PAGE 20. Tl*JRSDAY, PECWBUER 21t, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS Christ.,mas The nianîe was 'Mane, a dowil on lier luck, ex-show- girl with a heart of gold. PARENTS- Vour Son or Daughter cari EARN BETTER SCHOOL GRADES through POWEREADING a new reading course from Programs For Adiievsmnnt in Reading Incorporatod -now being offered exclusively at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Classes will be held on Mondays and Wodnos- deys from 4:00 p. m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Saturdays f rom 10: 30 to 11:30 a.m. Typing classes also available on Saturdays. Betier Concentration; încreased reacling rate; better retention; new study methods; better Notetaking Skills. Phone or write for complete detai Is. DId 722-002 a.t Maie was a eharacter Jin Watt Disney's ailnimated car- toon feature, "'Lady and the Tranp", but the picture was hi production during the Eis- enhiower adnîiniîstration and Watt decided on a definite change of narne, 50 Uasflot to offend the then first lady, Mainic Eisenhower. Alt through the early sta- ges of tic film the studio storyrnen called her Marne because of her predomninant bangs, a characteristic of Mrs. Eisenhower. In the story she's a Pekiîîgese and a former girl- friend of the dog hero of the. piece wlîo stili cardes a very bright torcli for hlmi and lets it be known du ring her sultry number, "He's a Tranîp". Watt looked around for a new naie and Peggy Lce, Who was giving voice to the vivacious blues singer, vol- unteered ilhat she wasn't sen- sitive and hie could call the character after her. Watt liked the, souîîd of Peg and thîe switch was niadle. An d "Lady and the Tramip" is just one deliglîtful feature of the famied anniated Disney cartoonis to be screen- cast over this holiday scason at the Wlilby Brock Tlîea- t re. Acolorful Dis neynat- the, tince will bc fcaturcd ut the Brock Theutre froiî 1:-30 on- ward cachi and every day dur- ing the holidays anîd fromn 7, eveniiîgs for farnily outings if tie afternoon turn- outs warrant thecm. "Lady & the Tramp" begins Suntday, Cli ist nias Eve, Decem ber 24, along with the lheart-wîininlg "Bongo". TVie Brock closes Monday, Cliistnias Day and opens again with "Lady & the Trarnp" on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tlie lineup of special Disnîey lioliday filins has been contrivcd by Brock Thecatre owners Bill and Tessie Brant who rernember theiîîselves, the anticipation of nîoviedomn during Christinas and New Years for school-free child- ren durnîg die hioliday seas- on. Christmias at thle starts off this Satunday eîîîber 23, Miîen ill1 B ru ck FDec- c ild- ren will be adrnitted liaitf- price for thie shîowing of' "Tan- zan anîd the Valley of Gold". The doors will open an lîour -early anîd chljdren will fiîîd Santa on stage. Tliere will also be prizes. Witlî thie closing of "Lady aid thie Tramlp" cornes "The Million Dollar Duck" and "4Navajo". 'Million Dollar Duck" is ani especially en- tertaining Disnecy adventure ail about a duck and a gol- dcen egg. Both features will be shîown from Tlursday, Decernben 28 througlî Satur- day, Decem ber 30. Proprietors of the Brock Theatre, BîlI anid Tessie Brant, would alsu like to take tlîis opportunity to wislî the res- idents of Whitby a tnuly joy- ous Chîristmîas anîd to cspec- ially tlianik thcir youîîg pat- rons. for tlîeir patroniage over thie past year. BROCK .7,77*. Walt Disney Productions' 1) ' lit t ).lkt 'il T(< l f/ I me tt h lsusj u /.I ,jf/ssu'î Tramtp..'. 1 O'j . et mS'e~> uii '><11 ilî rTis is f luic <nu <'h iii!l THEATRE Kids! Color "Lady' and 'Tramp' to win a free year's pass, six montlis and one month's passes or consolation prizes for special child- ren's,Saturday afternoon matinees to be featured during the new year of 1973 at Whitby's Brock Theatre. Use any color crayon you like, clip the cartoon f rom the Whithy Free Press and drop it of f in the Brock Theatre mail slot. CO NTEST R ULES: Coloring wilI he judged by the Brock Theatre and the Whitby Free Press, and prize winners will be announced at the Sunday, December 31 matinee.* CONTEST R ESTRI1CTED0 TO CH 1LI0R EN TWE LVE YVEA RS 0 F A GE AN D UND0E R. lst prize: one year's f ree pass to every Saturday's matinee in 1973. Second prize: One six month pass to the Saturday matinees. Third prize: One rnonth's pass to the Saturday matinee. Ten con- solation prizes of single passes wiII alsa be awarded. Brack CLORING CNTEST