Whitby Free Press, 18 Jan 1973, p. 3

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, v~ . .~ ' vg ~. q ~ y .~V ,41 pr ,> qq. i . q ,( WHITBY FREE PRESS, TH-URSDAY, JANUARY 18. 1973, PAGE 3 Whitby'fs position on Regional Oovernment The following is a preiiminary position of the Town of Whitby in response to the Prov'incial Proposai for the formation of a Regionai Goverment ini this Region involving the Town of Whitby. The sumnmary of recommendations listed hereunder are flot ail inclusive and will be furtiier reviewed by the Council foliowing this series of Public Meetings. That the Town of Whitby remnain a scparate enti ty and flot bc amnalganiated with the City of Oshawa (the Provincial Proposai statcs that the Town of Whitby lias recently undergone an arnalgamation witli the formier Township of Whitby. An amialgamiation of Whitby and Oshawa had becn considered but the diffi- culties that this amnalgamiation wotild create would exceed any possible benefits). 2.' That the iiame for the proposed Region be referred to as The Regionai Municipali;ty of McLauglilin and that this be contained in the Legisiation. 3. That ail local municipalities within the region con- taining over 15,000 population be given City status and ail other municipalities be designated as Towns. 4. That the first Regional Chairman be appointed by the Province to serve until the end of the first tern of office of the Regional Council and each subsequenit Chiairmnan be elected at large within the Region. 5. That the Regionai Council be requiired to appoint a Deputy-Chairman atitis first meeting in the new terni of office, to act as Cliairman in.,11e tenmporary ab- sence of the Chairman and to p'rforrn ail the duties 65 showsi Contiuedfrorn page J The mayor replied that council had supported a den- sity limit in Metro from the social viewpoint as well as others. He suggested there was no attempt 10 read into the item an attempt 10 at- tract high-mise or other de- velopment not considered 10 be in the town's interest. Later in the meeting, this item was altered to include the phrase "as proposed by the Toron to-cen tered region in 1971." Mr. Mason also queried item 34 suggesting that in ils original form it read as though Whitby was seeking a sirmlar type growth as was found in Toronto. Mayor Newman again pointed out that council was not after the headaches caused by Toronto's growth but saw some Advantage 10 accepting residential and industrial over- fiow from the Metropolitan area. Reeve Edwards suggested council's only thought was to create a situation where growth couid be efficiently and adequately controlled. Mrs. Marjorie Melntyre asked wliether regional gov- ernment would put an end to tle intense competition for industry between affected municipalities. Several divergent views were expressed on this malter with tle consensus being that stiff competition would end because industry locating any- where in the region would improve the tax base for the entire region. At this point Councillor BillIlrwin rose to acknowledge the fact citizens to the east, in the Port Hope and Cobourg areas, were less than enthusi- astic about joining an Oshawa- centered region. He added he hoped cooler heads in that area would consider the po- ten tial benefits of a Lakeshore region before deciding defin- itely %'to seek to opt out of the proposed region. Oî was suggested that, with a region, dloser control could be exercised over the place- ment of industriai areas, resi- dential development and green space 10 the benefit of ail citizens wiîhin the region. Brian Davies voiced dis- may tliat no reference was made, in the policy paper 10 recreation and ancillary ser- Mr. Gellette, in his reply, also expressed disailusionment at there being no reference to recreation in the position pa- per. He added that he and other area recreation directors had held a meeting and that a brief would be presented to council prior t0 the next pub- lic meeting. Mayor Newman acknow- ledged the oversiglit in the council paper and suggested that there wilI be an item covering this aspect prior 10 the next public meeting. %y# of f ers sitters course The Whitby YMCA in con- junction with the Ontario County T.B. and Respiratory Disease Association las sciie- duled a babysitting course for young people in this area. Anyone 12 years and over can learn the proper way to feed, bathe and entertain young children and infants while in their charge. The course wiil be heid Li Henry Street High Sclooi from 7-9 p.m. every Tuesday evening starting January 23rd and will run for I1O weeks. Membership only is required for this course. Y student membership is $3.00. Witness t. hoId seminar The congregation of Jelo- vah's Witnesses in the Whitby area are preparing 10 attend a two-day Bible Seminar 10 be held on Saturday and Sunday, January 20 and 21, 1973 in Scarborough aI Sir Wilfred Laurier C.l., on Guildwood Parkway. The purpose of the program is 10 improve under- standing of Bible principles and 10 assist Jelovah's Wit- nesses in their mninisterial ser- vice to the community. High- ighting the assembly is a Public Address at 2:00 p.m., Sunday, entitled "Is This Life Ail There is?" The speaker will be Mr. L. Gray, District Supervisor of congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses in this area. and have ail the powers of the Chiairman as prescribed by statutory law and further that if the Chairmian's office becomes vacant it shah be filled by the Couincil for the balance of the termn by the election* of a Chaîrman from amnong the memnbers of the Regionai Council. 