Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1972, p. 4

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- - , - - - PAGE 4, TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1972, WHITBY FREE PRESS OURl SE LECTI ON 9 FORO FFIC.E MUNICIPAL ELECTION DECEMBER 4th. 112 MAYOR BRUN O HARILAIO REEVE TOM EDWARDS DEPUTY-R EEVE 1 DON READ As one considers a chioice between the two key men in this election, Newman or Hari- laid for rnayor, one must also consider what exactly is at stake for the Town of Whiitby on December 4. We féee1lie decision is bctween the two men because mayorality can- didate number 3, Muriel Marks, hasn't appeared to hiave been able to imipress anybody thiat shie is even serious in lier bid for Whiitby mnayor. Thiat the race appears to be taking thie shiape of a two- way one doesn't make it any more cut and dried, for thiere are miany factors to consider COUNCI L WARD 1 (NORTH) DON LOVELOCK BOB HERON WARD 2 (WEST) ARTDESJARDIINE RALPH STRATFORD in niaking a selection between Newman and Harilaid. In Mr. Newmnan we have a brilliant politician;-,a tuan who lias been able to cap the coveted chieftain's position in Canada's Confederation of' Mayors & Reeves, and a nian who hias been partly respon- sible in bringing about Can- ada's first tri-level govern ment con férence. Mr. Harilaid, on die othier hand. can be neasured by a different yardstick. He is witlbout a doubt one of the town's miost successf'ul busi- niessmien --sccessful because of biis personal abilities. but littie known througli personal choice. WARD 3 (CENTRE) GERRY CDX JIM GARTSHORE WAR D 4 (EAST) EU CAUCHI BILL DURKEE ln support of our choice of Mr. Hamilaid we suggest that he is arnong the most know- ledgeable people in the com- munity, iin the fields of ten- dering, debenturing, analyz- ing and preparing financial statemients, and in under- standing new tax policies ad- opted by provincial and fed- eral governnîienîs. Iii fact, it is commnoni knowledge tluat Mr. Harilaid lias acted as a conisultant to nuetibers of the sit ting counicil and town staff wbio wislî to understand as- pects of thiese fuinidamientals of municipal govertnment. Mir. larilaid lias stated tinie anud tinie again that luis only interest iii leconhing iayor is to ensure a fair deal anud to give a voice in muni- cipal decisions affecting our citizens. And we believe him. Any prediction as to whomi the next inayor of Whitby will be is niade miore dil'ficult by thc apparenît apa- tby evidcnced by the numiber nf' people wlîo say they will îlot vote for cithier miai. This lias îlot beeii the most sa- voumy con test l'or the miayor thiat Whitby lias ever seen. Character assassination and Lititair mioral juLdgnien t, based on1 coIîpletely ullfouîuded ru- inours, have been rampan t. This applies to bothi candi- dates and wc bchieve none of' it. Our decision ini recom- mending Bruno Harilaid as mayor is not one taken lightly or dictated by past confront- ations with Mr. Newman. Tbe reward for Newmnan's past effort depends on Whuit- by. He simply, if' oily to keep t'ace as chieftaîî of ail Canadian îîuayors and reeves, mnust succeed ai the Whitby polIs ibis Monday. However, by the very act of' considering Mr. F-Iarihaid one mîust corisider Mr. New-- mni, and based on iluis con- sideration, we iiîadc our de- cisîoiî. Because despite Mayor Newîîan's prom inerice wictliîî the conitderatioîî aîîd lus pro- motion of' a tri-level con fer- ence. we stiîl consider -eveîu if' hue doesri't--thiat Whiitby iiiLS st c ilne f irst. In nur belief' Mr. Harilaid would inake this conle t rue. We muILst opt f'or Harilaid thie man, as opposed to Newinaî the image ini tIis election. The coîltesi l'or the reeve- shîip is a litthe more clear cul. 0f' the two candidates, iii- cumibeîit Edw,,ards and chi- leîîger Hanna, wve believe Ed- wards slould wiîî hîands dowîî. We donl't necessarihy bUy eV- crytbing Edwards lias donce or atteinpted tb do during bis tender of* office, but We still believe F-anîia is no viable alternative. and we buse tlîs judgineiit oiî Mir. Hanna's hack-lustre performianîce in lus capacity as reeve sonie years ago. lnitially believiîîg thiat Job n Goodwiii would be our choice l'or deputy reeve. we mlust nom, adnît to a chîange of hecart and thiiiking. After lin- lowiiîg a tour of'the public forunms, we were conviîîced by Mm. Read'soveralh sincerity anîd background knowledge of' mnicipal aft'airs. Wc feel lie is deservirîg o! your vote. MIDWAY DATSUN f.rm.rly ZOLTAN & NICKS Now Locat.d ut S1300 Dundas East Whitby, Ont. 668-m6828 )RDUC 0F .8S COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD (PUBLIC) MARION O'DONNELL MARJORIE MCINTVRE SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD MARTIN MARTENS MORGAN O'CONNOR 0'Donniell aind Marjorie Mc- Intyre tor tue Ontario County 13oard nif Education, while Andrew Miller and *Jamnes Brady impressed us most froin anîong iliose vying for separ- ate school board seats. 1P.u.c. GEORGE BROOKS JAKE BRYANT BOB CAWKER DR. JOHN MCKINNEY COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD (SEPA RATE> JAMES BRADY JIN BRADY For Separate School Representative to Ontario County Board of Education 4 VEARS TRUSTEE PROVEN INTEREST IN YOUTH ABILITV AND EXPERIENCE Remelect Jim Brady 1 IL The following is our elec- tion of counicillors for al] wards, contenders for the' PUC and board of education. Most of our choices for these seats need no explanation. However, in our choice of seated miember Gerry Cox and Jimi Gartsliore over Bill Irwin (and Bill Livingstone in the east ward)> running from the samne office while it is commnon knowledge that thecir firm deals frequently withi the Town of Whiitby as a corporation. Both Gerry Cox and Jini Gartshiore hiave displayed over the past tuontlis thecir interest iin the bot termen t of flthe own, Our approval of' Ed Cauchi anîd Bill Durkec in the east ward is simply based on thie impression thiat botli these mnen hiave youîîg ideas and want to apply îîew ideas to town problemis we have lî ad t'or years, aithougli tlîey are flot runniing as a siate. Thiat anyone in thieeast ward-- or in any ward f'or thiat iiatter-could run as a gov- mrnent contractor" we find extremely questionable. for it is our opinion that Bobb Gibbs is none other than a recipient of public hiandouts. We would hiave to bid for Art Desjardinie and Raîpli St'ratford in the west ward. Art Desiardine as a past reeve auîd councîllor iii another mnu- nicipality knows (lhe score and adds a genuine interest in tlîis nîuinicipality to luis ex- perience. Straiford is very deserving because of his past efforts on behiaîf of' citizens of the town. We are not ýsupporting seated miemibers Dr. Kenneth Hobbs and Vernon MacCarl because of tlheir past records. But in aIl fairniess we found ourselves tori between Des- jardine and young Blair Johin- ston. and oiily the exllerielice of' Desjardinie lîelped miake our final clîoicc. We would like to mnake il clear hiow- ever. thiat we feel botlî men would serve well. 1In tie north ward we per- sonally favour Don Lovelock and Bob Heron. We l'eel the latter deserves a chance to be vnted in and thiat Mi. Love- lnck %vill add an1 open mind to t lus imlportaint vard. As St 1011 ' iS Ou r convxict ion that Lovclock will niake a god couincîllor. it is equalhv strong that Councillor Gerry Eii US a counIcillor. blas donc no th ing l'or the nnorthi ward

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