Whitby Free Press, 7 Dec 1972, p. 6

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l>A(1 0, Tl I IRSDAY, II'ME 7, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS 1>1 BIRD'S EYE WIEW by Jim Quail Get in there and f ight That's the way it seenis anyway. If I didn't know better I would think the ladies at Christmas sales hiad been whippcd imb a fightîng frenzy by a coachi before they got to the stores. It really is something 10 watch the metarnorphosis. The average housewife picks up the sale flycr from the front porch and sits down to glance through it. When she spots the word 'sale' ini bold letters her eyes give a slight twitch. Just a little movernent because after ail everybody's got a sale on every day somewhere. Tien the phrase, 'specially reduced for Christmas' catches her eye, and she sits up a little straightcr and looks a little dloser at the ad. Finally skie hits the biggie, 'manu- facturer's clearance - neyer to be repeated. That's usually the one that does il. Frorn this moment on the lady can't be held re- sponsible for her actions. No court in the land would con- vict lier. Having been bitten by the sales bug she feverishly charges through ecd page of the flyer, savouring every fantastic bargain and thinking of how much mroney skie can save. What boîhers the lIusband is that his wife is going to save more mioney than lie earnis in a week and the net result is a trip 10 the poor-house for humi. He ti-zually coun ters with, -- -- -- - THANK You To ail those who votedl for me and to ail those who worked for me, my sincere thanks for my success at the polis. As a councillor, rest assured the best interests of the people of Whîtby will guide me. ART DESJuý 1ARD'-401il NE "Dear, 1 can't afford to Save that rnuch money this week!" It doesn't really inatter what hc says because she is past the point of return. Withi a blood curdling yell over lier shioulder t() re- mcmenbcr to feed tlhe kids at, suppcr Lime, the sales-bug-bit ten houscwife is off. Let lue tell you' thcrc isn't a chance for ,anybody that gels iu lier way. The actioni inside the store is worse than the Cli ristians versis the lions at the Ronman Forum. 1A remnember one>iClne saun tcring past a sale table ini Honest Ed 's and it happenced they had brassieres on sale for tcîî cents cach. Before lknew what was happening 1 had been pLished, shoved, and bat tercd almiost on top of the sale table and as 1 tried in vain to figh t m-y way out sonie lady barked, "Hey you, why are you buying brassiers? You wierd or something? Nat haîf an hour later 1 walked over ho a sale table where thcy had cheap Japanese silverware on sale and 1 was hit frorn behind by a mini Sherman tank. It turned out to be a littie old lady who didn't even buy any silverware, she just wantcd to sec what they had on sale. The scouts for the North Bay Packers mnissed her on their tour, for new players. In Whitby we don't have many large stores so the action can be more lethal. Take a 20 X 60 foot store and pack it with 50 screarning, bargain hunting wives and it's worth a guy's life to venture in for even the smallest item. Bargain hunting isn't confined to any particular age bracket eithe*r. 1 have seen swcet littie old ladies in a store and 1 would swcar they got up out of their death beds to corne to the sale. They're a little more dangerous than the young housewife with the baby. There is one exception. If the young housewife is pushîng the child in a carniage tiien watch out! lVve suffered rnany a barked shin from those carniages. As Christmas cornes dloser and dloser, more and more wornen are bitten by the bug until two days before the farnous night it reaches epidemic proportions. Du ring those last two days you'll neyer sce me in any store for any reason . 1'11 starve to death, or go without cigars or even drink coke without rumn but I won't go mbt a store. The only place l'm safe is buying gas for the car. 0f course the way the gas war is going on around Whitby latcly it wouldn't surprise me to se a station have a Christmas sale on gasoline. If they do, l'il have to celebrate Christmas on foot. Amolds Maket, 115 Brook.St. N. For Your Convenlence 150 Po" yStre( Whltby "Your ci ef 211 Brock St. S. Phone:668m361O CaIm and cool Ajax Deputy-Reeve, Mrs. Mary Reid, perches on council chamber steps Monday evening and waited patiently for ballot tally. As ex- pected, she won handily f rom her opponent, Carol Jones. Murray White Photography Durham studonts g1ve Whitby Mil Xmas Iosok Durhani students in retail merchandising recently under- took an unusual assignmient in display-the Christmas de- corat ion of the Whitby MaIl. The College's G2M Mar- keting class becamne involved with tdic project through one of their students, Barry Law- rence, who is a part-timne ecm- ployee ini one of the stores. His employer, Lloyd Kamneka, wlio is Vice-President of the Whiitby MaIl Retail Merchant's Association gave the Durham sîLidents a free hand ini plan- ing the displays. The class was divided mbt four groups. One group dccorated the high parts of the niall. Anothier was responsible for the lower section. A third group decor- ated the stage. A fourth group of students muade special stands to position Christmnas trees. The work was donc in record timie-between 9 a.m. and 3 p.nm. of the sanie day. The students institutcd their own ideas, and according to Durham instructor John Pres- ton, who actcd as liaison officer, they cxhibited excel- lent creativity in a spontan. cous situation where the work hiad to be donc very quickly wi th Iiiîed nîoney and supplies. The class also cxhibitcd excellent psychology. A little boy who was continually get. ting ini the way, was made "guard of thc lumber" used in construction of Santa's lîouse, and thereafter wvas a miodel of beliaviour. In addition to Christnias decoration of tic mail, the students repaired equipnîent where required. Eachi student received a gift certificate for $10. froni the Wlîitby Mail Merchamîts' Association. BROCK WHUITBY 668-3618 NOW PLAVINGI THURS.'#FR1. & SAT. EVENINGS AT 7 P.M. (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM "Two- Lane B lacktop" (Aduit Ent.) SUN. THRU TUES. I.,IL~ IDIImAI CHILDREN'S MATINEE SAT. 1:30 P.M. "'The Battie In Outer Space"là 9 -- - 1 m

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