar- rangements were handled by Eric WiId, of the CBC's fa- mous Hymn Sing programs. For those whose bag is reli- gious music and hymnals, the dise is well worth a listen and is available throug-h most of the major record outiets locally. While disappointed at the turnout at the first of the public meetings on regional government, sponsored by the Whitby Chamber of Com- merce, 1 was intrigued at the icross-section of the citizenry I rcprescnted. They ranged fromn teenagers to senior citizens,r fromi businessmnen to laborerst and included a large numnber1 from tbe distaff side. It is1 heartening to see this wide-1 ranging representation and iti behooves ail of us to talk up1 the remaining meetings andi ensure a more quantitative1 representation. Another sug-i gestion 1 hope will be ac- 4 cepted in the spirit it is given 1 is that the mayor and coun- cillors play down thecir role in1 these public meetings and en- courage more participation from the citizens presenit. The council, after ail, will have every opportunity to speak their piece whien they parley witb representatives of Queen's Park. What should be happening at ibis point is* as- similation of ideas and sug- gestions fromn the public for possible incorporation in to the official brief wbich cornes later. And while on the subject of regional council meetings, it is regrettable to Iearn that initial meetings of counicil with the Queen's Park man- darins will be held "in cam- era" with members of the public excluded. Whether this is a decision of Queen's Park or at the request of Whitby council bas yet to be deter- mined. It is known, however, that public meetings will also be held. One puzzling aspect however, is that while the time for the '>'preliminary" meeting bas been set for Janu- ary 31, a senior member of the Municipal Organization Branch of the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and In- tergovernmental Affairs, Gard- ner Church by name, was ini the Whitby-Oshawa area earli- er this week talking to muni- cipal officiaIs. The reason for these visits by an advance manî has not been explained. The Lynde Creek Esiates developrnent, in the west end of town, was featured in Met- ro's afternoon daily on the weekend. It was interesting to read that original plans were, for reasonably priced homes but, ut thc urging of Whitby council and town planners, the builder was coerced into turning the developmien i into one in tbe $40,000 and up range. The quo Led reaSon, at- tributed to CouncillorBo White, was that the land was too valuable to exploit it for low cost housing. Well, in this writer's view, council should be a little more concerned with providing reasonably- priced housing-include low rentai housing-for the citi- zens. Somnetimes it is difficult to interest a builder in con- structing low-priced homes but, wbien you bave one who wants to do just tbat and you convince him otherwise... Bilan Winters, local archiv- ist for the Wbitby Historical Society, made a pitch to coun- cil last week urging provision for a Regional Archives after regional goverument cornes in- to effect. We congratulate Brian on the suggestion but hasten to add that if such a regional institution is achieved that a requirement be enî- sured access to the records, photograpbs and other ma- terial in a way a littie easier than is the case now, locally. Archives, as such, are of littie use if they cannot be em- ployed in researchi or other worthwhile endeavours. Keep- ing them under lock and key and denying use of themi to sincere citizens and historians is not a worthwhile practice. Wbiitby's by-law enforce- ment offîcer is about to ac- (luire a new duty under ilie provisions olf' neV reg'ulat ions respecting tbe keeping of biorses ini certain arcas of- ibis tar-llunig town. 'Flic provisioni in thie by'-law lias a certain odor about it bu t we arc not for a moment suggesting tiiere is somcetbino, rotien in Den- mark. Piie iteni in question relates to permiit ted accumiu- lations ofl borse mianure. Un- der the by-law tibese accumiu- lations miust be confined to a cubic yard and contravention is subject to a fine of up to $1 ,000. Exactly how one goes about deîermining the volume of such substances is indeed a nauseous one. At any rate 1 tbink our entrepid eniforce- ment offîcer will deserve a pat on the back once lie swings int action witb bIis nmanure meter or wbatever, but a word of advice miiglit be-stand welI back wbien you give il to Iirin._ -FREE PIZZA WITH THE PURCHASE 0F ONE LARGE PIZZA CORNER PIZZA OPEN -68807 WE DELI VER MON-SAT. 4-2 a.m.68 SUN.