Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1972, p. 2

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PAGE 2. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1972, WHITBV FREE PRESS PAGE r-di«tral ----- Pea ce on Earth Pcuce o11 earth and goudwill tu ail meni. A simple phrase but one wilîi lias rumg duwn througli the yc'arý ai the Yuletide seasun as the Christian wurld pays liumage Io the birth uf Clirist. SThiat event, almuost 1973 years ugo, lias liad a pro- found effect on the wurld, its people and thieir way of*ifce. It was truc Mienî it huppened and it's equally truc today. As mientioned, it's a simple phrase but une uf sucli iiipurtî il followed, miost of' the day-to-day prublemis of our world would vanîsli overnight. Peace on earthi! A goal fura i ai uklnd lu strive l'or. ,But nu malter lîow liard the rnajurity uf the peuples km tlîis earîlî yearn for it. il always scemis lu be just beyoîîd our grasp. Guodwill tu alnmen! A lufty pronouncemient and une equally desirable iin the minds of peuple everywhere. Yeî, liere tou, wefll fui shurt of the miark- buth individuaily and collectively. Despite the sentimentis expressed in ibis ufi repeated phrase, we can'l help but wundcr whether we really believe it or inerely pay lip service tu un ideal whichi we hiave lit tIc faith in as it is reflecîed ini our day-lu-day living. And the word faill i my be the key lu it ail. If we have faith in this îîîuch-sîrived-for ideal thien why cun't il happen? If we luck fajîli why are we su surprised whien we fail short? Faith has a different ineaning lu rnany peuple. Faitli in religion. Falîli in our way of life. Faith ini others. Fuithi in ourselves. Thiese are ail definitions which cone easily 10 mmnd. However, faill ini the optimumi ideal of peace un earth, goodwill to ail men is une lu which t00 few uffLIs subseribe wiîh the belief necessary lu miake il coîne about. At this holiday seasun why can it not be possible for each of- us, in his own way, tu reflect un îthe true mieaning of the phrase and put il mbt practice? Faith in thie truc ideal, by even une addîionul persun. could be a great beginning. Earîhquakes sturt with a snîull tremor. Avalanches with the shifting utf une grain of sand. Peace on earth, goodwill to ail mien. lt's a wunderful sentiment for this limie of year. lî's a wonderful sentiment for ail times of the year. To oui readers everywhere we extend best wislies l'or the iîîerrîesî uf Chrisîmiases and the happiest of New Years.' Give of yourself- love, peace and un- derstanding. lt's a holiday for shoring bountiful blessings. THE SALVATION ARMY wishes to thank you for your patronage onie and A and wishes you a Merry Ch ristmas Day. Thank You! Chri'stmas T/e ic'c/iV/i broke brlglit ainic cris/J a/idc /car, as hie glist- /1/e sýliacia)s flcci)lre flie 51//t '5ljrirra js, As ice friei10 cc'a/-awav i/le lr<st b» breatli/g aoi tlic>ervs- ta/led pa/zes, (o greet tis spec'ia/ day o)'I/a ys. T/îc'îîthec, steainhiig porridge hec'kons lis tthle hrecfitsi table ivliere waiteci po tabues, eggs a/i /feat. Anid wc' vaiiec iipafje/ly fiôr thie hl</e-iaie bread fa toastion/i vood stuî" '5we/e/cidhzeat. T/îe/îive ate our oranige a/id app/e (i/ic saî'ed thîe llc>/ie-m/ac/e ean,icvilat iwe dlatii l i hie siock/i/îgs bh' Vîthe Iree. Sister /îad lier apron o/i andcihiiggf,îg e/ose lier store-houighit c/aIl, a/ici1I was proied/v î vlîftt/il,4ig llî tîc' ffrst lac c iýfèe eer giî'en nie. Bru t/er gui a tt/e la/ieri if/ce t/he big une tiat we zîseci out ji tie stable. A/ici we bath got ruhher hboots lIf/e Dads', if/l red bottoîîîs' a/icithe hig rcd label. Fou îstcps e-ru,îcel, Dad appearedi 1>ont doi/îg car/y c'/ores a/id said flic roads ivere î'erv bad A/id perlîaps îve s/îuud/l 'f go ho CGraîdidas 5t/is ear, a/ic weve sî lo/ed ai lii ii, lô)r we aiways /îad, We ivafted for hln ta ciecie as