VOL3 NO. 3 Photo by AI Kirby WITCFIING WORK How do you locaLe the exact position of a buried pipeline when ail you get from your usually trusty elec- tronic mectal detector is a negative reactîi? Well, for Churlie Vedouras (photogmaphed above) the answer is the my.steious and age-old "divining rod". And when Charlie's arduous digging was finisbed-alI seven feet of it to bc exut-there lay the pipelines precisely as indicated. "We can't be sure just how the rod works," suid Charlie. "Perhaps it has something to do with static elec- tricity in the pipes," he added as an ufterthought. Chamlie's companion, Tony Fonienko, told downtown Whitby restaurant owner AI Kirby, who pliotographed the pair's rather unorthodox endeavour, that mnost of those working withi underground services are using divining rods. He admitsthat he's even used a y-shaped tree branch in determining where to dig his owfl well. The procedure of determining with divining rods as told to AI is actually quite simple. One simply cuts two pieces of heavy copper wire approximately 24" long with a 90 degree bend, 6 inches from the ends. Hold this apparatus in your hand very loosely with the rods pointing straight out in front of you, but para-I'eià to thc ground. Walk slowly forward over the area which you suspect has metallic objects embedded. As you approach the buried objects, the ends of the rods corne oser together until when above the object they cross each other. So as was proven in downtown Whitby only a few days ago to AI Kirby, even in this modern day of tech- nology the romantic divining rod stili does one better. Whltby's future By Bill Williams WHITBY-WIiitby citizens, faced with the most revolution- ary change in government in over a century-regional gov- ernment-Tuesday were given the opportunity to learn where they stand. Under the auspices of the Whitby Chamber of Com- merce, a public meeting, the first of four, was held at town hlli. About 65 citizens turned out. Despite thîs almost unbelievable apathetic display, Mayor Des Newman and the members of his council bravely presented a 37-point position paper for the town and fielded questions fromn the audience. Somne ut the questions were wide-ranging and obviously sparked by personal disagree- ment with the officiaI pre- liiniiry stand taken by coun- cil. Others were prompted by an acute dislike for anything sinacking of egional govern- mÃŽenÃt unld -sTTr'triFsb eccuu'se of oversights by couincil ini conmpletcly ignoring vital as- pects of cumimunity lite such as ecreat ion. ht is hard to gauge audience reaction to the proposais- partly because of the smunll at tendance and partly because questions were asked by 50, few people. It is a certainty, however, that mnuchi sotlI- searching will be undertuken by a large number'of citizens once the details of the town's position become more widely k now n. In this reporter's view the position paper, presented Tuesday evening, is admir- able - frorn Whîtby's stand- point. How it will be greeted by the other affected mu- nicipalities is another thing. But, the faet remaîns that this is a Whitby position pa- per and, quite naturally, an attempt to serve this muni- cipality's needs. lt's a starting point and, as the Mayor took pains to point out, is subject to change as reaction from citizens is received and as the remaining public meetings are held. Logically, some in the au- dience questioned council on whether regional government will mean higher taxes. Jack Mason posed that exact question fromn the audience. Reeve Tom Edwards, mis- undemstanding to a point, ex- plairied that certain service depatrnents will have to be expanded since present staff woutd be insufficient to fulfili ,rçgioIIÂ rQquirgûin t s. Deputy-Reeve Johin Good- win. anticipating tha t Mason's question biad not been fully aniswered, stated flatly that in bis view taxes would be hiigh- cm but nlot only because of the increased services aspect. He said lie Lad bis own views in other areas as to why taxes will bc raised consider- ably and woItld explain these views ut a later time. He con- cluded sayîng he was "not enthusiastic about region plans." Frank Sugden, also in the audience, asked what the pro- cedure is if a citizen disagreed with the town's viewpoint. The mayor replied that any resident could write the town stating person?'l views and objections. He said that if the council did flot agree with those views then the citizen had ý the right to present a personal written brief to Queen's Park. Mm. Sugden also queried a point in the paper that sug- gested growth rate in the area east of Toronto could be achievedby supporting a pro- vincial policy which doos not permit rezoning of lands in Metropolitan Toronto for uses that would provide a higher density than those presently existing. G>ntiniued page 3 Inadvertent or by design? Doos couni favor the ai.rport ? WHITBY Whitby Council went on record this week as apparently being in fuvor of the proposed new uimpomt in Pickering Tuwnslhip. Luter, howevem, particular pains weme tken to say it isn',t su. It A camne about in "itemn 31 1 of the position pupor presen.ted ut thc public mleet- ing on Tue sduy evening. The item in question read: "That the proposed airpori ho situated in North Pickering and the Regional Council ho required tu participute in a mleaningful way in the plan- ning and developmnent of thut municipality."' Quie spectutur, in addmessi ng a mul ti-tiered qtuest ion onthie pupe r, Frank Sugden, queied whethem item 31 ini l'act wus council's endorsation of the proposed airport. In the rush to answem other parts of Mm. Sugden's quIest ion the one petaining Ltb li air- port was completely over- looked ut tie ime. Later, lbuwever,.Counicillor Williaml Livingstonc, pickcd up the l'aux pus and askcd permiission to answem it. Ho said thiat the item, as it appeared, was indeed confus- îng. He blanmed iL on the con- fusion wbichi surrouiided the severul meetings hcld by coun- cil un the whole regional gov- nnîent prujeci. 1-e very cure fully explained thu t the itemi did liot noces- sarily endorse the uirport or its locatiun and hoe said hoe foît lie spoke l'or othor nmcm- bers of coun cil. Obviously, other mnibers of council were emibarmussed Lu have the item in question, broughit to their attention in this way. Later in the evening, it was agrccd that thie wording ut' the item should bc changed to mouad "That tho proposed uirpomt bcing locuted . . Mr. Livingstone, in bis cx- planation, added thuat the item- wus really an, attempt to get tie provincial and federal gov- ernments to reveal definite plans for the niew airport. Wbile the attempt mnay hiave been righit, it is difficult to understand how any mcem- ber utf council can believe thiat tie senior lcvels of gov- cmnmne.nt will reveà l suchi plans unitil tliey are good uand reudy. a ,i 1 k MoDoeiald FAILV. R ESTARJRANIS LWHIT13Y & OSHAWAIA 10 CENTS