Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1972, p. 8

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'THI O UT DOO RSM A N -by Paul Wicher Wlîerever you look today yotî sec the youtlî immage beiîîg pushied, it aluîîost appears that if you are not iin your twen ties or thirties you canno t possibly enjoy yotirseif. TIîe sad part cf the whole thing is that subconsciomsly most of os believe it and live accordingly. Think back over tîîis past fishing and liunting year and honestly tellInme that you saw or were part of a group which had a large mixture cf age groups in it. It appears that in îîîost otdoor uctivity corni- panions are aIl more or less cf the sanie age group. Possibly this isn't se bad, as the young fellews learti by their nis- takes, the best cf teachers, and the eIder eues profit froni long years cf experience. However, what happens to the eilder fellow when a long timie pal passes away or is ne longer able te hunt and fish? [t could speli the end cf his days in the field just because cf lonliness. Since Christmas makes everyone feel very bountiful, whether you can afford it or net, make yourself a promise that this coming year you wilI invite a senior outdoorsruîan mbt the field with yeu. Remenîber, Ionliness is a lot liarder te take when yeu are sixty and have tastcd Uic delights cf of the field than it is when yeu are sixteen and haven't really started te live yet. Seme day you tee will wish there was a buddy that would carry thie heavy pack and ask only for your friendship and counsel in return. Fly Tying If it has net yet beceme evident, 1 must confess that 1 arn a strong advocate cf fly fishing anîd fly tying. 1 found that I could net really gel interested in fly fishing and be- lieve in it as a mcthed te catch ish on a steudy basis untiii I started to tic my ewn flics. The learnîng process was t0 say the least a trying time for our household as 1 was restnicted -te learning the art by trial and errer. There just wasn't a seul about te whom 1 could tomn for heîp. The devotees cf thc art in Whitby have got it mîade as far as I'm cencerned because we have get a resîdent fly an- tist whe does a dandy job with fur and feather. What's even The girls aren't being included? The other day 1 I wS hleId 0111o the carp)et l)y a lady that 1 didnît kiow anîd stili don't for that miatteî' and ac- cused of "forget ting abou t the girls who partake ofithe ouit- doors." Well, ladies if 1 have given that impression 1 arn sorry as i! was flot in iended to bc so. Believe nie, any thing said ini this coluînn is for cithier sex and no sligl t was in- teinded. Y0L jLISt have to kcep in mind thai we fellows need more coaching and practice. At leasi that's what mîy wife says Mien slie lands lier sixth pickerel in as many casîs. Merry Christmas. Cost of living up-m so is GM payroll OSHAWA, Oîîî.-Au ini- creased cost-of-liviuîg allow- ance for tlîe first quartcr cf 1973 will be received by more Ilian 28,000 lhourly and sal- aried people ut Geuicral Mo- tors cf Caniada Liiited, the conipaîiy annouuicedi today. It is the fourîli adjust- ment in the cost-of-living ah- Iowance thiat GM emnployees have reccived tbis year. The average cf the Coni- surner Price' Indexes, pub- Iishied by Statistics Caniada in October, November and December is I 42.0 comîîparecd with tlîe average of 140.0 publislîed ini iulv. August and Scptenîber- a sufficiejit ini- creuse to change tie cost-of- living allowaîîce for the uiext q o a r te r. ___________________________________________________________________________I _______________________________________ M 1390 AA *LOCAL NEWS SPORTS Plus the fins COU NTRY PERSON TO PERSON r.