lie diececiite outsfde f cii- perature, readiiîg 10 be/o w. Ouzr cisappoiniied lookcs a/id a c'a/lIfrônti Grancinia, Ill/y tliacie' up lus /iiititu go. Soon wve îvere in ftic box sic'ig/î, snugg/t'ciuiicitr rob4es o/ia hed of lia», wftl t aironi vrappeci up ai aur lèet, Dad anîd Moin liua/ed li/e tive> big bears, îîîulleci up abaî'e Uis Oil t'e seat. T/le/I 10 Grauicnias'5on a iidi/ig road, thrie fielcis and woods, anîd <)ierl/lc-esliîidde/î hi*'vîthe drifi'eci5/owl, T/le/i îhru guuies wit/i toiverfîîg baniks on cif/zer sic/e, iv/tere for brfef niunie/is i/le Wid îauu/d c'ease ta h/oi'. Gra/idma's brouglît îis /iugs a/ic kisses, niore giffs ta s/îare and gaintes ta play, T/ienî (hîrispuias dinîier, iw/i c"eîe i . sîavs li n ' niiid as cole 0f tle /ig/lig/îts of'ihie da *1) Turkey. po ta foes, circssig a/ic gravly n'if/î /îanî-gro wi î'egeîabies, a/ic cra/iberri, sauce o/thfli sic/e, Ifome-mnade pie, cake, bread a/id cou/les, anid Gra/id/ia lou/ciîg on wit/i prie/e. Thîtîi t/le utinsiio/cc'cia/ici cisc'uss5c'cirni/ig, îvit/ a cdrin/c or tivu, îî/î fe ficth /e i Ii d is/ics a/idigossipeci an aii ci/eci About thli/ielg'lh<)t/rs, rt'cfpc'. crcss cic.sI'/i. ci/d siecli, iaic /iwquic'k/i' f/e bal) v lîi/c'arliec /() %'va//c IV'c crac/cci./us. cite'candiles, iric'cl (aitfeac'/i î/îcr*as , f/i'/ihiidicIup guod antcivien uif tisidc' Aml/ fahoggumîd'ci ii s/cic'd ()r hai . iiiv-bai ll4lifteiil TOWN 0F WHITBY INAUGURAL MEETING Take notice that the Inaugural Meeting of the newly elected Council of the Town of Whitby will be held on Saturday, January 6th, 1972 at 11 :00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby. The general public is invited to attend. Dated at Whitby this 2Oth day of December, A.D., 1972. I F estive Greetings and Best Wishes from your man f rom Manulife. 0 free bookiet tu answer gour questions about Innuities There conies a time in mostilmens ,lîves %%hen a guaranteed in- corne is more important than the hope of capital gain. And that*s exactly whah annulies froml Manufacturers Life ofTer. They provide an autornalic. guarantced incune l'or life. People have askcd us man,. questions about annuities in the pas!. Important questions such as: Can 1 arrange for sorne of'the noney lu be returned to m% estate If 1 die earl\ 2 Is ihere an annuity that wilI transfer the incomie tlu mv ,ife if she outlives me'! Howý, do annuities affect nîiN incomie tax? Is an annuily a practical way of supplementing Canada Pension Plan and other retirernent incorne? To provide you with the anss,ýers %ýe ha'>e puhlished an easy-to- read, easy-to-undersland book Ici called 'Annuities. . the key * to a golden age.- lt*s vouus l'or the asking. ý%ithout obligation. Just fit In and return the coupon heIov%. Andili*' ou wvoUld like to discuss annuities %ith sonmeone. %ou couldn' t ind a better person to, talk 10 than the Man Iruni NianufaUtuIrers.I MANUFACTURERS LIFE! 1 NmSLR \\C i(O\iTN of Eia/i', il vas lime 1<) go, Dad lilichecl up thl ((an id /woufg/ii' lhen'ruiil I/Ile door. More liugs and Icisses andc cal/s ojf àreiv)e//, t/jeni ve siulgg/ccl (oget/wr 'eaî/i tie robes as bel b)re. T/zen off down thie road f liu t/le biting cold, t/e rinizers squeaking o11 Ilc>S/îoAi. T/ie (c'ep/io/e po/es siaod agaiîsi flie skv, ficc sentric's on a lvatc/i iili a rau'. ap/)reciale lia 'i/ig thienîc'norv (f (thc auty oa. a coli I iiter 's /ig/ît, The h/te h/ack s/ado ws eo;iîrasig sharp/y viihie 11e/c/s aîd hi//tops hri//iaiî tw/ite. T/he vapour steamig fl-omtheli>/orses 'n<sîri/s, ilîcir /îariîess creakiîig fr01,1 ulle co/d, Whi/ lie e oon laukefi dcnvn au i te frosty scenîc, îanig9 iliere like anî orl ofgo/d. T/te îzext lîi,îg ive kîîew, we %vere beiîzg awvake/îei, antd carried li>tîe lionse la the bc'd. Dad c/id ehores, ive/conicd bv /ivesbock, iv/io were iv'o/Uer- iîîg wlîy Iiiey /adîî ' beeii ld. Moîlier sta/ced up