PAGE 26,11UIURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1972, WlIIITBY IR PRI ,SS CLASSIFIEIJ - s ~ ..5-..... .*...*.*.*~**.*.. .5.. ADVERTiSING .* :.. .:.x.:c.:. u~e:~u~.: ..%~'.' ____________________________________________________________________________ ESTATJ~ NIORF(;A(; IS . HELPWANTED t GEORGE BLYLEVEN REALTOR PHONE 623-5300 NEWCASTLE: New six room brick bungalow, dining room with french sliding doors, large at- tached garage. Lot 150 X 150 ft. Priced at $34,000. NEWCASTLE: 14-year-old 5 room brick bungalow with attached garage on large lot in quiet area. Asking price $29,900. HIGHWAY PROPERTY: 10-year-old welI buiît and kept duplex with 1000 sq. ft. living space on each f loor on 1/2-acre lot. Priced at $39,900. Give us an off er. J25 _Wanted Land and or Building Commercial-l1ndustrialV Apartment and Subdivision Land Wanted for Cash Buyers. Caîl Now, Don Stradeski Real Estate, 723-4651 J25 MORIGAGE -2nd. MORT6AGE MONEY a.5 VEAR TERM OPEN MORTGAGES *NO BONLISES *NO CNEDT CHECKS * NO INOUIRY OF NEIGHBOURS *CONFI DENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE IN VOUR O*W HOME *BORROW AS LITTLE AS $10,600 *FAST SERVICE CALI Mr. WiIIcs 942-2611oGir 699-11i21-Toronto MORTGAGE MONIET AVAILABLE 0 For horm purchan, rnowalion, dobt con- moICéion, veatioffl or ny vwrhvwWilo pician. a Our sie l c.oti>1y confidentiel. a No hidMon chargs 0 open Movtgages. You do botter wth experieflCed money from c.- cr- ItLNA iz-j7çAYN ACGCEP TA NCE CORPlORATION LIMITEO IWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE VOU m3SimcoeSt. N. - 723-8177 Oswa shoppin# Conitre - 728-1693 Apertmoà ts For Rent Jo&synn Ariins Apts. * OSi4AWAS mOST -GRACIOUS LIVING* ELECTRICALLY HEATED This lu o supeft.:w building. weiI NîmIt ari .xcetentîy main- týtw.d-Ofld COtIi thas. people requ'riflg a but ter woy Of living. NO LASr MONTHS RENT REQUIRED 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 72à -1009 If No Answr 579-1413 I±IUSE FOR RENT, NOTI cEÈ WH ITBY-3 bedroom unfurnished RUMMAGE SA LE-at The Sal- house. Avaîlable immediately. Cal! vation Army, 1 22 Kent St., Jan. 668-3541._ - 27, 1:30 a.m. ARTICLES WANTED DAY GARE USED BOOKS WANTED BOOKS IN GOODO CONDITION REQUIRED FOR INDIAN COM- MUNITY IN NORTHERN ON- TARIO-Telephone Bill Cumpsty 723-2381. RELIABLE DAY CARE Available. Hot Meals, Fenced Yard, Babies Welcome. Phone- 668-9867 RELIABLE DAY CARE Available in mV home. Babies Welcom-re. 5 Minutes from Woolco Plaza. Phone 579-3564. $CASH$ Seli directly to me. No commission payable. Move when you want. Call Willard Johnston: WILLARD REALTY INO. Realtor 723-8144 HOUSES WANTED Houses in Whitby and area. Any condition accept - able. Will make cash offer. Quick closing. GEORGE SULLIVAN LTD. REALTOR 668882 J25 EMPLOYMENT WANTED bAABLEt nhr ownhome. Chu- dren t n herour-earomaebrChi- kret prtefrea company or daut per Fours conrsareafof town. Cail 668-98701 look after twvo year old girl. Light housekeeping, Brooklin- Whitby area. References - 655-4209 af ter 7 p.m. J25 LADY DESIRES housework by the day. Monday to Thursday, Lupin and Dundas area. Cali 668-71 52. RESPONSIBLE WOMAN exper- ienced in ail phases of apartment management and background in personnel management Iooking for a permanent full tîme position. WHITBY FREE PRESS, Box 206, File No. 1002. 1 FrAI THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1968-69 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPRO VAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE MATTER of an application by the Corporation of the Town of Whitby for approval to expropriate certain easements n the Town of Whitby for the purpose of the construction and and maintenance of a sanitary sewer and appurtenances from the West Corbett Creek trunk sanitary sewver in Lot 21, Concession 1, in the Town of Whitby, formerly the Township of Whitby, County of Ontario, to the northerly limit of Dundas Street East, as wîdenied n Lot 23, Concession 2, opposite Beverley Street as shown on Thorndyke's Amended Plan 63, Town of Whitby, formerly the Township of Whitby, County of Ontario. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that application has been made for approval to expropriate: 1. The easements described in Schedule "A" hereto for the purpose of the construction and maintenance of a sanitary sewer and appurtenances from the West Corbett Creek trunk sanitary sewer in Lot 21, Concession 1, in the Town of Whitby, formerly the Township of Whitby, to the northerly limit of Dundas Street East, as wvidened, in Lot 23, Concession 2, opposite Beverley Street as showni on Thorndyke's Amended Plan 63, Town of Whitby, formerly the Township of Whitby. Any owner of lands in respect of vvhich notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking of such easements is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the Expropriating Authority shaîl so notify the approving authority n writing. a) In the case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or, when he is served by publication, withîn thirty days after the f irst publication of the notice; b) In the case of an owner who is not a registered owner, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice. The Approving Authority is: THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY MUNICIPAL BUILDING 405 DUNDAS STREET WEST WHITBY 'ONTARIO The Expropriating Authority is: THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. NOTES. 