=COMMUNT IrRADIO IVCHOO 1390 M The cost-of'-liviîng allow- ance will be increascd by l'ive cenits an hour for GM's more than 21 ,000 lîourly employ- ces, effective with the pay period beginnling Decemiber 18. This will incan that hourly eînployees will be recciving a total cost-of-livinig allow- ance of 16 cents an hiour l'or the next quarterly period. Sorne 7,000 eligible sal- aried cmployees will receive an equivalent increase of $25 ini their quarterly cost-of-liv- ing allowance. Thieir total cost-ot*-living allowance, pay- able ai the end of Mardi, will be $80. I March of' this year GM hourly-rated enipîcyces re- ceived a thiree centi adjusi- ment ini June. and a 1-ive cent increase ini Septeniber -an ad- ditional Il cents ini 1972. GM said the niew cost-of- livinig adjustmien i will mean that the typical automiobile assembler in GM of' Canada will be earning a total rate of* S4.67 an hiour. excluding earn- ings for overtie anid nig ii shiift work. Tlhe cost-ot*-Iivinig adjusi- mients are nmade by agreenien t witli the unions representing liourly emiployces and under Corporation policy for eligi- bIc salaried emiployees. The adjusînienîs are based on a review of' the Consumer Price Index publishied by Statistics Canada. miore pleastng is dhat lie,ii Wocd, î,goi gt o'ie starting a çlssii lytyig Jdianoayiie ninth -jnd will be supply ing all t le ia ,teriais. '['hocou rse of, inistitLctiot WilI be field îwice weekly on Tuesd,ay and Thutrsda,,y eveings uit a cosi cf thiree dollars per evening, fini ïadvises that the liLiils will hlave to supply thoîir own touts 'and lie can direct tliem hIo a supplier. Thle classes wilI carry on1 until the openig of troot flishing ini April. You wiIl be astonfislied just hiow swiftly thiese win- ter mon ths wilI go once yotî start try ing I o MI yotor fly boxes. Give Jimi a callI ai 668-8306 and lIi hi kîow yotu wiII lbc dowiî to give i t a t ry, i t is trLly a fasciniating past timie, Saturdoy mail Ncarîy I12,000 leciter car- riers of' thie Cauîada Post 0f*- fice wilI work Saturday, De- ccîîîber 23 so they cauî spemîd Boxiîîg Day ut Ihoume witlî tlîeir faiilies. Post Offices acnoss thec country wiII becîosed Sun- day, Deceunber 24, Cîînistmîîas Day anîd Boxiuîg Day, Deceuîî- ber 20. Howcver, mîail wiII be picked utmfoniîstreet letter boxes anîd "Special Delivery- mîail wilI be deîivered omi TuIcsday tie 26t1î. Al îmail service will be back to nior- mai oui Weduiesday. Dccciii- ber 27. Oui Decernber 23 anîd 30, thiere will bemormiaî Sattirday wicket %service at Postal Sta- t loui ta t is, uistalîy froui 10 a.mn. to 2:30 p.mîî. But scmîîe Post Offices uîîay stay opemi loniger lîors as local business dictutes. Tliere wil be uic letter carrier delivery oun Saurduy, Decemîîber 30 anîd Post Offices %vilI be closed SLo1îday, Decemîîbcr 3 1, 1972 aund MouidayJanirary 1, 1973. For- turtlîer iunformîatioun Are You Paying To. Much Tax? How To Cut Income Tax While You Save For Retirement the developinut ioienltuil ini conmmiercial anîd imdustrial îimvsîuîîsiiiei nthe uîew Townî cf' Whitby anîd will provide additional jobs anud tax as- sessuîîemî t." A native cf Onillia,,Edwii H.M. Brownî <Gus) lias lived ini the 'Wiby-Osliawa arca for .32, ycars. He begani his associatioui iii tic automobile business withi Genieral Motors wlîcrc lie was ami Oshîawa planit prod octiomi line worker f'Or six yeurs. lui 1957 lie joi.ned thie sales staff of Wîi t- by G.M, dealer Harry Doniald amîd later becamie Sales Mana- ger. lui 1963 lie started his owii uscd car businiess ini Wliitby anid ini 1968 becumie thie G.M. POnîtiac-Bulick dealer ai his puesei locationi. Altlîougîî Mr. Browiî is jostifiably emtilusiasîic about