t/îe lire a/id hieaîed the /<ett/e, pîetfing hlot ivater botu/les ai aur fret, T/le/i busied herse/f witlt lousewaork, prepari .ig .bir a ni day 1v meet. Yes, W/le/i t/le Yu/etide canies rou/id eae/î year, /11Vt/iougltts ta/ce a îîosta/gic trip To thee cunl/y C7ristmîases wve speif years agu, iilîflic /anîd iueked inIili/e coid 's cruel gril). Mu/eie vas scarce, su wve lad 1<> nake do, but flie' la/lies ali a ' s gui togetîzer Tu ce/ebraie i/is specia/ da ,VVes f/zevcidoeu/leno malter ivlîat t/le veat/îer. Guod lôad, spirits iîig/î, our cup of» f/iatik.fie/îcss i/led lu thie brini, ill/i warm îgood iwislîcs t aur kitici (>1/r ,îeiglhours, a/te vcri' speciai >thugits tfawarcl Him. A îd 1 lée/ reai good w/zeni I lîear peu)ple my q ge, andcieve/i aider, si'V, Iuw izî clit/jeT' miss a/ici /10V lîuch li /1e c'iiaec, the Chîristmîas of Yesterda*î'ý. By Gordon C. Grills, Whitby, Ontario. readers The Ldilor: 1 wislîilihe liitby Free l>iessaiîd safeaoîGreet- îigs. Oit youi second Clhrist- mias 1 'WiSlî \')LI i ila V imore JS 1011g as yOLI givCte le ieS as ii s aii do iiiletiamyonie blu l ilie ulic.Thie IrnîhII iiU iii l tbuit il*s good loi hie SOuL. ('ounfcil hi r Flobbs recen ilv iiade i[lie s! aienici t lere aie lieds iii Wli il hy utlier i liail hockey. lie sure spoke i lie trullh but It'S îlot a tradler camp tt is ineeded--il 's an arena tb lîclp keep thle kids off the sti-îeeîs. Tliere is morle doîng iin an a reîîa îlîaîî the playiiig of hockey. Inithie earli' lorties there was little fuor the kids lu do SO We siarted basebaîllIcagues tu lp keep theni occupied. S. K. Hanson Suite 501, Bell Tower, Oshawa Centre Oshawa, Ontario Bus. 728-7391 m m m m m- - -mu Please send me, e ihut obligation, a free copy of the bookiet: "lAnnuities.. the key to a golden age." NAME................................... ADDRESS .............................. Steve Hanson The Manufacturers Life Oshawa, Ont. _______________________________________________________________ - - - - - ---- - I write Thîis veai1 is Illie firiIyear iliai 1 did lot voie 1,01thIe liiîyor as eNpecteil. I losI l'aithIl wlîei the miuinicipal cuîiplex idea was deali wiîh. iliaI iai1d a I'ew otlier iieiiîs. 1I was surprised îo sec liiiii give aI I lus local elecî ion iicws 1() ou isidc iiewspal)e us along wil iiihis Clir isimas re Ii ios le ieciti/.eiis of, Ille bowii. O)f' couLrse. lie \Vas îioi Illie oil ly one. I aîii Sure lie. liast(lie righi t lu do aIll lus owVfltliiikiig. Su have I, liu)wever-, I do îlot feel 1 ai îeniiiled ho duouIlethink- iig l'or Ille jes t' (ie peuple iin Whitby. Neillier ducs thie iiîayor. Let Ille 1peuple du thîcir mwil tlinkiîig. If îliey agrce wil îIll hie îayur's ideas iheîi everyýt liiîg wîll be alriglit. As l'Or thie dectIioiî .1Idoti' aigree il vas ia ruLiiaw.iy. Thuose cou lest ing Ille seal against Mr. Newmîanî were relaîively uiinwn - A lot cast Ih heu ballots l'or Mr. Newmnaî whu uthiirwise wvould îlot have il' îhicy kîîcw bether thie coin- pelitors. Oulside papers were ail iin Mi. Newinaîî's corner. Oîîly onIce did I sec aîiy hiiîg about the lesser kîiowiî canîdidates and thalt was in thie course of knockiig thie local newspaper. I was ini camîps of dicta- tors for uver four years and ain laîîiliar w'iilî what huap- peîued Ihiere. I aîîî now a senior citizenî bu t I was yoing onice. I1cin- joyed iny sports as a young- ster and say let the clien have thii's now. In closing, I repeal rny wisli lui.) a happy hioliday and hiope tliaI whieîîcuuncîl imakes proposaIs this conîing year tlley will deîcrîîîinie whiat the peuple îhink be'ure mnaking major decisions. Yurs siicerely A. Bruce Duilop St.. Whiîby. yesterday Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, The Corporation of the Town o hty 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. of Whitby,

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