Whitby Free Press, 4 Jan 1973, p. 9

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ARAHOCKEY ROUNI unable to recover. Millar scored twice with singles by Baun and Roberts. 1-edîn pontnien o h Blades for the Tournamnent were 'Millar with fOur goals and urne assists for thirteen points, Melutyre tlhrce goals and ifine assisis for twelve, Howe seven goals and four assists for eleven. Roberts four goals and five assis! s f'or nine, Baun l'ive goals and thr-ec asssfor eighît and Casey two goals and five assists f'or seven. Manager Mati Millar, Coach Bill Batteîî and Tramner Joe Howe would like to thank those parents who provided support and transportation 10 and fromn Guelph each day. HARILAID MIDGETS WIN B' DIVISION The Brooklin-Whitby Hani- laid minor midget ail-stars ravelled to the Victoria Park Arena iin Bramialea 10 take part in the Silver Stick tour- namen t duriug the holidays. and came homne with the "B" division championship. The first gaine for the Harilaid midgets wvas a 6-4 loss lu the Ajax minor mnidgets. Ajax led 5-O after two periods of play, but tlhe Harilaid teami got ou the scoresheet ai the 30 sec- ond mark lot the final period. The lrookliin - Whiiby club pulled t xiîin 1 goal of' the Ajax ieam., but the Ajax club fired thle insura uce goal and the gamin ended 6-4. The loss dropped the Hlarilaîd leain back mbt "B3" division, wvhere thymet Sault FIeet in ii heir next gaine. Eddie Szcziîr and Tom Fosi scored iniiibis force overi une. i Deinille scored tie winncr ai 9:45 of' the overtimue period wo give the Harilaid niîidgýeîs ilhe win. The Brooklin-"Whi ibly Hani- lad nidgeîs ilien played the Sreeisville nidgeîs f'or îhe "B' division cham pionship, riglt uptoîhe end of (lie seodperiod. Harilaids led 3-2at heend of' the second strog inthe hird period and fire 4 gals o win 7-3.Gol scorers ini the clîampionship garne for tlie Harila id nîidge ts were Tom Casey. Tini Brown, WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1973, PAGE 9 DUP umanager of the Ilarilaid mid- gels aire Mn. Demille and Mn. Wmi. Edwands respectively. To enîd the hioliday seasoni the I-arilaid miidgets caine homue and plaiyed a league gaine aI îthe Stotuffville Arena aigainst the Port Penny id(- gets. Thle Harilaid midgeis led 4-2 i ilte end of' thue second peniod, anud theni they notchied 4 more in thie third period f'or an 8-2 xin. Tliey otsiot Pont Perny 47-1I2 mn thue gaine. Patil Raivany played a sirong gaine between thue pipes for the Harilaids. This was Paul's firsi gaine baick after his re- cent back injuny. Goalscoring iin Ilis gaine was hiandled by Eddie Szczur withî 3, Bret Love 2, anîd singles tlu Tini Brown, Lanny Grahuai and Jerry Huiniuk. Dennille and Allen picked up 3 assists each. LASCO STEEL PEE-WEES LOSE AT TOURNAMENT The Brookli-Whiitby Lasco Steel Pee-Wees weuîtu the 'Silver Stick" Totti-ainient over thee holîdays anîd lost two ot of three gaines îhey played. Thie first gaine aginsî Brampton w~as a close one wiîî thie score etîding up 4-3 fon Braunip 1cm - Daive Bauînoîî Jaunie Roacli and Paitil lrowuî sconed f'or îhe Sîeelers. Tuie second ga1ine was aIso ai 4-3 gaune. ibis îiie the Sîele ns cauuîe outii iop. Joliuî Waddell, Doîig Zmukie- wicl.hîJnie Roacli aund Scotti Raviiry lhaudled tie scorni l'on h ib vn over SaiitlIeet. Thue thlird gaine f'or thle Steelens wais a --h loss te Georgetiown. G reg 'ltusiiiiîg- bini scored thbe loule Sicele ns l'le Sieclers f-iiislied itie liolidays wiib a 4-3 loss tu Kiîk's Sptîr of Oshawa in uni exhiibition enicouier played ai Stotfîfville. (-',eg Ttisbîg- biain led the Steelens wiu h twu goails, wiîb tthe single îîarken going îo Scott Ravary. VICKERY ELECTRIC MITES The Brooklin-Whitby