1. The Expropriations Act, 1968-69, provides that, a) Where an inquiry is requested, it shall be conducted by an inquiry officer appointed by the -Minister of Justice and Attorney General, b> The Inquiry Officer, 1) Shaîl give every party to the inquiry an opportunity to present evidence and argument and to examine and cross- examine witnesses, either personaîîy or by bis Counsel or Agen~t, and ii May recommend to the approving authority that a party to the inquiry be paid a fixed amount for bis costs of the . . . . .H.T.B. PS..H-A-R-I- HO-P-TAL Painter & Decorator Foreman Salary $4.40 to $4.58 per hour (Presently under revision) Whitby Psychiatric Hospital has an opportunity for a Painter & Decorator with a Department of Labour Certif icate and ability to supervise staff and ability to lay out work assignments from verbal and written instructions. Fringe benef its include three weeks annual vacation; ail statutory holidays; attendance credits; cyclical salary revisions; subsidized life, health, medical and income protection insurance plans; and generous pension plan. Please apply to:.- Personnel Officer Whitby Psychiatric Hospital Box 1270 Ontario Automobile Association Part-T ime Representatives Required Cati yau spare 2 haurs a day? Do you want ta bank a substantial amaount of money each month? We have apenings in the Mater Club Field with High Guaranteed new and renewal commissions. Contact: HARRY GRIXTI, 7111 Burns Street West, Whitby, Phone 668-3495 Work for yourself or us. PART or FULL TIME. $100 - $800 per month to start. Aduits only. Cal 728-3110-10 a'm. - 6p.m. 1LE _ AL inur ntt eceU$00 adte prvigathrt may, in its discretion, order the Exproprîating Authority to pay such costs forthwith. 2. "Owner" and "Registered Owvner" are defined in the Act as followvs: "'Ovner'includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor, a person entitled to a limited estate or interest in land, a com- mittee of the estate of a mentally incompetent person or of a person incapable of managing hus affairs, and a guardian, executor, admînistrator or trustee in whom land is vested; "Registered Owner-' means an owner of land whose interest in the land is defined and wvhose name is specified un an instrument in the proper regustry, land titles or Sheriff's Office, and includes a person shown as a tenant of land on the last revused assessment rol; 3. The Expropriating Authority. each owvner who notifies the Approving Authoruty that he desires a hearing in respect of the lands intended to be expropriated and any owner added as a party by the lnquiry Off icer are partues to the inquiry. This notice first published the l8th day of January 1973. SCHEDULE "A" EASEMENTS REQUIRED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE 0F A SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTEN- ANCES FROM THE WEST CORBETT CREEK TRUNK SANI- TARY SEWER IN LOT 21, CONCESSION 1, IN THE TOWN 0F WVHITBY, FORMERLY THE TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBY, TO THE NORTHERLY LIMIT 0F DUNDAS STREET EAST AS WIDENED, IN LOT 23, CONCESSION 2, OPPOSITE BEVERLEY STREET AS SHOWN ON THORNDYKE'S AMENDED PLAN 63, TOWN 0F WHITBY, FORMERLY THE TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBY, COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DE- SCR IBED AS FOLLOWS: Permanent Easements Parts of Lots 21 and 22, Concession 1 , in the Town of Whitby, County of Ontario designated as Parts 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 29, and 45 on a reference plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40R-619. Parts of Lots 19, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 29, Thorndyke's Amended Plan registered as No. 63 for Ontario County, designated as parts 35, 37, 42, and 50 on a reference plan deposited in the Registry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40R-619. Temporary Easements Parts of Lots 21 and 22, Concession 1, Town of Whitby, County of Ontario, designated as Parts 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 30 and 46 on a Reference Plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40R-619, and parts of Lots 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 29, Thorndyke's Amended Plan Regi- stered as No. 63 for Ontario County, designated as Parts 36, 38, 43 and 49 on a plan deposited in the Registry Office as Plan 40R-619. The interest to be acquired in this property is a temporary easement or a right in the nature of an easement to enter upon, cut into, break up, filI in, use and occupy the property for and during con- struction of a sanitary sewer~ and appurtenances. For the purpose of and during the construction of a sanitary sewer and appurtenances, the property is to remain undisturbed by any wvork which might interfere vith such construction, and clear of and unencumbered by buildings or structures other than those erected at the date of ac- quisition of the easement. Upon completion of the construction of the sanitary sewer and appurtenances, the surface of the property vuill be restored as nearly as reasonably possibleto its previous condition and the temporary easement will be extinguished or expire and the property will revert back to the owner. w à --M% » y à &Lui, Whitby, Ontario J25 LLUA L WHITBY PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL