WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1973, PAGE 8 -Pssitisn piper Cimtinued frorn page 3 steelubelted radial fiUorsley Tire. Service 6.33 Progressive Consqrvative Association of the Federal Ridlng of Ontario ANNIJAL MEETING Sutton District High Sckool TUESDAY, JANUARY 23rd 8 P.M. Y 3r W. Polak, President L THIS I UMDAY IT'S A MEAL DISGUISED AS A SANDWICH BIG MAC 2 for the price of Buy one BIG MAC and get one F1IEE on preslentlng thif& advertisement VALUE 60c SUNDAY, JANUARY 21, 1973 Valid one per customner at either McDONALD'I -locations...- ' SIMiCOE ST.,N. AT TAUNTON OR WHITBY MAIL. I7. That the approval of subdivisions and execution of subdivision agreements bc the responsibility of the local municipalities with the Province to delegate its powers of approval under the Planning Act to the Regional Counicil. 18. That the Regional Council be required to appoint a Regionall Land Division Committee to deal with a lot severance applications in ahl local municipalities withiout official plans and further that the Counicils of-local municipalities be required to appoint a Cornînittee of Adjustnient to deal with minor zoning variances and in those local municipalities with an officiai Plan the local Comniittee of Adjustm-ent to also deal with lot severance applications. 19. That public housing be the function of both the Regional and Local municipalities and that urban renewal be the function of the local municipalities only. 20. That fire protection be a local responsibility with a Regional Fire o-ordinator. 21. That public transportation be a regional rcsponsibility. Cancer Society diroctors The Canadian Cancer So. ciety- Wiby Branchi Board ot Directors for I1973 arc: Presiden t, M r. John Visser, Vice Presidet. Mr. Don Bain, Secretary, Mrs. C. Rieti,_Treas- See us I f irstI about your estate Estate planning for the living as well as protection for 'uccessors go together. That's why we suggest you caîl us right now to help you dcvelop ryour living estate pLan--then get your lawyer to draw up your will. Generation after generation, Victoria and Grey has specia- lizcd in helping to plan for estate development for today as well as protecting the intc- rcsts of tomiorrow's heirs. You make your will; we make it work. TRUST COMIPANY SINCL 1889 308 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY 668-9324 uret, Mr. Kenl March. Service to Patienits. Mrs. M. Steffler, Tranisportatîi o ePatienits, Mrs. K. PerryCampaignl Chair- muan, Mr. Ab Prize, Meinerial Clu irmnan, Mrs. A. l3rodie, Inidustrial Chairman, Mr. T.R. Scott. The niew board of direc tors expresscd their thaniks to Mr. John Town for his three years of successful service as presi- dent. Mr. Town intenlds te rernain active with the Cancer Society. A '4Certiîicate of Service" award was presenited te Mrs. Ursula Robson of* Oshawa l'or lier nîany years ot outstandig service as a voluniteer svorker tor the Cancer ýociety. COROLLA 1200 SEDAN *Front Oc iom M ~w I TiTu O or fd Sndwgu *AM klow e ý668m4792 22. That the cottage population be granted a full vote. 23. That as a basic principal the new Act provide that the support of at least three municîpalities is requircd to authorize any work project or undertaking by the Regional Council. 24. That provision be made for guaranteeing employmient to aIl permanent employees during the period of transition and for at least the first year of operation of the new Regional Government and that ahl em- ployees with long service be granted one year's addi- tional security of employment for each additional ten years of service with the munieipality after the first ten years, subjeet to retirement at age 65 years. 25. That tax collection shaîl be a local responsibility. 26. That local municipalities pay the Regional Council levy on a quarterly basis. 27. That the Province provide for the review and necessary revision of the original Regional system only on such occasions as it is deemed to be warranted by the Regional Council and its Administration. 28. That the County Administration Building be the facility to be used by the Regional Council and its Adnministration. 29. That the Regional Council be authorized to acquire and assemble land together with services through financial assistance fromn C.M.H.C. for regionally initiated residential development iin order to reduce speculation and provide land at competitive prices. 30. That the Province designate the Region for incentive grants to channel industrial development in this area. 31I. That the proposed airport being situated in North Pickering and that the Regional Council be required to part icipate in a meaningful way in the planning and developnient of that municipality. 32. That a University be established in this Region. specializing in transportation as the automobile is the predominant feature in this area. 33. That the Ministry of Transportation and Communi- cat ions establîsh a reasonable number of provincial buildings in this Region in conjunction withi the expertise which would be available from the above mientioned University. -34. Thiat in order te ituplernent an increase in tuie rate of' growth iin the area east of Metro,-(as proposed by the Toronte Centred Regional report, 1970) provinicial polîcy be established which does lot permit rezoniig of' lanids iii Metropolitan Toronto for uises that weuld provide za higie r dprnsity thani those presefltly existiing 35. TI'at îlie Regional Ceunicil provide a regional official plan iwi th the local official plans to be subject te ithe RZegienaiýl plan and the Minister's power et approval oet local e-ttlicial planis be delegated t e the Regienial 3t (1Tluit zoing shaîl be a respenisibility oft the local ccurncil with provision thiat a local rnunicipuility mnay con tract with the region 10 prepare a zoning bylaw and arneilnents and that the Regional Counicil shaîl provide ils commients on zoning bylaw arrendmnents te the O.M.B. 3 7. That the Ontario County Public and Separate Boards o'et iucatien have their area of jurisdiction broughit iii hine with the bounldaries of the proposed region, tlieir miemiberships adjusted accordingly, and their clecteral districts broughit in line with the pro posed nie\\wari ani unic ipal i ties. DRIVE IN-TO and drive out a WINNER!'O ail you need now->Dkru PRODUOT, 0FNISSAN <1300 Dundos East 668-6*8.28 MARIANNA VILLA <corner of Simpson Ave. and Base Iine, Bowmanville) NOW RENTINGI On* b.droom $15500 Two b.droom $175.00 Monthly Includes hydro, Cable T.V. inside parking for one car, etc. Large pleasant suites with coloured appliances, superior sound proofing, rec room, controlled entrances with intercom. Cali 623-4172 or 723-0575 or 725-9750'