Whitby Free Press, 23 Nov 1972, p. 6

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1>AGI: Ã", T'IILJRSDAY, NOVIEMBI:R 23, 1972, WIi iiu;î'jZ PRI' J. BIRD'S F YF WIEW by Jim Qosial What happened? 1 don't know who is responible but it's oniy a malter of lîie tili we track the guilty party down. .It was a sneaky lhing tu, do. One nighit I weiiî lu bcd, cornpietely unsuspccting, and the nex t mrn ing, whaînino!, evcrytliing was covered withi snow. Somnebody 's responsibie. It was nol the kind utof thing that happens by accident. After ail it's oniy November and mosI of us have onIý' just started thinking about Chrisîmnas. The sanie guy thaI started ail this snow wiii, ini Uhc near future nu doubt, start setting up Christmas trce stands. lsn't il funny how the first day ut' snow catches us ail uîîprepared. Whien 1 wenî out the front duor 1 knew it hiad snowed but that didn'î prevenl mie froni sliding off the top sîep on the porch and neariy faiiing flat on mny back. "Srnarten up", 1 said to myseif and then pronmptiy backed out the driveway and alhnost skidded into the ditch across the streel. On the first day ut' snow ail the stop signs shiouid be changed ho read, 'siide to a liait'. The body shops and 10w- ing services do a boonîing business. The police hale il bc- cause it aiways means dozens uof accident reports in tîipiicaîe. Su what, a iît li snow neyer hurt anybudy. l'Il just tumn on the washers and clear off the dirt un the wînd- shieid. Doesn't work. . . . Yes Dummny, iî's frozen. Abouut this point 1 begin tînking of ail the things 1 shouid have donc lu gel the car ready for winter. Little unimpurlant things like a îuneup, anti-freeze, windshield washer suivent and snow tires. That's whiy snuw in November isn't fair. If 1 couid ski on il i .%,ould consider it fair but when il crippies miy car î's a curse dropped un me by the bird of paradise. Actuaiiy it's nul thal 1 take il personai because 1 have only lu look around and i can sec mny feiiuw man suffering as rnuch or worse than 1 amn. Picture the average husband scrounging around thc junky end uft'hte garage looking for the sleighi because the kids are jumping up and down gel ling weî feet and miaking impatient noises. And 1 would lie wîliig lu be i nios t out' uladcles didn't have lIhe kids winter snow ciuîhling out f ' ubais Mien (lic snuw hhiithle l'an. As we get ulder 1 liiink we gel iess adaptable. If' 811w fcl'ls in Novenber tiieu i t's okay with liost k ids. They can 't wai t lu gel ou t and roli a l'eow snowbalis and beit sonie pour unsuspect ing piasscrby. Snuw iin Noveibei means ltt folui e I spcnd an agun izing hiour tripping aroLind in (lie yard t ryiîîg lu flnd ill (lie summner louis buried uîîdcr the snuw. 1 ifigure i bel 1cr put tlîemi away now iin case we get. morc Snow and they gct covered up compiceiey until tlie spring thaw. 1 know the inailmienjust love thceIirst sîîow. Lspeciaiiy mine because 1 forgultu shuvel the porch and waik. One year my inailinan actually icit mie a note. Hie said il' id idn 't cican miy waik after every snowfaii lie wuuld bring nie nothing but bis. Su whiat cisc is niew? And have you ever noîiced how your snuw shoveis grew fcct duriîîg the suimmier and inanaged lu waik ut! just before Iliat iirst 5110W uit? The saine tintg happened luthie brush.-scraper yuu use f'or the car. 1St-apiiig that firsi snow of1f the windshieid wiliî bre hiands in 30 degree wealiîer is about as funny as a train wreck. Whoever is responsibie for the sIîow i Waft you 1 knuw il worked. I'mi afraid lu go lu bed because ('ni liable tu wake up the nexl morning and find biail îupped by an ice stol-Ii. Let's be lugicai about tibis. First the rigurs ut' Christ- mias and tihen stnow. Okay'? Let 's stand up for our riihs readers. Down witii snow, er, 1 mean (cave it Up thiere. Just don'î dumip it iin Whitby for a whiie. Pieuse... 