PAGE 2, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4,1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS e ditorial Resentment ? In trying to obtain information beneficial to the safety of taxpayers, the WHITBY FREE PRESS fromn time r to timie, has been put down by several dcpartnment lheads at ThweY~ attitude of certain departnient lieads appears at L times to correlate with sorte of 'last year's' politicians, in that like their political superiors they sometirnes become downright defensive whcn simiply asked straight forward questions. Departr-nent heads wiIl often underline the impression that taxpayers who pose questions are chronic complainers, or will question indignantly why taxpayers have the right to appeal to their local paper for information or help of any kind. One of the most repeatedly asked questions is re- garding garbage pickup, a question which if asked-God forbid-through the local media seems to mystify town hall. We can excuse this mystification. Late garbage pickup, rather than a serious problemr in a small town, is a petty nuisance; as sometrnes are public servants. Our most recent ende avour on behaif of the concerned mother of an exploring 3-year-old is of a somewhat differ- ent nature. Her problemn has to do with a dangerously ex- posed railway line bordering on a town equipped childrens' playground. (Story, front page).L In our painstakîng inquiry we asked the town recrea- tiori department whether it was aware of this dangerous situation. We cared flot who was at fault, and were much more interested in bringing the problem to the attention of - someone who could do something to correct it. ln this instance the attitude of Recreation Director Gerry Gelette to reporter Bill Williams was, "To whomi didC the lady complain?" (Williamns): "To us." (Gelette): .. Does that make sense?" Perhaps we shouldn't judge too harshly departmient rece heads at town hall, who are more ikely than not, sadly in- FR] fluenced by their polîtical administration. cou first However, the safety of children jeopardized--for any iani reason whatsoever-deserves die harshest of cri ticismi. the Suffice it to say that if taxpayers arenl't knowledge- able enough to go firsthand to town hall, that's hardly enough reason to indulge in petty rescrinent whicti a solu- tion is still to be found. I I ouncil split on arena proposai According te information :eived by the WHITBY RE PRESS, the new '73 uncii will sit down to its st general business session *uary 8, split solidly down crniddle on its thinkig on Are You Paying Too Much Tex? How To Cut Income Tax WhiIe You Save For Retirement It's right in the Income Tax Act (Section 146). You can deduct up to S4,00O from your taxable in- corne when you deposit into an individual registered plan. Manc ADero Don't take a chance onf missing out on tax savings on your 1972 incorne. Act now. Caîl Gene Posteraro of the Manufacturers Life f<>r more deta ils. Or mail the coupon. Why Manu Life? A leader in the pension fieldi. Has more sinigle premium immediate annuiities (>11thie books than any other Canadlian cornpaîîy an(I more group pension plans too. A wide variety of retirement savings plans for registration. Regtîlar guaranteed p)lanis. New equity insurance and annuity p)lans. Money management by investmient professionals. r fyou uperate !youlr )usiness as a irnited coiipiaiiy theère mnay he Isuonie addi tional benefits under Section 147 that miight bhe of intercst te you. (Cet in toucli with M r. Posteraro today. IMANUFACTURERS LIFE SUITE 501, BELL TOWER, OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Tel. 728-7391 1 request more information on Registered Savings NAME ............ .................................. IADDR ESS ......................................... PHONE ............*.. ........................ a proposed arena for Whitby. The split becarne evident during a caucus mieetinig held beiid closed doors on De- cember 1 3 and evolved arounrd the question of seating for the proposed arenia. Goodwin, Edwards, Gart- shore, Lovelock and Living- stone are for going allead with construction of an arena minus scats at a savings of' about S200,O0. Newman, White, Emin, Dcsjardîni and lrwin arc as cotîvinced in t hîcir belie f ia t an areia with a seat ing capa- city tor -1.000 sholîd bc con- st rtctedat ai d est inated cosi o S7 50,000. hI is thie hope of a Erce Press intornnatimon source t lia t repiesentatives t <an Wbiiîby' spur tîîgci rcles coutdlie imade a\wa re o f t he st vo g counnc il spliit so tuia ttiey cot.ld sîtb- sequeniy attend tuie Janîtarv Scou nci mIeeltim, Mwien t he ateti nu otld itn ill probilîty he up fui deha te. lThe ou ne e aber uo' coi. ri- cil coiîtacted b\, tiis virer toi verflication ofthte spiit wout i11m. t- oi,01 ts a-l soti s. dîvu Ige the n aines o)I« thie coMtIC illurs 1lot o(r aainst thie propi. sed arena s sea ii i be- cause lie d id n10 wish t1o put ticw tac t licrs ), ut itcii -on a spot'. lHc did sav. liowevev, that lie loped the January 8 meceting hiad proper represen- tation [romn bothi press and public. Cie rk Bill Wallace con- firmied ilhat a caucus meeting of' the council hiad hcen hieid (n Decembcr I13, but since that meeting wvas con fidential and lieid in an Informai mariner, IeC could itot report to tlle press o)n discussion s wh ich touk place ai Ille meeting. Reporîedly coun1cilior Duc- toi- Kenncrh I lobbs was ab- sent during the meeting and il' tIe counilioI-s comle mbt I lle ianna rY 8 nmet ing ot tIlhe saine mind t hey we re on De- ceiiber I.3. in aren a w t h o r w iîl ho n t Seattii g ta as'be con - t ingeti t unInaI iI. readers write l)eat Si r On behlal t'of, mir chljdren. ouri deep appr-eciation tk.) ail the gene vous (grou PilS and peo- Ie who so k in diy v emnbeved thetu this Chirist'imas t ime, and a special thank 'ou toL ail tlle clii d yen , [vota B own ies. Cuhs, GuLIides andîd ndividuals, \Vil( put îauILch t ite, et-tor1t and taoney ii 10vaJous act j- vit jes for outr cliildren's bene- f'it. We tliink they a re wot iide 1rtuLI 1 Sincereiy. Kenntieh C.H. Barnes Adiainis va tor, The Ch ristoplier Robin Home for Child-etî. WH ITBY LIONS CLUB ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DRAW WINNERS Bill Chisholm, Whitby Bey Van Woors, Oshawa Mary Simpson, Ajax D. Haughton, Whitby Paul Espie, Brooklin Bart Goodes, Oshawa HAPPY NEW YEAR TIF WETY FIEE PRESS ~voice 0f the County rOW81> Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; serving Ajax and Picke ring. Published every Ttiursday Ittbli\Ci, 1W It i%, 1- IICi! Ire,,,% ic. 2 12 Itrock St. Southi. Wîîy Mail lo\ 206~. Whltby. l'hune 068-6 1 1 1 or 668-6 Il12 Geîwral Manager: W. -Bill-I)urkee I J: torial StaIT: Bihll iam.. AILI N( SporIN LId nor: Doug Wcale-, 1>1 R.M 1Il Rog: Win..taley NO. 2941I Dunlop Radial Ply Tiro H EADQUARTERS A1TERSLEY TIRE SERVICE 103 Dundas st. East, Whitby 668-3356 MIDWAY DATSUN f.r.n.rly ZOLTAN & HICKS Now Located at DAisÜN1300 Dundas East, Whitby, Ont. 668-m6828 v '*1 lètters to the editor box 206. whl*tbv