One mans By Bill Williams Ho ho ho! And a happy hioliday season to you too. Can't seem to get used to tîhe new approach to town polities. It seemls like only yesterday that mayors, reeves and deputy-reeves would flot dreani of attending ail officiai funiction unless the local press was ini attendance. In Whitby, however, ail sorts of activities go on to which the local press is not invited. A perfect example of this is the ribbon cutting for the new Cochrane St. bridge. This took place some days ago and the FREE PRESS was flot there. So what, you say? Let me ex- plain. The bridge in question was, in fact, opeiled severai weeks ago without formality. The ribbon cutting took place iii the Centeniliai building in front of a photograpb of tlie bridge. We cani't help but wonder if the FREE PRESS was excluded because of the ridiculous and incongruous as- pect of' thie wliole thing and because the FREE PRESS would be the only one of tie. area papers-sornie of which were represenîed - which woluld have the intestinal for- tituide to point il out. To MPP Bill Newman, Reeve Tom Edwards and Deputy-Reeve Johin Goodw in, aIl of whoni officiated, let nme just say weil done fellows-we hiope the effort didn't prove too "taxing.' ('ongralulatIion s Io î[lie lo- cal Jayýcecsiind iaycet tes onila l'Ie elîurt ini respect toîu o- gailiig last weekend's San>ta ('lauis parade. As al former Kîinsîiaii and a Jay cce I kiîuw the c etto- xp)ended Io nmake tiiese project S vork. Tlianks aiso tc) utheîxîrticipan is and sI)oiisoi-s wliodid niake a cointribu tion Io te tlicscccss of hIle even t. lt is ire-pro- vuking uIo cmet wîlîa lack o f u-oraionf roui the cme1r. chants and others whuo stand l) benefit froin suchi a paradc bu t il is also soul-sat isf'yinig Mienu you cunsider Ille pleas- tire brouigi>t Io(oii nclildrcîî. Sure hope some of you ac- cepted the invitation to invite a patient from the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital to your home for Christmas. It can be a ionely' (une of year in a hospital - any hospital, - and these people, A suitably screened by hospital -person- jUSI rollowing a natural in- stinct-dormnant for the miost part but always present. No, the blamce gocsIbuthie owncr of the animiai who wou't obey the law whiclî says ail dogs inîust be sccured or under re- st rain.t 24. hours a day. Local snowmobile racing fans are looking forward to the month of January. Two major meets are scheduled within easy driving distance and, according (o reports 1 view get, some of the best drivers ini North Amnerica wil- be competîng. The Kawartha and Moison's Cup races are sche- duled for Peterborough Janu- are 6-8 and the Mosport races the folIowing weekend. Prize money at Peterborough wilI be in the $50,000 range' and at Mosport, $25,000. Don Bye entrepreneur at Ka- wartha, tells me he is expect- ing crowds of up to 40,000 a day this year and Mosport won't be far behind. Take it fromn a fan. If you liaven't seen orgaiîized snowmobile racing, you don't know what you're missiîîg. Spruce Villa seciîîs Io be (lie onlly watcriiîg liole plani- nîing Io) openiîlocally oniiNew Year's Eve. Beiîîg a Swiîday. a special riiliiîg out ie Ounbario) Liqujor Liccence Buard wvas îîecessary bit îtîc Sprucc ap- peais Io) bcte c )ily une îak- iig Advantiage