Vick- ery Electrie mites defeated the West Rouge mites 4-0. Mark Lee recorded thie shut- otut, as thie Electnicians got goals froun Charlie Mason (2), Gneg Gibson and Paul Van- denkoff1 added singles. The- Vickeuy Electric teai weuit baick 10 1lespelen Ont, b play tlîeir secound gaine against the Detroit Miclh. entry. The Elec- t icians caine otut on Ithe short end of' a 4-h score with Char-. lie Mason getting the louie Brouklin-Wbiitby goal. Thieuites then took on thie Ajax mites in Ajax, whene they played 10, a 2-2 lie. Gneg Gibsuu1 and Brock Neu- man scored for tlie Brooklin- Whiitby tean. The foîunîh gaine of thie liolidays for the Ehecîicians was againist West Rouge again. This oie was siuilar to their first encounler, except thiat the Vickery Electnic teaun doubled thecir previous out- put and defeated West Rouge 8-0. Mark Lee picked up luis second shîul ot of' thie loli- days. Todd O'Coinuor led thie scoring an tack witlî 2 goals, wiîhî singles going lu Allan MacDonald, Ronnie Magtuire, Gnreg Gibson, lau1 Porter, Brock Neunîaiî and Kerr K ingston.u lLeroy Mowai anîd Bill Luke deserve a loi of cred ii for ithe Job thley have douie wiîti ti is teaiui oven thle firsi parniof' i lie 7 2,173'sea.son. [tARI LAID STARS 'FlicBrook liu-Wli tbv IHan- laid St ars nuinor niovice teai iook part inu ihe Essex Toti r- e anieiî ove rt lie i ol idays, an d iin tibeir irsi iwo ganes ihey iook on1 Toledo anid defeated ilieuuu Q- I and 7- I1. Goaiscorers iii iliese gaines wene lodd Chaiisczcewski. Warren Sunitih, Johin Fusco. John Ellis. Scott Kaputsciski and David Blacé- quire. Thîe seuni finials saw îhie Hiarilaid Stars against Pet rolia. This was ati 8-3 win for thie Brooklîuu-Wliitby Stars as War- CANADIAN TIRE SPONSORS O.H.A. METRO JUNIOR filai TORONTO NATIONALS WWHITBY CTC IEN JBrotkIioe CommunIty Arena iTHURS Jan. 4th, 7:45 P.M. WiARTERWAYS C.LTD FORMERLY BURLEV BUS LINES Announces Daily Bus Schedule for January 8, 1973 between Bowmanvi 1lie, Oshawa, Whitby and Go-Station-Whitby Hospital. REVISE TIME TABLE WiIl allow other passengers ta make a trip in Oshawa-Whitby vwith Go Transit and also supply added haif hour service between Oshawa, Whitby, Watch next week's newspaper for further information. ren Smith led thieway with 4 goals, whlle Bobby Middleton and David Blacquire added two goals each. The finals featuned the Hlarilaid Stars against the "Flu Bug" and the Amhierstburg novice teami. The Flit Bug and the Amhlerstburg teami coin'- biued 1(1 defeat the Brooklini- Whitby teanI 10-2. Warren Sînith anld John Fusco scored for thie losers. Carl Johansen and Brian Baker have dorie a fine job with this club. BROOKLIN CONCRETE JUVENILES The Brookliu Concrete Ju- veniles îravelled 10 Kingston, Onitanio 10 take part in a tuunuanen t leld there over the hiolidays, and won thieir rirst gaine 4-O as Craig Broui- shewski played ouîstauding between the pipes for the shut out over Picton. Lou Grenier led the Brookliu squad withi two goals, while Ken Vipond and Wayne Madsen added singles. The second gaine of' the touruament for the Brooklin Juveniles was a 3-3 lie wiîh Caump Borden. The winen was decided by penalty shots that saw the Camp Borden teani win out. Goalscorers for the "Ceunent- mien" were Tiîn Briscue, Ken Vipouîd anîd Bill Lockyer. Loti Greniier wais picked as secound star in buili gaines. Th'le Brcookliiî oncret- itu- veiiles defeated the Bowniauî- ville teani 3-1I in a gaine played iii the Brookliuu Areuia. Tony Cauiella wvas in goal t'or the Brookliv w~iri. Goalscorers in ilîisgauie were Lou Grenier, Tiiîn Biscue aund Ken Vipond. T'le 1Brookliuî-Xhitby Mit- chiell Lunber iinor Pee-Wees weni I t hie Pee-Wee tourna- ment in Willowdale during' the