WItI. Joyco Rend for period Noveniber I 2thi to i 8tih. CAIPRICORN-IDec. 22 to ian. 11) This looks like a licettic week lor yoti (aprieorn. laînîlv tatters wvill need special aittentiion during nlicd\ieek. Your budget will be thie prinîary coin- cernl at (bis line. Seek to cenient shakvy rela ioîîslîips witii friend s on1(lie îveek end. AQUARIUS-Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 You ('ccl restricted and penrwd ini witil pressuires until the l6th. At'ter this date you slîould tind thati mat ters have a way or rapidly working thieniselves out iin yotir favor. Doing somecone a ('avor could bring un- espected lnick in its wake. PISCES-Feb. 19 to March 20 Your energy is up to the mazjor underikings facing you niow. Yotir coi flidenice is higli. and you doni't lack the courage or* yonir conviction Othiers admire your ability to sec dîft-ictties Iirougli with staiina ail courage. Yot nmav have nmany things l'or wilîibIo be graitet'ul nlow, ail miay look back as flie year enlds, withi pride i y'otr past in sone tiel that miakes flic world a salèr. sanier place to live. ARI1ES-Marcli.121 to April 19 Your tvo iosi iîi iaîidavs of' tlis seven day vperiud are E rid.ay I l7t 7iand Salntrdaýv (li sleîcu vuiî linc wîitli enflhnsLasmn. Net elncrgv ih a( ils pca1K ai (lits lime. Dîîialiuîv pralse or 1liai er Ioi lui yotir licad su (lial i ýiun arec lu an i mpossible p Ian. Keep vunr en (h nsiai lu norin Il leve! i..eveni ltteioui ye 111;ay (ccl 111M tyounCanlii ll antl i aî proijci thi cuine yotir wXi TAURUS-April 20 to May 20 Pro ject(s (or iîcie\l\cck. Vutir iios(L'wiiidY u()f lic si cck î ii% d flic 18i0i. %wlieu a 1bnil*resi 1s advi i.îlz ilic rcci i p;cc ii11);1% c cc Moi re îirilîîw ili on rcaîie.Vo ork oui outiur ilii it lor f(lie ' ckcn1d Yuîi ii nid ' Niunda dia i ur sileolmiiioiiaii teil liîine liavu rettiriivd. GEM'INI-Nlav 21 to imne 20 iid lie tr -ni Ili Si uni ît-an i d;1i s o i 1h is \ r \cs'cweck arc Moe d ay itlic1I3 1ai iia(n I thea 1k-4tlî. Y<iir siandinigii in e cuuuiinity assnnwicsiîpurancc a! iîiîtiw ck. 11Alus% 'uklîlnul be aaujnsilutis inic lu sari ceioitu pric ' l' lic vi,eîx s o lt l icrN dcvioled t(t icsýecak iau îî.y tilfeor 'idclý, frmuy~our to\\1i. Dlou'i aniiaoiîie unr îialcor .a(oe rlaIs i it)lias a miiiuid-rint-, rcsciîiiiii niettrlricrcssii iiiikiiîe. l i iiî!.'ln bc xi(s f.illuis ijîlie t> avuitld îs (o i;)ot.i' sili,'s .îii iL> p 5 îIi ý i )unr .c- cîuiiplîiiieiis whlire iii.uior relaloeus uîîricd CA-ýNCER -june 21 (o Joly 22 Your ie inlisiiuîai tlaC ttby uriîu2luis scmen uay. Icroti are"M cdiîcs- day thie15iiand 'l iinr,4laý thic 161hiiîs len ciiieriaiiuiieiIYspartiiî'larly Yirsc on r siandi iig ini tie'cuiniti n ity ni local proïumîes ofia r lieu lar Îiiicresîs arc lavured ]or ilie weki LEO0-JuIy 23 to Atig. 22 1 ai ily n' la itiuIsýli ii)slare si resseil dtirng 1(1 s ralliei'r convi tiiial \ iek . Y oti appear Io) hi i (lici ervuwîs c i' riy' ii io > iich ome eis I i 1,a coud pe'riod lu "Iiicid l ii's'amni, 'oltIId il ' i il iim portantI cliints orastial. yun r lio i siHiiliîcai>i î(Lav (sSa lu rtlav Oi licI X i h sl i anîî uc\l)pei'i'l su or tt i riicy 1',Ipssi liii tr \Xi iu b roilc rs aund siisiia v .arrive VIRGO-- Aug. 23 to Sept. 21 l'ýverx'liinge ilhappeinig i tonce 'or 'otir tii \pn. 011di lt:i14li il iiuosliki' aun lionoir. pay i (i)r ease ti iullie r oluoi s in storie. <oialîcei' bIavtircd nuncs .'lic I5ilii s vcry imiportaa,\Ic rcnirý, gues i nti reirtgrade toib(l