PAGE 10, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4,1973, WHITBY FREE PRES S ,h .. CLASSIFIE ADVERSING REAL ESTATE VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE COBOCONK. 6 Room Bungalow - Dining Room - Full Basement, Oil Heat, Double Garage, Ideal retirement or vacation home. Low taxes, Large treed lot on the Guli River to Balsam Lake. ONLY $21,900 CALL NOW. DON STRADESKI REAL ESTATE, 723-4651 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION MORTGAGE 2nd. MORTGAGE MONEY AVAIlABLE a5 YEAR TERM OPEN MORTGAGES e NO BONUSES e NO CREDIT CHECKS a NO INQUIRY OF NEIGHBOURS e CONFIDENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE IN YOUR ORW MOUE * BOR ROW AS LITTLE AS $1,600 e FAST SERVICE CALL Mr. Wilks 942-2611 or 899-1121- Toronto Apartments For Rent Rosslynn Armns Apts. * OSHAWAS MOS'T GRACIOUS LIVING * ELECTRCALLY HEATED This o sup*erir buiding, weIllblt end excellently rmoan- toined&nd cates to those people requirug a better woy of living. NO LAS MONTH'S RIENT REQUIRED 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1009 IfNo Anwr 579-1413 HOUSE FOR RENT- WH ITBY-3 bedroom unfurnished house. Available immediately. Cati Classified call 668-6111 668-3541. FOR SALE SAVE UP TO 60% on name brand broadloom. We guarantee we won't be undersold, save a bundle at FACTORY BROAD- LOOM DISTRIBUTORS, at 81 Richmond St. W., Oshawa, 576-5522. SWEDISH HAND CRAFTED Scandinavian Chesterfield & Chair Dark Walnut Coffee Table & End Tables - 668-7192. BROADLOOM-9 X 12 Hardtwist in beautiful dark green, normal cost $180, on sale $119. Factory Broadloom Distributors, 81 Rich- mond St. W., Oshawa, 576-5522. NEW PAIR of E-7814 Snow Tires and Ford Rims-Asking $30. for works. Cali 688-9829. BROADLOOM-Remnants, ends of rolls. Retail values to $18.95 per yard. On sale at $4.95 per yard. Factory Broadloom Distri- butors, 81 Richmond St. W., Oshawa, 576-5522. FOR SALE-Used Car Tape Deck; $25. Also several 'rock' tapes. Phone Don at 668-9034. INDOOR-OUTDOOR heavy rub- ber back-seven bright colors, 9 X 12, only $35.95. Factory Broad- loom Distributors, 81 Richmond St. W., Oshawa, 576-5522. DOG FOR SALE: Poodle - Apri- cot toy - 11½5 years old with papers. Very good with children 668-9429 PUREBRED IRISH RED SET- TERS. Good hunters, good house pets. Ready for Xmas. Phone Brooklin 655-4356. BROADLOOM-Deep pile hard- twist in Bittersweet and Gold colors. Suggested retail $19.95 per yard. Factory Broadloom Dis- tributors, 81 Richmond St. W., Oshawa, 576-5522. nouncements select from our tasteful samples. Expert Consultation WHITBY FREE PRESS 212 BRUCK ST. SOUTH 668-6111 Services FREEZER ORDERS RED BRAND BEEF Fronts approx. Sides approx. Hinds approx. 120 lbs. 67¢ Lb. 240 lbs. 791 Lb. 125 lbs. 89¢ Lb. PORK ITEMS Sides of Hogs (Head Off) 691 Lb. Whole pork loins cut & wrapped- 991 Lb. WHOLE CHICKENS - 10 or More 494 Lb. Grade A - 3-4 Lbs. JACK FRANCIS 120 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa - 728-2282 Ajax Floor and Rug Service Specialists in Rug Cleaning All types of rugs carpets, expertly Call for free estimates -942-5590 CALCS - CASH REGISTERS ADDEAS NEW & USED DISCOUNT PRICES NEWAN'S OFFICE EQ UIPMENT 668-3738 * WHITBY, ONT. HOLISTER WHOLESALE MEATS Sides of Beef - 731 Lb. (Cut & Wrapped) Loins of Pork - 994 Lb. New York Shoulders - 671 Lb. CUSTOM CUTTING & SLAUGHTERING CALL 649-5908 DELIVERY TO ALL OF ONTARIO COUNTY SALES iTiolyloiTIi SERVICE PARTS KIMOS.LOHW mu uIn mAS? OPNa"MNY 723-1176 j a 1969 FARGO Condition. Call 6 p.m. VAN - V8 Ai 668-8209 after 1969 MONTEGO-302 V-8 Power Steering, Automatic Transmission, Radio Vinyl Roof, Trailer hitch. CalI-668-4149. Snowmobiles YAMAHA SNOWMOBI LES AB'S MOTORCYCLE SHOP LTD. We service what we sel 114 Stephenson Rd. S.