Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1972, p. 20

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P>AGE 16,'TilURSI)AY, NOVI MBER 30, 1972, WUIT13Y FRIT PRESS sportori ai by Doug Weales Althouigh thle'season is just underway, 1 have noticed a number of players arguing witlh officiais on sone of their calIs. The referee and linesnen are on the ice doing a job 10 the best of thecir ability. and are not always right, but should they be subjected to profane languiage fromn the players'? If an officii throws one of' youir players out of' the gaine for using this kind of language, do you go ini the dressing roomi and biast the player or do youi stand on dic benchi and belit île the official i vi more prolaiiity? Every- body gels a littie choked Uip over sonie et' the catis by offi- ciais, and i tlinik that at one limi was probably one et' the worst. Aithiough i1 very seldoîn used profanity when screaîn- ing ai an officiai, I used te belittle the in i every opportunity. This year I hav(ý decided to keep my niouth shut ais far as referees are c oncerned,'becau se the more you yell hie more they are inclined 10 miss infractions by the opposi- tion, and watch your îeam f lor the leasî t tic îhing. As strange ais it imay sound, they are only hiunan. And whiere thiere are hunniian beings invoived yeu wiii aiways find inistakes bcing made. Whether a piayer is in Flouse League or Aul-Star, Minor Mite or Junior, i îhink that i flhe Luses prof'ane langLiage or obscene gestures te a gaine officiai or a spec ta- tor lie shouid bc giveni a gaine nniisconiduicî Many of' the fans ai the gmes areC ther-e bcauILse thev kno\v semecone wvio is piaving and they want to sec hockey, not te gel language iesson s.1 Yacht Club e xecutive The Whiitby Yachit Club hield ils annual general mt-iot ing and'élection of off icers on Saturday., Noveniber 25. Fror-n fte original group of under a dozen entlhusiasts who obtained the charter for the club somte seven ycars ago, it lias gron O1te over 200 inienbers. Thc corning year wiii prove 10 bc the busiest year ini the Clinb's hiistory. Plans for a new ciubhiouse costing over $100,000 are proceeding. The Club will be hiosting the i1973 Worid "Thunder- bird" ciass chiamipioniships, with crews and boats conning freiin many points ini the WO rId. A busy sailing and social seasenl is aIse iin the Plans. To carry out this prograinilihe iinembllersiiip eiec ted t he foi- iowing sia te: DiJ. Bi inche r: llarry (TFan ker) Joncs: IKen Kirbv; t)ave Kerr; Ross \Whîîe; W. iaîîyard, G. Sedgwick-, J. Dikr:t. Kosioff:; M. Hall. As the final day af the 1972 Dunlop Invitatianal Banspiel draws near-December 2-this photo of last year's winner came ta mind. L. ta R.: John Crittenden, Dunlap's vice-president (manufacturing), Skip Bill Kent, vice-skip A. Label, Second 0. Aitken, lead M. Gregga and Les Higham, Dunlap's advertising manager. Photo by Stannett 2more rinks in Dunlop Wl] ITBY lwe !nore rinks have cnali fied f'or main even I finals iii the On tarie Dunlop Invitatienal Benspici and ils SI 0,000 prize lîst. Thle llk Bvzinski rink froin St. Thonmas andth le Ken Rewa n lotirsoine Crein Tor- ent() Avonlea. return on D)e- ccli e r - te o (inpe te in Itle 1rinais t'or tlle first even t vithi ils S-2.000 top prize. Iii lus first gainue, Byzinski witli Keiîhi Gordon, George Antonevicli and Dick Cochirili breke open a tigit gaine with Siean Sargean t. of't)ixie. by scoriiig two in thie 7tli anid steal ing thiree more inIllei eiglîîhi. Finial score 8-3. In gainc rwo, thle liard- luiitiîîg St. Thiomnas rinik scored a major uipset by heu ting Ray Grant, of' Unionvilie, 6-4. Byzinski built up a coini- nîiandinig 5-I icad andid hung onu te win a fier G ranit scored bwo innthie 7tlh and sn oie ene in the Sth te cultue ieud te olne peint. In gaine diîree Byziinskî ptniied anoîher Upset hy easily beating Jiin C'reigl ton, of Tor- onte BOLIlevard. 7-3. Byzin- ski led 5-0 after six ends and ceasted homne. Pre-draw taveurite, Ken Row..breezed IxîsilHarvey Acton - ef*Uxhridge, 7--2 and Ford o t I>e te rhoro nigh , 9- 1I I n Ibis îh iird gaine lic ran ilIti te aîtgh fou rsenie fromi Welland. skipped by Deug Palmner. but experience pre- vaiied and hie won 5-3. Play- ing with Rowan were I)erek Lumn, Gary MacKenzie and Ted Wornnsworth. Top 'cu riers f roni t hroughi- out Ontario arecempeting in the Dunlop 'spici. Final qualifications are siated for Friday, Decem ber i witli play in Ain ai even Is schiedulied feor Sa tUorday, De- ceiniber 2 Residents of Wliîby and area are rerninded they are weiceniie te conne and view thiese top rinks i action on boîli Friday and Saturday. f inals rounduR Continued from page 14 I goals, withi single markers being addcd by Dani Jordan, Dave Allen .and Daircy Dennue. The Breeoklini-Whiitby ina- jor midgets playing iin Richi- iîond Hill on Nov. 22 de- f'eted the Richmond Hill club 5-0. Bob Queilette and Tenm C'oînel iy sliared the ne tmnd- ing du lies for the Brooklin- Witby club. Dave Parishi paced the winners with 2 goals with singles going to Terry Harper, Steve Sandford and Paul Mac Lelian. Playing ut the Oshawa Chiidren's Arena on Nov. 2,3 the Consolidaled Building Corp. iniidgets de feaîed the Oshawa Kîwanis in idgets 5-i. Scoring inn this gainielfor the C.B.C. midgets was handled by Ken Clarke. Jino Branton, Terry Harper, Harry Forbes and Dave Parish. The Brookiinî-Whitby Con- selidated Building Corp. nia- jor inidgets t raveiied te Belle- ville on Nov. -'0 te take part n a nnidgct tournannent, and b roughli onne fthe"B" d ivi- sien t rephy. The f'irst gaine I'er the Brookiin-Whitby club saw t hei connle ou t on Ille short end of a 4-0 score. The second gaine fer tue C.B.C. midgets resuited iin a -0 slt tu t over tIlle Oshawa Kiwanuîs club. Bob Ouciet te posting tlle siiuteut. Mike Rowiey and Ken Clarke pro- vided tllie goels 1for-tIue\vini 'Fle Brookiiu-Xliitlhy clnh wmiî tllie -B" di visioi t ropiiy lîy de eat i g tllc B ramp tonu Legion club 5-3. The Brook- imn-Wiitby feain got geais froini Steve SandfO)rd . Te rry I arper. Mike Rowviey, Dave Sor-iclOet t i 1antIHarrv Verbes. Vive riii ters tofthue Brt)oklih - W'hitby ('onsoii- dated Buildinîg Corp. inidgcts receîved iedals feor tlîeir cf- forts infi tu i rnîent. MucDONALD your North Ward Councilman candidate Elect Bill Livingstone Counci Ilor East Ward WHITBYm-HARR.ISON FUELS LIMITED "Your XCODealer" 211 Brock St. S. Phone:668-36lO 'Concerned' letters to thé editor box 206, vvhitbv 1 REDS. CYCLE., ýÀND SPORTS BLAIR PARK PLAZA. AJAX, PLAZA. WHITBY TWO LOCATIONS AJAX 668-8471 942.8941

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