Whitby Free Press, 7 Dec 1972, p. 5

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One Election lever, cliar,-c- terized by a i inild ft'rm ot' Destenîper, 1lia s fîially cooled inii the Co(uunty Town. To flic winners hist Monday, we doiT our- touque andto th te losers we say you touglit the good tiglit. It lias been a long lime since Whitby saw such a spiuited battîe at the ballot box and, ir nothing else, it proved commnunity politics can be interesting. The projected plans for Whitby Harbor develop- ment are indeed worth- while. Brought to fruition, they wili undoubtedîy make this neglected area one of the jewels of the ILake Ontario waterfront. it wouîd indeed make it a people place-one of whiclî A our citizens couîd be proud. The picture spraid oft animiaIs. carrne] i the FREE PRESS a couple of) wecks ago. broughit soîne startling results Io utticials a(t he shielter. Lacli andi evcry animal ei]cîced was ai]tptcd and, as a spin oIt.* sorne thiat have aruiveti sîincc zlso ltuuiii]homes. A spokesinan lor the sliel ter sai] tlîis weck thley re- ecive] so iîuany cails abou t ilie iwiteîiy-iiosed btiny, ilhey ct. itiave guliten rîi t.>talotit 15 morne. And speaking of animaIs at the shelter, they are ini for a treat tliis coming Sunday. lt's Christmas Par- ty time and evenl Santa Claus wilI be there. Dona- tions o>f food and other treats are welct>med and pet avaiîabiîity wiII be high. 11 was iii iresli îg lu lifte ilia! ;a 7-nian task torce ct.)i iii itt ce i utin i]l 1,uzîsîed Illie Xhiîby Isvchi- at îic HoJspital 1toi a Iîiîinber. regard i- or te saleiy. Ap- parent 1v t lis cille as nu stirpi ise tt.)whlibv Hie cli ic *. Hd Crt.tcî . 'H'ie clijelI saIy's1lusstlepari ien ilibas îIcver becît conu sti y1 ljiospita1l atliuî il les eveii ilîtoigîîlus ý,deîarhineicîîlias Ile responsibilitiv :lbei1 dow of the newspaper of- fices. Drop dowîî iand sec it. it*s worthwhile. IlThse heu t ot.>ii îiig iii oil u~Ii is wcck hlave a B3aker aiid lier gr bo11)1 t,01,111ai JlîîsStace 1)oi in u ~îi I (Iull le I Ilic sjuî tice \/jIla. Illue Ilavp\ lLi j, p)i.SL.'iii îîîlg tU ilu l *îi Kelly 's IKe!- e altiîes lilL.1 Cau(iabb. ( , vc a lisieii 1( auîy outilîciî au] yotill lie plcadsaiit Jy sui prise]. view [('s a little difficuît to get ini the Xrras rnood this year s0 far but this can't be blamned on downtown nierchants. Most of the core area stores acknow- ledge the season with ini- terestig, colorful and at- tractive displays. Plaza mer- chants, too, are getting in- to the swing of things and, if we just bad a little more snow ... . One special intcrest group which hopes they have scen the end out'eîec- tions f'or a while are the cimners of the various .ho- tels and bars in uur town. Thrcc ballots ini the spa,.cc of a few nîontlîs, incluiding Iwo iin just a. tèw wecks, have been had for business. It's been su bad that, une hiostelier cumplained tou Ls that lie is thiîîking of applyiig tur ia guveriiicn i grant lot a LIP grant. mini] yuu. bu t a SI P gran t. Packs of wild dogs are reported preying on sheep in the outer reaches of town. We were informed that it has almost reached epidemnic proportions. Not so. Several incidents have been reported and. in fact, two sheep were actually killed. But, an epiden'ic? Hardly. In our book two sheep don't make a bag full. Parked car is s hot WFIITBY Townî polic.e arc. laceti wi ih a mvstery this wcek 1*blluwý,ing a shuutiîig in1cident i- i rlie B rookl itn Aretia. Stundtav niiglit. Inspector Fi cd Baker re- VealI] i the dcpaziîîuîeiît k Car- r-viil, ()n il cexieiisive iivesti - ga lo I llvi.îî a 1C>ipiliil froin Wi\ViîaiNeill. 762 i aRc- liel] Rd.. Oshiawa. whu stated soîncuie lia] d I()Aui0I1I slît.s iiitt.) lie iiiik u lus car and 11 iîtunlhe teai. T'lic car . a 19<72niodel. Iampi-ked milside ilie aicîla wile jîs u wîîcr xa-ijsidc. IIfec ui d piovide no ilb- t jc wi:îstcvc l police wliu are inivesi igatiig the incident i L îSt.. ilvaiîîdalisiin. M on hurt in local occident WlIiTll3Y A wlitîbv iîaîîis îcc wc n îî giii Oslî awa Gele raI I It.sp i t al Ïi riiin * ntir jes lece jvc] flaie lasi \veeck Mienilic wvas si rt1ck 1w an ia Lt i ioi ile wvi le crossing Russlaiid Rd. lu1 litsp iItaI strin-lg flî nii a triactturc] ski.ll andi leg is WFIITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, DLi(EMBEIZ 7. 1972. PAGE-5 mans By Bill Williams says ho achieved Harilaid Unisuicesslui îiiayoral- ity cand]idate Brunou Ilarilai] iin a stateient tu the wi-iriTY FREE PîRESS, terme] the' 1972 imayorality race ",an ex- perience wl Worthi the unî- i]ertaking." "Althoughi as a newcrner wh liai] up to tîîis point st-ayed in the background, 1 neveu kiddcd inyself about beating Newman at the poils, but I do eci I achieved my purpose," lie said. "It was iy intention that the public hati the right to know how pourly Whitby is regarded by the construction industry in general because of its qiies- tionable teni]ering procedures aîîd thiat thie fairytýale price l'or servicig out lands at the Bradiley 'arin site is realisti- caîly closer to $ 1 iillîin than the paîli] $8,000 to $1I2,000 state] by Mr. Newîîîan" Surveying the situation be- fore clection day an] the puiblie unrest at tlie tiine it also seeîned a shame to allow Newman to be restorci] by acclamatiotn, he continued. If 1 had pianned my carnpaign a few rnonths prior te when 1 actually did begin, 1 think I coul] have encourage] the purpose an] antiti-Ncwiii,,ii segînen (s uf Xhitby siîîpîy did nilt ttîrtî out t tudte pulls lu Sig- nificaît t îtnibers. Now that thc election is ovcu Mu. Harilali] is cunsider- ing retaining Fils caîrîpaigli hecadquartcrs l'r a citizen drop iin centre to act as a liaison bctwecn the centre and tuwn f'or the use utf Whitby taxpaye 'rs. An] as l'ou the watching hie says: "I iin- tend to watch Newmian's atti- tudes over the next two year period. If once again they haven't changed, I wilI chai- lenge hlm again ait] win."" au t i-I"'ewinîan vote (o thle pulls. As il turnie] uut, I didn't plan tu run until a week befuore roîniîation day, aithugh 1I ha]been watchiig the rnunicipaiî secee for some lime before that. Frorn an observation point I1t.bserved an] disappuove] Newmiatn's apparent pubîic-bc.darntîed a t- titude an] pour maniagement. 1 arn nul une of thuse peuple who finds arrogance à humnan quality when it is hurting other people. As it turned out 1 drew only rny friends to the polis. The youth, senior citizens SUGC

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