-728-7780 Taunton Village - 576-3150 1973 Mode.s on Display SNO-JET 1972 DEMONSTRATORS 19 H.P. $585.00 Canada 0~utdoor Supply 1435 King St. E. 7284555 HELP WANTED URGENTLY NEEDED Two Salespersons to sell real estate, experience not necessary. Intensive course commences Janu- ary 29th at Durham Col- lege. Earn as you learn. For confidential interview PLEASE CALL- GEORGE LTD. RU LI VA N REALTOR 218 Dundas Street East Whitby. Ontario Work for yourself or us. PART or FULL TIME. $100 - $800 per month to start. Adults only. Call 728-3110-10 a.m. -6 p.m. EMPLOYMENT WANTED PART-TIME typing, filing, general office work. Mature, experienced, prefer days. CALL 668-5072. 1973 VOLKSWAGENS $2,198 -24 months or 24,000 mile warranty IMMEDIATE DELIVERY See Ail The New Models Plus Many V.W. Reconditioned Trade- ins And Other Used Cars At Pickering Car Centre Baseline Rd. ½ Mile East of Harwood Ave. 942-1881 Authorized VW Sales & Service From $2188 COROLLA 1200 EDAN o Front Dusc Stat o0tu WWaite f Tires o R••u Window Oseimar o Four Sfaed Synchromsh Transmission o And 9rw Othms REDW5Y I0OTRS gNB~ST. w. 668m4792 Newstips. (COU 668n611 Services__ si ARTICLES WANTED METRO FISH & CHIPS & GRILL BLAIR PARK PLAZA We specialize in take out orders 668-8672 RELIABLE DAY CARE Available. Hot Meals, Fenced Yard, Babies Welcome. Phone- 668-9867 DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED Register Now for Charter Flights to U.K. for summer ITC TRAVEL WHITBY MALL 723-6792 Classified call 668-6111 COMING EVENTS DOG TRAINING CLASSES .NEPACHEE DOG TRAIN ING Registration Jan. 9th PHONE 723-5110 USED T.V. Towvers. Will remove from premises. Cali 942-3949. Personal Penny & Wilf, sorry to leave so suddenly. I am holidaying in Lon- don.-Matilda. Opportun it ies BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EARN MONEY IN SPARE TIME Men or women to re-stock and collect money from New Type high quality coin-operated dis- pensers in your area. No selling. To qualify, must have car, refer- ences, $1000. to $3000. cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent income. More full time.We establish your route. For personal interview write: includ- ing phone number. B. V. DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED Dept. "A" 1117 Tecumseh Road, East, WINDSOR, 20, Ontario and -e 15 WORDS FOR $1 IN ADVANCE SEND IT INOR BRING IT IN TO OUROFFICE AND WE WILL RUN YOUR WANT-AD 'UNTIL SOLD' or maximum of 5 weeks. PLEASE PRINT WORD ti.> (2.) (3.) no commtpCi sd*lers MAIL TO; WHITBY FREE PRESS BOX 206, WHITBY Acknowledgements or receipts are not sent in respet. to choque or money orders. Cash sont throuth the mail is at the advertisers risk. NAME................................. ADDRESS.............................. P.O.............................. PHONE NO. .................. mmum G a L2j mlý bles, ýjýA Valb.%ý§3 e ta-- 1