PAGE 2, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1973, WI-ITBY FREE PRESS IJUST IN TIME FOR 4 HOMECOMJNG YEAR' Zink wilI undoubtedty rernember Whitby but wilI Whitby rernember Zink? Zink Zachowitz, cartoon quoter of such euphemisms as "a carnet is a horse put together by a committee," was commonly referred to as the satiricatty factuat Zink Zachowitz. If you can remember Zink's origin cati the FREE PRESS at 668-6111 or 668-6112 and wina ticket for use anytime at the WHITBY BROCK THEATRE. Cais witt be laken from in-town residents from 9 to il Friday morning. Cais frorn residents of Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburnwill be takefl between 9 and H1 on Moriday morning. STIPULATION: One ticket per househotd. Hint: Character of a paper world. Presents. THE RICHMOND 2611, COLOR TV Mode exclusively by Electrohome, an Compa ny. for Porkway ail Canadian A TOP 0F THE LUNIE mod1eI with ail the features: a AUTOMATIC COLOR a AUTOMATIC FINE TUNING 0 AUTOMATIC TINT e PLUS 0 * A 26" BLACK MATRIX PICTURE TUBE AND BEST 0F ALL 9 «f E PRICE IS ON V67 9 serving Oshawo. wiitby, 8rooklino om P-ort Perry tnreos 723-3043 91j8 SIMCOE M. readers Dear Editor: Woutd you plcase altow nic the opportunitv of rcply- ing ini your "Readers Write"ý colunin to the comrnents nmade by Mr. Ed- Caucîîi in your issue of Jani. 11. The negative toile of Mr. Cauchi's remnarks are a source of deep concern 10 nie, as is flic very negative feeling whiich seemns ta prevail ini Whitby aI this lime.1 I arn 1101 denying that we are faced wîîh many difficuit problenms l'or which there seenis 10 be no immediate solution, but 10 invite former resident-s back to Whitby dur- ing hoimecomîing year t0 sec what a mess wc have here is the pooresl possible way to f'ace thie future. To The Editor: 1 read in the media that there are înany and varied cornptaiîits regarding Fantà sy- land Park now that tlhe park's proprielors have filed for a bylaw arnendment. Neîghbouring residents are cornplaining that during the summer rnonths they mnust listen to "blaring music" etc. ctaiming the park to be a great noise "pollution." In this competitive age, I consider myself as a resident of Whitby forlunate 10 have such beautiful grounds which are always available for rny famiîy's leisure hours. But this defense of Fan- lasyland is flot strictly for selfish reasons. 1 know of rnany older people ini the town who use the premnises for pîcnics. 1 hope counicil in ils con- sideration of" residenîs versus park is wise. 1 hope mny fears are not realized lIat being that there is no doubt the land wouid represent a rosy pturn indeed for the roving eye of an enîerprisîng su'b- divider with $40 and $50,000 homes overlooking tlhe creek. How many people bought homes knowing a recreation park was nearby only 10 disap- prove lter? Save Fantasytand Park for the Chiidren of Whitby. Dave Henderson, 10-!- King St., Whi tby. write With regional government about 10 change the tradition- al patterns of communities which have existcd for I100 years, there is naturally a cause for uneasincss. But in limes of trouble, we must find a source of strengtl, 50 that we rnay overcorne the uncertainty we face and corne out of thie whole regional government process with a better outlook toward our cornunity and loward our- sel ves. The homnecoming year is an opportunity for us 10 îurn away frorn despair and criti- cismn and discover what is good in our conîmunity. It gives an opportunity for us ta, le proud of our commi-unily Dear Sir: I read with the letter from Mr. Ed Cauchi wherein he took some ima- ginary ex-residenîs on a bus tour of Whitby's famous siglîs. To Mr. Cauchi 1 have but one word-"Bravo". How- ever, 1 would like 10 point out that the ex-residents would have to, be sure 10 bring some money along, as the bus would have ta be rented. Perlaps one siglt îhey would sec if thcy toured ai night would le ten- and twclvc-ycar old girls walking home alone in the dark due ta the fact that we also seemn 10 have lost our public trans- portation systern since our friends moved away. Since these "ex-residents" are in a sense "visiting dig- nitaries," they mnight le able 10 get an audience with our miayor. Perhaps lie could cx- plain why alîhough our taxes have increased, services such as a famnily counsellor for welfarc famulies have been suspended. To tlie staff of tlie Free Press mnay 1 say keep Up the good work. You are doing a good job of kceping thie tax- payers informied and hope- fully tiîis wilt kcep our es- teerned council mnernbers on their tocs. Yours truly, Rita Cane, 414 Harris St., Whitby. ARLIE SALE 209 D U NDAS ST.- W. WVHITBY (AT CENTRE) when we need this pridc the Most. Mr. Cauchi speaks in his letter about not sceing the promnised land. If there is a promised land, it is us who can build it by applying our- selves toward developing the community in a positive way. To ask visitors to stick around to see the "muddy mess left behînd at the bail park" after the carnival is over, is an un- healthy attitude which will certainly flot contrîbute any- thing to overcoming the prob- lems which Mr. Cauchi s0 carefully outlines in his letter. If 1 may offer a few coni- ments on the rote of the local media, I would say that they more than any other voice in the community can create and maintain a spirit of opti- mism. Your editorial of the 11I th takes this attitude and il is very pleasing indeed. This year especially,Whitby needs to revive some of the old spirit it once had and I believe stili has, if it is to meet the trials ahead. Everyone now should be thînking of what contribution he can make to the homecoming year, instead of turning it down with sar- castic comments. At our last homecoming during the 1955 Centennial, the late Judge J.E. Pritchard said "Each one of us stands for something to ourselves and the community around us. The contribution which we are able to make depends largely on thc strength of our individual characters. Every man has a power ta represent something more than himself. What do you stand for in your co nimunit? It is with this îhought in mmnd that we should enter 1973, each of us ptedging ta work in his own way toward the positive development of the kind of community we want to sec, rather than cry- ing about the things we do not like to sec. Your chance ta contribute t0 the homecoming comes Thursday night whcn the County Town Carnival Corn- mittee meets at 7:30 in the Centennial Building to discuss plans for tle celebra- lions. If you want to make a positive contribution, why no t show up, Mr. Cauchi? And kccp smuling: For there is sorncîhing bo sînîle about. Brian Witer, for MAZDA LTD.^ 668m9397 letr to e e* lg box 20.6,w ot THEY'RE HERE The New '73 Mazda RX »3 Th.y'v. finally arriv.d, the, f astest, rotary driven car on the road. Coming or going...