-4-1 a.m. 204 BROCK ST. S. WHITBV CO. LTD. VOUA MUSIC MAKER Providing Entertainiment By Professional DJ'S & MC'S For Banquets, Danoes, Bar Mitzvahs Etc. 57941500 SPECIALIZING l fWEDDINGS January C lea rance OTUNBR ITE'FS mEnis WEAR 103A DUNDAS W.668-3261 9>5% of-,d octo rs ýbho r abortions-Whitby M.D. AJAX-Ninety-five per cent of doctors do flot want to perform abortions. Doctors continually involved in abor- tions become semi-machines and do what people ask," said Dr. G.A. Jaciw of Whitby Medical Centre, guest speaker ut a Right to Life presenta- lion in Ajax on January 16. Questions from an enthu- siastic audience of over 100 eople were asked of the Doctor after lie showed some vivid colour stides on the developing fetus ut various stages. The resuits of suction curette abortion, scraping or D. & C. abortion, saline in- duced abortion and finally abortion by hysterotomny were also depicted ini the slides. In explaining the slide on a hysterotoiny, Dr. Jaciw said, "This is the identical surgical technique used for Cesarian section. The difference is that after a C-section, the baby is given to a nurse to put ini an incubator and belp. This, how- ever, is an abortion. After ibis cord was cut, the baby was dropped in the basin and left to die. Weighing almost two pounds, a baby of this size will always niove bis arms and legs. try tu breathe and often cry - The Riglit bu Lîfe Meeting, beld in ithe Ajax Cunîmuffiiy (Centre. was a l'o riber effort of tbe group lu brin., ibe realities ofthile abortion issue to itlec public. The audience wvas welcoimed by' Johni Roon- ev. ('bairmnan of tbe Ajax Section ut' Rigb i tu Lit'e. MOrs. Theresa Walsb, an Ajax mother and active grotip mcmi- ber replied to a question about abortions iii Ajax-"i is a well-known faci thiat thie Aboriion Conînittee ai Ajax Hospital rubber-stamp nîost abortions. The percentage of iliose refused is very small." An Ajax nurse. Mrs. Ruth McCombie addressed the group saying. 'Maniy abor- tions are perlornîed al'îer 20 xveeks. Preniature babies boni ai 21 weeks bave becin known to survive. At 20 weeks a stili birth certifîcate is required." Mrs. MeCombie weit on- to quote Dr. R. Potier. Ontario Minister of Healih who said ini the Toronto Star in Marcb '72. "Hospitals overdo abor- i ions . . . . somne abortion conîrnitteeS are 100 lax. Tberc isn'i a very strict interpreta- tion ofie presenit law." She thien informed the audience that 16,000 abortions were performed in Ontario alone in 1971, adding that ià was hard to believe these were ahl for the life or health of the mother. ,In summarizing the meet- ing, John Rooney suggested that those who feit strongly opposed to abortion should write to their M.P. and to the Minister of Justice. "Make your views known, write to Prime Minister Trudeau who bas already staied he is totally against abortion on demand- We must back up the people wbo have the courage to tell the truth." In tbe first six montbs of '72, there were 18,801 abor- tions in Canada, an increase of 33%7 over the same period ini '7 1. Fifteen abortions per 100 live bîrths were performed in Ontario in the first six months of, 1962 compared to the national figure of 10 abor- tions per 1 00 live births. Last year in New York State where abortion on de- mand exists there were 152 abortions per 100 live births. oZke-nun show scheduled for Stati o'n For thle Imonth of Febru- ary there wiII be a One Man Show at the Station featuring thc work of Peter Van Gils. Peter is a well-known local artist and bis works are to be found amiong the valued pos- sessions of discerning col- lectors. Peter Van Gils was bori in Holland in 1923 and studied and taughit textile design for a number of' years. He lias studied ai the Three Sehiools and Schnecider School of Fine Arts and bias also studied under Alex Millar. He bias graduated in leadersbip train- ing in Adult education at the Provincial Institute. When the Art Gallery of Oshawa came into beinu Peter xvas a founlid- ing memiber and lie is current- ly president of thc East Cen- tral Ontario Art Association and a valued miember of Wbitby Arts lncorporated. Peter Van Gils bias ex- hibited bis painting in Otta- wva, Whitby, Bramipton and Kingston, the latter showing bis \vork at the present time. Prom COROLLA 1200 ROAN O.Fronl Diu truluo a WNW - Troe SAd éV ww s UUMST. W. 668m4.792 <~ ~ THIS SUNDAY Take A Bite of the Fish That Catches Peôple 2 for the price of1 Biay on* FILET 0F FISH md~ Ver on* FREE on poentlflg ihts. odveirtl monnt <Vlu. 404) SUNDAT, JANUARY 2Sth, .1973 Valid ors. por customer St either McbONALDS locations. ..- SIMbOE ST. N. AT TAUNTON OR WHITBY MALLt PARENTS - YourSon or Daughter can EARN SETTER SCHOOL GRADES through POWEREADING a new reading course from Programs For Achievement in Reading lncorporated now being offered exclusively at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Classes will be held on Mondays and Wednes- days from 4:00 p.m..to 5:00 p.m. and on Sàturdays from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Typing classes also availtable on Saturdays. Better Concentration; încreased reading rate; better retention; new study methods; better Notetaking SkilIs. Phone or write for complete details. DIed 728-002 1

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