0991 TF Iif ts After a iengthy mieetinig on Novemiber 20, invoivinig Provincial negutiators uft'hte Ontario Secondary Schooi Teachiers Federuhion and Dis- trict 17 OSSTF Executive mcm ibers, it was auinounccd that the withdrawal ut' voiun- tary services prograiii i On- tarîu Cuunty lias been iiftcd. The remiovai ut' the sanc- tion caille about afler twu important issues hiad been setl led witlheUicncgoia t iig teami fronithie Truistees Council: i. The represenlatives ut' the Ontario Schoois Trustees Council have a unaimious miandate lu negutiale a set tic- mient on behiaifof the buard. 2. Teachers hîave assurance in wriliîîg that thiere is 110 bon on duties planl lu reduce sccondary sciiool staffiiin hiceinpioy ut' the Ontario Couiîty Board uo' Education as ut Deceiîîbcr 3 1 cxccpt by ut tritioni und tiien oniy allter a cumplele revicw uof the effcct of'sucli attrition lias been mnade by tlic super- iii enden t anîdthie principal coîîcernced. Speukiîg un behalf t' t tlie teucher group, Mor-ris Ricli' ardson, clie t negutiator l'or hie couuî ty's more1 thunl 800 secundary seiiuol teacihrs cx- prcsscd hope un tue1CuuîtunulL- ing taiks. "Tliese recent develupients lead ume lu f'cei there is sî iii un oppor t unîly for seu lemîentf and we arc prepaired lu do everyîhiing il' oui power Io reuch a fair and equitable agreemnenti,"'lic said. TVhe tf rsît frmaui lcetiuîg betwci OSSITiegolïaîurs anîd thie *TrLiîCCS('oLUncil ic- go[i ut ing te aun begau N ove ii- ber 2 1. CABLEICAST 8 - BROADCAST SCHEI)ULE NOV. 23 - 28 Thursday Nov, 23 5:00 p.m. Santa Claus 5:30 Judo Demonstration 6:00 Evening Report 6:30 Watch It Kids (repeat of Wednes- day 5:00 p.m. 7:00 U Titky Kwitky 1:30 East/West (repeat of Monday 9:00 p.m. 8:30 The Three R's with Mike Breaugh 9:00 Sermonette Friday Nov. 24 Monday Nov. 27 Tuesday Nov. 28 5:45 p.m. Basic Bible Briefs 6:00 Evening Report - Dave Stewart with Sports 6:30 Local Rock Band 7:00 The Country Doves with Norm B abineau 7:30 An Eye to Fashion 8:00 Life ls What You Make It 8:30 Sermonette 9: 00 Friday Night Request - with Bill Riddell and music of your choice 5: 00 p.m. Santa Claus (repeat of Thursday 5:00 p.m.) 5:30 Watch It Kids 6:00 Evening Report - Dave Stewart with Sports 6:15 Basic Bible Briefs 6:30 Kinsmen Cable TV Bingo 7:30 The Three R's with Mike Breaugh 8: 00 Hotline to Heaven 8:30 Malta-The Land of Sunshine and History 9:00 Sermonette 5: 00 p.m. 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 Santa Claus Sound Talent '72' Evening Report Sports Speciai The Adams with (musical quartet) Serm onette Mary Lou Arms collectors show AJAX The Ajax Anîtiqîue Armis Coilectors and Traders Associationl is Sponîsoring a guiî show oui Suuîday. Nov- cuuber 26, ut [lie Ajax Coi- uiiity Centre, Hurwoud St. S., Ajax. The eveuif wiiliclude cx- biibit ustroincoilecctionîs ut' iuiîembcrs as wcli as area police depu ruiinis au d olib rs whuo vOILuiIIl e to Ixîru iciîxute. ShIow orga uî iZetrS î)uiuit ou t iii ha i Fede ral anîd Proviîciai gunI iuws ullusi bc udlhcecd lu at hIe shlow. Exhiibit space us stil uvuil- able f~or 111(1e wish iug lu displziy exunîpies of libeir hiobbycr-afi or collectiouis and îîîuy bc sccurcd by ciling hIe gr'oup ut1( (42-5882. Tr-adung ut' exhibits wiih lie pcrii t ted duiriuîg the evenit %vhicb xvii ouily be iîopera- t ion b)e uveciî 8 a.uîî. anid h2 noon. MDONAL D fo r Nort h Ward 'Concerned' Councilma n candi date SANDWICH KING 125 Brock St. South, Whitby. Under New Management Fish & Chips Scallops Shrimps Chicken $ 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.35 Home made Pies Soup and ail sandwiches Sîarîing Sunday Dec. 3rd 3:00 pm - 8:00 Pm OPEN Mon -Thurs 7:00 - 5:30 Friday tlii9:00 TAKE OUT ORDERS 668 -2828

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