of' ii. Manage- nient tucre say thie Playpen. Kclly's Kcg aid îthe Rock BottILill DiscubeLluie will all open iat 6 p.iî. Prices are aIl ighl o. Fouir dollars a CLLIplc ii li e Playpcn, S3 a cL)iplc inî Kelly's and 1no charge Lon cLver Jini[tie Rock Boit[oii. lu addition, a SIl bu flet package îs available l'or a ctitI)lc Wit i a cluice Of* ShoLw. Pitie Ridgc Cable TV lias received approvai froi the Canadiaîî Radio-Television Commnissionî (CRTC) to carry Chiannel 29. Williami J. Leask, Prcsidcnt otf Piîie Ridge Cable TV ex- pressed pleasure at the CRTC decision. "Every week since Chan- tiel 29 first camne on the air we have been receiving iii- quiries froin area residents. Original application for Chian- nel 29 was made i January of' 197 1," Leask said. "Channel 29's popularity stcmniý ront the large nuîîîber of iovies shown. Because the station broadcasîs imovies mbt the wee hours of the niorîî- ing, shift workers in the area shuuld be able to waîch TV, whcre before tlhey couldn't," lie added. I1 îhink the wide selection of hiigh quality muvies is the main attraction witlî Ch. 29. We plan tu carry Ch. 29 on Ch. i13 un the cable diai. 0f course, there will be nu addi- tional charge tu subscribers for ihis iiîcreased service." Channel 29 wilI be sharing Channel I13 with our educa- tionaI Channel I17. "With Cabie TV it is flot necessary to have special o - kl- M SMOKING PIPES in assored colours Poy Rayex. *MEERSCHAUIM BOVYL.* *DiSPOSABLE FLTER * *NYLON BIT * SOLIO COLOUR *FULLV WARRANTEO jCOMPARE at 14.95 - ... AT 7.97 (AD CURL AND LOVELY C m ®TROUBLE AFTER SH COLOGNE 40Z. © LOVE ME' BUBBLINC @ DUSTING (DSPRAY COI F) OLD SPICE AFTER Si 4 34oz. Mfg .Sugg. retaiî1 © 1000 STRAND ICICLE SSNOW MAN BANK Fil WITH CAN DY OBLUE JEANS SPRAY( 2oz . Mfg. Sugg. retaut $ 3. oSMILES N'CHUCKLEc nK 25 STAR BO WS in Cel L 6 ROLL CHRISTMAS Y Paperor Foil G.E. SUPER CUBES MOD RAZORS - PHILLIP SMILES N' CHUCKLES TURTLES SCHICK HOT LATHER CHOCOLATE TREE 'rDECO RATIO NS CREIDIT CARD CASE CURLING IRON HAVE OR BATH QIL POWDER )LOGNE )HAVE LOTION 1$2.25 .ES LLED COLOGNE 3.50 'S MINT PATTIES 6oz. elb Bag WRAP 14 oz I STOES %,Bisnough to Save YOD money e Snmail snough to know yourP namo " Wl~iTBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, DECIEMOER,21, 1972, PAGES0 Channel 28 on Câbles UHF equipmient oni their TV sets need flot worry since ali signaIs are brouglit tlîrough co-axial cable to tie set re- gardiess of age or brand of tie set," he pointed out. -.. ......w ..... ....T. / e4~'d~~ ,Af~" ..vgL0~ 5.77 1.77 1«47 ' 1.27 .37 .39 2.27 .37 .37 .88 .99 1477 UTILITY CASE 117 BEAVER MIXED NUTS V7WILKINSON RAZOR 1307 BLADES5- , . .7 SATIN PILLOW CASES OLD SPICE SOAP .77 ON A ROPE .10 ,301 o87 lin00o equipment to pick up the Chi. 29 signal. We hope to start providing this channel sometitînc ln January," lie said. "People without speciai "'If »u attlokyu epl w>e]é S anta's singing out our sincere thanks to ail our customners and friends. GUARAN'TEED SERVICE ON 1Q5 Coîborne St. West. TV (ALL MAKES) RADIOS RECORD PLAYERS APPLIANCES One of the Ceshawa group OFFER EXPIRES DECEMBER 24TH - LIMI TED OL/ANT/TY ON AL L ITEMS 744 ~U~ EDISCOIUNT STORES 121 Brock Street South WHITBY, ONT. ;Daeeeuô« 105 Colborne St. West. APPUANC ES TV (ALL MAKES) RADIOS RECORD PLAYERS 1