YOU'LL GETA- WARM RECEPTION AT ALLTEN 0F OUR OUTLFTS. Volvo's new high-powered heater spreads warmnth wherever you sit. JAKE & MILS GARAGE Taunton Rd& E. at Wilson Oshawa. 723-3041 ~ATEWAYS~O.LTD FORMERLy BURLEY BUS LINES Announces Daily Bus Sohedule for January 8, 1973 between Bowmanvi lie, Oshawa, Whitby and Go-Station-Whitby Hospital. REVISE TIME TABLE WiII allow other passengers 10 make a trip in Oshawa-Whitby with Go Transit and also supply added haif hour service between Oshawa, Whitby, Watcli next week's newspaper for further information. Dtrnds St E. hit1 PAGE 18, THURSDAV, DECEMBER121, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS ROSABRO N Cntiued rompag 17beîiîd lber, s/dts vhirllng aîzgrily, dark eyes flasiing wif/î ROSABROW Couinue fro pag 17 ire of' riglîteous indignatfion, Rosa clîarged downtown (to The ric oftpikhi moey ut f rai stae Ma ber lawyer, calling clown curses upoîî bis head anid t/he /eads Tue rzc ofînakng one ouiof ealestae ii a of everyoine conmected witb t/he deal, plus a goodly nurnber mnîing camp is flrst Iv figure out wbere the foivii vill ei'en- of'people ,v/io lad nvf/îing to do witb il ar a/I. t11ai/v be situared and bow t/le business district ivill be laid During flie tex; fewv years, Rosa speizi more Uhati out w/îen t/heintes go 1h10 production, t/ici: I buy lanîd $2, 000 in legal /èes and court eosfs as s/le suecl everyonc accvrdinlg/v. Rosa was a slick operaror i'lt/ a sharp eye fo)r lier eve lit oit for a variety of inmprobable reasons. Writs t/he crystal bail. hi Kirk-laind Lake lier lanîd purcliases wvere fliw about wvitb t/le frequeic-y of leaves ini an A u tumî gale. ail grouped around w/îat becampee /l ownitowîîiv shopping If is said tbat att/is period ini lier lîisîorvy Rosa kepît/lhe air area a i' ears (o conie tn spîte ovi f/l /ct iliat a îîunber of' over Kirklaiid Lake so blue it/ imnprc'caîioîs tîtat for a fiiile speculators were cvtii iced tbat thic main street ivould rn at/he residents thouglit tbey were eiiduriîîg a total eclipse of' at rig/n angles to wbhere Rosa had figuired it to be. t/ie sun sonîehiow o'erlooked hi' t/le niie feorologisîts. W/îile waifing for t/le miing camîp tb grow ino a Ini was while titis w/iirlwind of litigafion was ini pro- Jiill-fledged ti'n Rosa put lier real estate t~o îvork. On1 tbe gress f/la fRosa decided to take a personal /îand ln t/le pro- sniailer lots she pur up frame bunîgalowvs anîd renîed them. ceeiigs and sec îf*tlieliiuîiiie fouch li îgî not tnake sonie Ont her largesi parcel of lanîd s/le erect'ed a fwvo-stvrcy différence Iof/le ou tconie of vile particular action. ivooden building ivit/î manývsinall square roonîs linf; 111sf A ivare t/lat tf/e visiting niagistrafe /îadl a habit of ar- be/îiîd this she placed a roiv of tarpaper s/îacks. flic large riving overniig/îî in I-aîllybury, t/te county fowii wlerc al building became a boardiîîg bouse