6(a). That the Council of the Town of Whitby be com- posed of a Mayor, two Regional Counciliors elected at large in the Town of Whitby, and four local Coun- ciliors, one elected from eacli of the existing wards. (b). That a person seeking election as a member of the Regional Council should (i) be elected and known first and foremost as a "Regional Councillor" and latteriy as a memnber of the local Council, (ii) be elected by the ratepayers at large in the local mnunicipaiity. 7. That tlie Regional Chairman have the right 10 ,-vote on ail inatters in the same manner as other elected members of the Regional Council. 8. That the area of.jurisdiction of the Ontario County- Oshiawa Children's Aid Society be brought into uine with the new Region and that the Children's Aid Society bedissolved and the responsibility transferred to the Regional Council. 9. That each local municipality providing a library ser- vice do so under a local Library Board of which its members shall be local Councillors appointed by the local Council. 1 0(a) That arterial roads, planning, construction and- main- tenance be a Regional responsibility. (b) That local roads, planning, construction and mainten- ance be a local responsibility. (c) That road closings be a function of both the Regional and local municipalîties with the right to approve the closing of roads under their respective jurisdiction. 11 (a) That the Region be responsible for water purification, intakes and appurtances, feeder mains, metering of wholesale water and whoiesale distribution of filtered water, pumping of weil water and intake pipes and intake welis. WINTER PROGRAMS' ut th.Y.W.C.A. REGISTRATION FOR AIL ACTIVITIES January 4, 10-4:30 & 7-8:30 p.m. For information oel 576-880. The .W.C.A. is an Oshawa-Whitby United Appeul Sponsored gqncy. TEWETIYFUI PRS (Voice ot the County rowt) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtle and Ashburn; serving Ajax and Pickering. Pubiished every Thursday Publislied 11y wVlithy lrec lPreNi lic. 212 Brock St. Sou th. Wliîitw. Mail lo\ 206. Whitby. Il>hone 668-611Il or 668-611 2 Gemweral Maige~r: W. "Bill" 1)urkee EIdjicr: Judy I)utrkçe ALN Editoriat Stafft: Bill Wiltiaîîi AI1 ( sport,, Lditor: Doti Cles PERIMIT Advertisiiig: Roît Wiistiintcy NO. 2941 I." NOW OPEN- POLLARDS 0D TYME BUTCHER SHOPPE 1315 HARWOOD AVE. N. AJAX 0 QUALITY-Red Brand Meat 0 PERSON.ALISED SERVICE Cali or Visit us Today 942M SCustom Cuttïng 8881 SFreezer Orders (b) That the local municipalities be responsibie for local water distribution including weIl water distribution and biliing. 1 2(a) That the Region be responsible for treatment of sew- age, construction and maintenance of sanitary and storm trunk sewers, regulations, standards, inspection of ail sewers in the Region. (b)That the local municipalities be responsible for con- struction and maintenance of local sanitary and stormi sewe rs. 13. That the Regional Act require the appointment of an Administrator for the Regional Municipality. 14. That the Regional and Local Council each undertake the preparation of capital expenditure programmes covering at least a five year forecast. That in addition - each Council undertake a current expenditure fore- cast cove ring a period of two years with these financial programmes to be adopted by the respective Councils and amnually updated. 15. That the Centrai Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be dissolved and the boundaries of any Conservation Authorities having jurisdiction within the Region be adjusted to atign with boundaries of the new Region SO that te area of jurisdiction be made coincident with the boundaries of the new Region, and that functions presently liandled by themn be made the responsibility of a standing Committee of the Regional Council, with the present basis for the financing of current and capital work projeets by the participating municipalities to be maintained. 16(a) That a Board of Commissioners of Police be ap- pointed consisting of the Cliairman of the Regional Council to be responsible to the Ontario Police Com- mission in accordance with the Police Act and to the Regional Council with respect to current and capital financing. (b) That the aforesaid Board of Commissioners of Police shall provide a Police Force for most of the Region with the Province to assume some Police responsibility in some of the rural areas initially. Continued page 8 = PLUMM DISCOU Im 1 I IXURE & SUPPUIS1 M~ Brd of. N. Whitbv 20% DISCOUNT DIRECT TO YOU Hours: 9 &.m. to 9 p.m. Mon-Fri Sot. 9 &m. to 5 p:km. 668m6601 UDANVADA HAS A SCREEN SIZE ANO PRICE TO FIT EVERYONE'S BUDGET ffRont a LWkIe.Happk'ses" 0 6 REDUCING RATES e NO CAPITAL INVESTMENT e NO FINANCE CHARGES a IMMEDIATE INSTAILATIOf PIIN[NIW 723m3424 De Surb la Compare 1hm Di±ff.ronoe_ à àVà«D À 9R ELtTA L 26 KING ST. E.#, OSHAWA C0eff #%hdi. W it9 p.s. - bturdays tilt a p.m f

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