hoh1idays', osing 'the ir first garne 4-I to Wexford. Jeff Dinsm-ore scored the lone Brooklin-Whitby goal. The se- cond ganie of the touruarnent was a 2-0 win over Hum ber- view as Paul Hunt and Nick Nosoweuko scored for the winners. Chuck Hetherington recorded the shut out. The Lumnberînen lost their third gaine of the tournaneut' to Duffield by a 3-2 count. Eddie Hayden and Wayne Middleton scored for the lose rs. lu an exhibition game played at the Stouffville Are- na, the Mitchell Lumber Pee- Wees lost 10 Port Hope 6-5. Gilbert Nieuwendyk and Ed- die Hayden scored two goals each with Pick Schroer addiug the single. The Brooklin-Whitby Bob Heron Farrn Equipment ma- jor novice team took part in two tournameuts over the holidays, one in Ajax and one in Port Perry. The first game of the Ajax touruament was a 4-3 loss to West Rouge, Charlie Meitner scored tîice while Todd Cot- ton added the single. The second gamne in Ajax was against Ajax who shut out the Fari Equip. teai 5-O. The first gaie in the Port Perry touruamient was a 3-0 win over the Oshawa Little N.H.L. Lecafs. Mark Under- wood scored aIl three goals f'or the win while Wayne Oder- kirk provided the shut out netundiug. The next gaine in Port Perry was a 5-2 loss 10 West Rouge. Peter Piphier and Mark Underwood scored for the losing Fanîn Equip. teai. The Brooklin-Whitby Cou- solidated Building Corp. ruid- gets entered the ('an-Arn tour- nament in Guelph Ont. during the holid'ays, and ended up withý third place honours. The tournament is 5 garines in four days with total points deciding the winner. The first gai-ne for the Brookliu-Whitby squad was a 5-1 loss 10 the Hamilton Huskies. Dave Soni- chetti scored the louie Brook- lin-Whitby goal. The second gaine was a. 5-2 win over Park Ridge Illinois. Carlu Cammiazola scored twice for the winners while Mike Rowley, Ken Clarke and Dave Sonichetti added singles. The third gaine ended in a 2-2 tie against the Grosse Point Steelers froi-n Michigan. Harry Forbes and Steve Sandford scored for the Consolidated Building Corp. midgets. In their fourth gaine, the Brooklin-Whitby midgets play- ed the Suffolk Ducks froin Long Island, New York. AI- though they outshot the Ducks 35-10, they ended up losing 2-1. Mike Rowley got the lone Brooklin-Whitby goal. Their fifth gaine of the tour- nament was a 5-2 win over the Chicago Minor Cougars. Dave Sorichetti set the pace with 3 goals, while Garth Bush and Harry Forbes added singles. *** The Brooklin-Whitby Mac- Doualds Big Mac's travelled to the bantain tournament where they won their first gaine 4-3 over Cornwall. Joel Gangeini led the attack with 2 goals, while Dave William- sou and Dan Keînp picked up singles. Their second gaine of the tournaînent was a 3-h loss to Wexford. Dean Seyînour scored the loue goal. 'l'ie Big Mac's were outshot lu both gaines, and hiad it not beeu for the fine goaltending of Bihl Morrison and Robent Phillips the scores would have been much higher. PARENTS'- Your Son or Daughter can EARN BETTER SCHOOI GRAIDES through POWEREADING a new reading course from Programs For Achievemnent in Reading lncorporated now being offered exclusively at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Classes will be held on Mondays and Wednes- days from 4:00 P. .to 5:.00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Typing classes also available on Saturdays. Better Concentration; increased reading rate; better retention; new study methods; better Notetaking SkiIlIs. Phone or wri te for complete detuils. Diol 728-052 c~40 1390 AJAX eLOCAL NEWS SPORTS the finest in COUNýTRY MSIC PERSON TO PERSON ?%"COMMUNITY RADIO CHOO 1390

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