fôr miners anid t/le rvw local cases were tried, so as Io gel an car/y stan t/le follow- of cabîns, excepr for vite ln w/tic/is/le and lier jlea-bitte;î i ng day, Rosa aiid /ter dogs /itchcd a ride ftortfl isxyv- entourage lived, were rented iv bootleggers anîd ladies of mille jouny. easýy virfuie. T/te t/tougbiful Rosa laid oui /ier littie cont- ler travels wvere iiii variabh' acconîplislied kv f/le ex- mniiy projectinii suc/t nanuier as tv pro ride easy access peinofraîitlerdgf0 at lte/iificbsts frvm t/te boardimtg /ioîse tte allurinýg fiiellities ait/lhe heside fte hlii/vav îv/îile s/te sf yod, a Jo)rlorit, sniialljïgiirc, back at any r ime a mnier feli fle icîeed j'or t/le fèniîtîiîe fiunib upraised. Local iîiabitaiîîs liad lcariicd f/îeir biffer nlystique or fowîd ftai îap wiaier no lonîger queiîe/ed lits lessout vears before anîd droi'c past uîîscciîg/î' wit/î Rosa s tbirstînîaid cd. s/ionrecl nialedie tivîts speçLlin g tfli n viitcmivav. But it- Slowvit/le Kirkland Lake camp grew as miine affer cviablv t/îcrc iwoidd be sonte big-/îcartecd conîînc'rcial mine iwentinfi/o produciiolii-Macassa. Kirkland ifi>rals, traveller, iiew t/îhe cisi'rict, w/io pulled up fo ujier a ride Teck-Huig/tes, Lake S/tore, Wniýg/î-Hargreai'es, Toiug/t-Oakcs. fo i/le littie oîd ladv inlthefl>/d-jas/iîitcid lonîg skirt. Svlvaniie-auîd Rosa listelîed to fte iltusic vi nialut sircef Opcîîiug t/hc' back door of flic' car, Rosa puit tw.o iraffie /iuniiiig pasi lier idoor. S/îe /ad min ofièrs foir filigers ut lier tnvu ft Ioproduece a ptercîitg z '/iflc'antd /ter large cornter loi, straiegical/v sitîafcd inthr/e bcst sec- ftiitht/e s/tou/der of' ilie road houjide'dlier pack oj'as- tdon o fte businecss atid s/hoppintg area, bîut Rosa hldno< soric'd caintcs, leapiîtg wit/i niucddv paws aitd s/tri/I velps inrentivît /' sclliîîg uitfil s/te recelued ait irrc'sisf le off èr. oj* pleasutre to f/le inîtuiaculaie back seat, wvh le Rosa. T/îat day camne liI1935 whîemi anit eresed bu- ver slanîmnîg f/le cior s/li e bc/îiflein, îîtitted fo lier offeredi lier t/te suma v/' $30.000 j)r itie parcel of latici 5/l place beside t/te itcredulous dri,'er ciiltvtuicitg. "Di-op me> bad boughît for niuch less th/aîtS$100 sixîccît* vecrs ago. offit Halle vburî'. Rosa banked /ier profit anîd ;noved lit a /ioi'l s/te Ruinoiîr iîsis fs Ma ft e jastidious ira re/ler, pas- /îad built it ani alleytvav >on fte /ill overlookiitg lier cornter shoîza te/' fid of t/te spolless grcýv up/iolstcrv ln lus inewi lot-cars, dogs, chilekens, j7eas anîd aIl, wii/î f/e satils/à c.'iî Buick, still s/takes uute(oittrollab/vliei lie 'passes a dl>g of haviîg conipleted a soiîmd busîitess deal. put îd i tfsmtiriilt usvnu > usgr i T/ien ite loc-al graperiueie ct intfo acionanid t/le puiiad nhtsliie fgisgc u nohsaie nîmotîrs starîed iv1v. Furthierniore a builldoz-er ioi'ed it bo ai a~'t e mni . anîd razed t/he