pp:4U Zu-4c- ':1 v' iat'u "rne tIr v 1"7# WHITBVFREE PRESSre THURSQAY, DECEMIBEIÇ4l2I,1972, PAGE 5 No rebate f rom landiords, tax credits replace themn TORONTO-Tenants shotuld flot -expect a property tax re- bate cheque fr9m tIeir land- lords this ycar, Ontario Treas- urer Charles MacNauighton said today. Instead, tenants and homne. owners will be applying for tax credits when they file their 1 972 income tax returns early i - 973. Ontario's resi- dential property tax reduction prograi of the past four years is being replaced by a new property tax credit plan. Mr. MacNaughton said the new provincial plan, designed 10 more equitably distribute the property tax burden amiong horneowners and ten- ants, will work through the personal incorne tax systeni and be administered for On- tario by the Departmnent of National Revenue. %"flic propcrty tax credit will corne as an incorne tax refund cheque or as a reduc- tion in incomne tax. Howcver, 1 should advisc Ontario home- owners that to qualify for the new property tax credit, 1972 municipal taxes must bc paid during 1972,"hle said. Mr. MacNaughton said the new systern will reduce the total property tax burden by at Ieast $160 million. Low income groups ,will benefit miost. The plan is al so being extended to rooiners- and boarde rs. The property tax credit plan is restricted to Ontario residents and applies to prin- cipal residences only. Resi- dents in homes for the aged or tax-exenpt institutions do jiot qualify. The Treasurer said the Like the shepherds let us adore the Sov- ior on the day that celebrates His birth. Focus 2000 Photography Harwood Place Ainx TE flhTY FIEEPROS (Voice ot th County TOwn) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; serving Ajax and Picke ring. Published every Thursday 2 12 Brock Si. Soitti. Wlitby'. Mail Bo\ 206, Wiitby. Il>honc 668-61I Il or 668-611 2 Gemweral Mlaiuger: W. *Bîut" Durkee ll*itor.: Judy I)tirkçe 1: *ditorilStati- Bill Williams %MAI LIN(; sport% kd(itor: Doug WeLek% PE RMIT Advertisiing: Rau Wins(aiky NOU 2941i benefit (o îmdiv iduial taxlJay- ers will vary "because we have linkcd property taxes in in- corne taxes and, therefore, to the individual's ability to pay. The majority of Ontario resi- dents will reccive more mioney back under the new plan. Some will receive about the same as last year, white high incorne earners will receive less. Homeowners, tenants and others who may be eligible- such as roomers and students living on campus-wiIl receive instructions on how to apply for and calculate the property tax credit when they receive 1972 income tax return forms early next year. 8UYSU1~REN1HIRE... Gus Brown Motors grows with Whitby as will be proven in January with their new 18,000 sq. ft. Dundas Street East expansion. Dr. W. ConIey NOWDOPENING GENERAL PRACTICE FOR APPOINTMVENTS CALL 668-9337 519 Dundas St. East Whitby May the blessings of Christmas fill hearts everywhere with love, joy, inner peace and the wish for brother- hood. Let's pray for fulfihi ment. STRIPE DISCOUNT STORES 121 Brock St., South, Whitby LOOK An origïil idea for someone speciail A GIFT CERTIFICATE 13 Kîng Street West Oshawa, Ontario C/Sksna ....3................ Let the heurt of every mon be filled with the peace of the Christmas season. Have a happy day. County Broadloom 1742 Brock St. South ir amrieurse. 360 KING W. 576-4232 H1ELEN AND SUSANf FormerIy of the Establishment of Haïr Cutting Wish to Announce they are: NOW OPEN P.S. For a second pair of Glasses REMEMBER »"WE'RE THE BEST IN SIGHT" THE IPTICAIIBOUTIQUE '- %%ma IN THE BOUTIQUE CENTRE 579-1242 Kari A. Blakolmer Dispensing Optician J4ith Our BRest Wishes With a variety of good wishes for a Merry Christmas, we off er our thanks to ail our good f riends and customers, Rockers Store Blair Park Plaia W h 1tby