WIil'J3Y FREE PRESS, T1IURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1972, PG FOR ÀA PROGR SSIV ADMNITRATION CONSIDER THESE POINTS ê Administering to the municipal needs of a community the size of Whiitby is big business-and it needs a business-Iike approachi. ê Sound, proven business principles are necessary to provide the leadership, know hiow and services demianded by a burgeoning conimunity ini the 70's. êBruno Harilaid lias thiese qualifications. In business in Whiitby for the past nine years, lie is a successful businessmian in thie fields of imanuLf*actuirinig. management and financial consultation, miortgages. construction and developmient. ê Ielegat ion of' authoritv 10 those responsible is one otf the keys to goo(d munIicipaýl Managemen t as lie secs l. And geltting youir mioney's worth l'or taxes paid is his overriding concern. Ile is dleterinied taxpayers wiIl have a voice in municipal allairîs affecting thieir future. BRUNMO HARILAID PROTECT YOUR TAX DOLLARS ON DECEMBER 4 mayor COMMITTEE ROOMS - 137 BROOK ST. S. - TELEPHONE 668-6700 - 668-6767 (Sponsored by thle Cornmittee of Concerned Whitby Citizens) e lect HA.RILAID