boardiîtg /ouse anîdi/le /touses of'ili-repute. lriiig aflfte Haîlcvhuri c'ourtlioîse. Rosa le/t /ier T/he baseientt f/ti as dîîg sfruck Rosa as singular/v large. dogs ouitside anîd tade lier wa v Io tlic inagis fraie 's office To Iter everlasting furvit iîraîîspired iv be mt a local bush- w/iere Mfr. Sicgfricd A tkhsv,î iwas goiîtg <>i'er luîs papers. aessmamî iv/io /ad boîîg/ît /ter valuab/c' cornter 10fo/tnt/te Standinii ifte dvurwa v Rosa sfarc>d aI /îiîî si/et i/v. ite mtain sîneef but vne of f/te largest dimîte stores on the > Ecînialli' si/eutlty. t/ete agistraie igutvred lier. Rosa gaspedl NVort/ Anterli c vcnineincît. wlose assels rnîtiîto millions anîd cltî;c/ed lier breasî ivit/t a treintitîus sigîti as s/w saîîk anîd w/bal Rosa ivas coutiiiecd s/te cou/ci have /te/d up fo)r ru t/e le 7or it a desceîîding iave vi fait erdci skinîs. Afn. tiee fte price s/te gof. Atki;îsoîî cuit îiiîît f0 ork af/lis dcsk i/iouf louklitg Her scrcamis of' ia/urc'd ilnioceutc'e iere licard f/te up afitle drantathe bumidie uf rags Ivîhtg oithf/e carpel, un fil leigt/t and breadtf/ vffte iiiutgcounîr v. Dogs boundtg t i iie î'camue whleiv ouîdened uîenî'oîslv ie /tad ui'er- O, corne ail ye taithful Yuletide is the season to be jolly. and it's a fine time to wish you and yours the happîest. Warm "thanks," too. VINCES GROCERY estinted /11i oppiletit. BJut /îst as lie ivas weig/ling uîp lus mext unove anîd t/le p(>ssibtlity tha;t/tis rc'ally, was a dead Ià hait, Rosa opeîîed one nia/evolent, eye, saw le was sf1igmîvenimîfg her anîd seram- bled jivusly to hlfet. 'TVie hîcîl wit/t you, "s/te said, 'Ic'aii sec l'Il get no dait synîpaf/li' lere!" amnd sf vnnîed outiii a nîlasmia of dog's Itairs, dit anîd Sîvaît s liimnit, w/île/t sle uîsed on lier persomi as liberally' as lesser ivonieî utse eau de C'olognec. Affer tile tuniul aîîd flhe s/îouting of Rosa's $2, 000 ivvr ft vf lihgaionî /ad subsided anîd lîcre ivas tic court iii f/le c'ountfry, nic laivver in t/he pro vinîce ivlto wcntld eniterfalîz file idea of» workiîîg fjrtlier ini t/le iatter vît Rosa's -behalf, she acquired a persecutioii complex of 'grand proportions. Nol for Ro>sa f/le ni/dly aggrieved atiiutde of'Ilie bad lyser. Rosa ivas alivavs larger t/tat i l/ein everyr/îiig s/te /id. Her /hcbby îîvw ias lookiîîg fo)r îroîtbe--aid trcouble slîe c'cnîd alîvavs jïad. S/îc fock lv atteuidiig Coueil nîmeeimngs, ac'c'ontipaiîi ed alivays hi' /ier dog pack, ivlîic/î niade Kirklaiid Lake 'couuîil mieehinîgs unique anîd c'olouirjû/, rIe/t it prof à niîy, anîd also of' liapreceden ted leuîgî/. Beti veeîmeteintgs, Rcsa occuzpicd /ierrfliie by scîîdiuîg c'abîcs lv lis Ma/estfi Kinîg George VI, cuînpiaiiig biffer/v aboutt local pv/liiciaîîs anîd fte vay i/ici' lad c'leaied a poor oid ivomîcn oi;o/ ler iîîaîicuab/e riglits. (Utiable fo ivnif c, Rosa /îad lier oiva tuiet/toc of cviii- mîtîîîcaioc,> vwu'/ lier sol'creigz. Dicta