his niew building anîd its uo to-date eqiipiienît, lie sires- ses (lie poitii tliiat the sales anîd ser-vice people ai GoIs Brown Motors are thîe or- ,ganuizationi's greutest assct. The originial staff of 1 3lhas grown to 32 and will expamîd to 42 on inoviuîg iiiio1 the [t 's riglit ini the Incorne Tax Act (Section 146). You cati deduet up to $4,000 frein your taxable ini- conie wheuî you deposit imto ami individual registered plan. If you operate your bus- iness as a imited company there may be sorne addit- ional benefits under Section 147 that might be cf interest t0 you. Get in toucli with Mr. Posterraro today. Tel. 728-7391 Don't take a chîance ou i missimîg eut omn tax savings oni your 1972 inconie. Act miew. Cafl Gemme Posteraro of the Mamufacturers Life for mnore details. Why Manufacturers Life? A leader in the pension field. Bas more single preînium immediate annuities on the books titan any other Canadian company and more group pension plans too. A wide variety of retirement savings plans for registration. Regular guaranteed plans. New equity insurance aind anniuity plans. Money management by investment professionals. rANUFACTURERSULFE SUITE 501, BELL TOWER OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA 1 request more information on Registered Savings INAME .............................................. IADDR ESS.......................................... PHONE ......... ................................... m &WWEI4W LASCO . en;hgineers Lake Ontario Steel Con--Umario, willbc responisible paniiy ( LAS('O) of' Whliby, for eungineering, project il'a1i- Ontario, lias engagcd Eerrco agenent, and (lic purchasiuig, Engineering Liiitied as its construction, anid installation Consuîîing Engineers f'or the of'civil works, structures', nie- previously announced $7 mil.- clianical aîîd electrical CCILiÎp- hoil plant mfodernization and nien t and services anîd ail nia- expansioni program. (teiais., New equipinn and faci- lities wilî bea 15,000 square G M detaler root scrap hiandling biîcmig eqoipped withi a 1 2 ton miag- net crane; a fiime handling *Xp@flUS systemi; eiglhî 65 ton steel ladIes; a I100 toni capacity GLIS Brownî Motors Ltd., trolley f'or a hiot mehtal crane; Wliiîby, will miove to a niew a I15 toni, twin hiook, rotatig 18,000 sq. 1't. General, Motors trolley mnagnet crane fOr bil- deaîcrship on Dumîdas Street Ict liandling; an automa ted East iii ianuary 1973, Wes dividing shiear l'or the Iigh t Winters, Whiitby Developmnenît produci1 outile t au toina ted de- Cuiisioner annou101nced to- Iivery to, anîd an automnated day. cooling bed 360 feet long, The G.M. Ponîiac-Bujck for delivery speeds 11p to deulership, the largest and 3,500 fect per minute; auto- mnost moderniin Whitby, wilI mated delivery 10 a 500 ton1 be locaied 0on a 5!/ acre site cold sliear,, anîd aotomiatcd at the Hopkins Street inter- bundling equipnent; an 85 section on Higlhway No. 2. f'oot by 480 f'oot wurelîouse The comtractor, Bill Winter building and a 25 ton ware- of*Winivalley ConistrIciÎonhlas hlouse miagnet crune; clectrical commnenced coIISIruLction Of' and mnechunical services. the atîracîively designed f*a- ln addition Iothie IiCW cility whiicli features 22 cus- equipmniet, relocut joni, mcdi- tomier service bay s. fucation anid upgrudmng of pre' - 1 Mayor Des Newman of' sent equipmieîîî and servies Whitby lias stated lie is very wi t Iini the presen t plan wiII gratîfied withi Mr. Brown's be a substuntial requiremient. decision to nmake a major litIiîir capacity, Ferrco iuivcstinecmt iin WWhitby. He Engineering Liiîited, Whiitby, said. "A fîtrm her indliction o'f a 1

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