fiîgliter message fo flic manîagcer >/filue local felegrapli office, slîe itelcil hs lîaîîc lirai/v lit lers as lie îv'o le, *féelijig f/t ii tii wavshc ivas ini jÎlc peiiiig flic ivords /îcrseîf. "You pit liaf all loîiîn'>'- slîc' uîlas/ sttspicioîes/v, as lie delt/î' frautsîafcd Rosci's Jouert-/el fered Atglo-SaxvIî iniopolite C('atcianit elegrap/iese. Tierce/v sheiov~otId st arc ai f/le cuîuplefed fbniit, but sivce s/to cotd/ read ilb bt Ici f/lait s/te von/cl 117/e t/etefacful alteratiomis î-ataiîteo/ ut- deîec'ted. As t/te chip oît lier sîtuloler grew largcî- anud Rosa gnew ,atîgrier, flic~ stree s uf * Kinkîauid Lake uî'ould suiddeiî/y eipiv as /ter s/tort, wi' bijorit appearec on flic> horizon. C'uîitcillons anîd local Iawivei-s cîerreitîv lut Rosa 's bai books liIlll auîis/u liasti/v ut w' adjacent îdoovrwavs be.bne Rosa ,1Vt,-o î'as nv resp'ctfcr uf persuits antd -cul/dît ' cane /ess if' flic> oh/ct of /lier ire was %wa/kitg inthf/e coul/paît voflhs i/lust i 'alued chlenu tc ai/e îtpuîî I/i c, eves li7as/tiuîg, clogs bankiîtg, î'ild îîurf/îc'nn athîs icoclîefiig o/*i tlflc' sitirotuudt- iîîg buîildinîgs as s/te gare Illeuutlut iîdcrstiud iii it tiite Lie/ailexact/v w/tai s/ ic îonýglîf o'fiteir/busiic'ss c'î/ics, pc'rsonaî Izais cmnd flice ntuen iti w/tichl tteî'haLl /eei coitciveei'ocomdiîîg îiîîtte sîeggsî .ont illttc'ac-/îoune per- fIortii alitenoiic cohtouhion i ipussibît' or î/he' îuosî î'lnile uf* vonulig af/ilt/es, Icae acloine joi. rotteil gcilctlmof l iitdentciiuîac> agc>. hficecournse of tiuuî, Rusas5 varions /îoues, spuîtedl amond t/to towutgreît' ulde,- andclstanit c/rufl/ c/o wut. Rosa ivas nof a Iautd/unc/ ->'/tsaitcut*v i'fie in' tspendicig goucl iltuite11 ut repairs. 1/f tîtere îî'as a htuo'lutiiflic> rouf' iliciz a bttc/<ci îîotuîc/catch Ite(,u'ai:if'îo>u fenatîs fi?//off tI/e saggiîîg porc/ iltle/-c' îas uto /cat' tu Sa ' ftev Pctid topp t11UP on ait 'tpn' ojIîlein i ias tîere? /1t ciuspireL t/tai tîtere îîas exactii stuc- lt andai ( fnîî iha/h uuîcicdc'el be v'uid lttîîtn tenutrantceo b v Rusa 's c'luli/ù/cc atribu flous /0 ifs /iu'o'iiigs, L'o nîcleuîtî,c'd sotte u//îen pnupc'u'ics aundî uncered lic'r l car thiuî coivi. C'onuîcil's iiaivc' opuiisi;i ftafRosa Bron îicullLi e quenc/îcd hi' suc/ a sitm1)c> oxpc'cieniiîas shiorî-Ilve. Rusa promt 1v ' dnaped It ir sl(c'ks î'it tte UnîionzJack, .paînioric elltbîents antd bîimtliz, p/acc'c a largc' GOD SA VI:' THE KING " sýiîovîtt/e to' j-oîfandcla /aitue etcr iI o-cclii rc'c, w/uhtc' andîci /. siîczî"'A Gufi to H.R.H. Qîceemu Eizabc'fh />'oîn lier lo val suebecî Rosa Bruivia. " Mleaii/uie s/c iun- stnuuc-îed flic /afesîi in a luîîg lUne of' cmtnieYs iv îec'cltfli sevenal couudc'miic'cs/îac-ks 10 theic/'val.liiîtiî, 0)ole 10) te tcfo t/te qu'c'mîandttcefzc csf Iv flic hf île prnmcecssces. T/is swvi/'t ioie oiRusa's parti nt ocnt/j'clèaîeclite . Wh itby Dundas St. E.