l)cicnlier 51h. I luis diaIN tii liiiarea o uttnr silr ciarh tklîaing w illi yotir rhotme, Iaîî nd o n r ixu\c ti tpi' r.ui ouis.Il eau abls he i'cuii iiîa- lioou r tirlie oIlti it li sllii' ()1K' ic rojeuts un ihaivc iltlbee.'ii ue ii coîiijîi' h'tilp l i iiîui . Do lot lîegii loug teniî'îî o"salti lime, LIBR A-Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 'iii is coti ti îrtwc lu lie a Iîî'c itLesîvcîî dayv c riod l(or yotî, Lilira. Voti r îuîos 1sigu i ica>iday s aren' lday Ithe 131ih anîd -1 tiesdti he iliI4 ti wliei yoir inatec on close'tri'id lu ruis im a soili ti lic rly. i'alk out probieiîis ithi îolil logic. ((-Gtof tt 'r way tio reiîiain i'aliiî. \Vîi le tIi is iiay lic ai> e\tireci il i fficn ltpathii lutake, iesslitii nfeeli ngs will restuli. SCORPIO-Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 I roti» Neveu> ic r 1 41hle Ifi tI is a iiiostimpîîlort ant ve riud. Il aveiiicî projecis slanicd by Ilei I5(11 ) on 'liliak e iiw'begini ngs ullier(liai> f'or filie shiort terii du ring dhiis tuiile.Ili ltok-s h ke yîin are closinig I1972 on a puw c r ilot(c, Scorjîiu. iniakec(lie' iiius I of il. SAGGITARIUS-Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 On thîe 14(1h Iturc con Id tl>ia comimunnication tliat calis youulu a coin- fèrecc. iThiis coul>] have 10 dou witlîIllie svrk yon have lîcen doing tir yon 've Iîeeii pertkîrmiig. "lîerc ks a uieeness or gtaintur asstieiaîed îvitb Ille liole Illîiîg. TIhis is al perîod ivlieni you eau solidify ytîur ('ounldations. A Special Note To Ali Signis: A fier Novemiber l6th, communications niay hit a sniag. Mail package% and lettcrs for t1uick delivery belore tits date. Take the41 right to the door ROYVcAL WINTER FAIR NOVEMBER 10-18 Hourly train service.ta Exhibition Station ist train arrives Exhibition 8.48 arn (Sunday, 1248 p.m.) Connectîng bus service from Oshawa, W/hitby. Ajax th* Transit Information: 942-2000 PORTRAITS CANDIDS OLIDES MO VIES MURRAY WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY WEDOING & BAR MITZVAH SPECIALIST 115 EMPEROR ST. AJAX, ONTARIO 1-942-4519 A Heritage 0f LEADERSH IP I I I '73 Colt, S/S For 1973, the Palanis Colt S..ýS bas been cornpleteIy restyled in the famnous TX racing image! Here is style ta believe in .. . and toke pride in. Here is style thot befits a leader. With free-oir perform- oince to match. Truly o. f ittirig trîbute to Palanis' proud henitoge of leadership! -$699 '73 Polari: Features Polaris f ree-oir twin cylinder Star enýgine/Hydrau- lic disc brakes/all-aluminum Torque-O-Motic dnrive/,Equa libe rotor slide suspension/i15"" rubber & Polyester cord trock with temnpered steel cleats/ hancle-bar mounf'ed cut-of f ond hi-Jo headlight climme-*r switch ,requicted electrical' system/fuII- width non-f licker brake lights/tempered steel skis Wilh eXtrO surE-tu>n skogs,,'imnpraved Palorotone muf lier. JKampIng. Unlimited Townline, Oshawa - 728-9942 OpnEveninps Tuesday and Thursday S1400 DUNDAS ST. F- - WHITSV "If you want to look your best" WhIUby S~Caroug (416»668-321 (416) 439-0241 WliI'I' l<î:î R I SI IRS.M NOVI,'Mlil.R ý9, (972. PAGI' 1) CHRISTMAS SEAL CAMPAIGN VOLUNTEERS throughout the county have been working hard pre- paring the Christmas Seals for mailing and we hope they will soon be reaching yuur home. Your contributions provide these services: Physical Conditioning Courses for Asthmatic Children Pulmorary Function Testing Tuberculin Testing Health education pamphlets Films on TB, RD, Smoking, Air Pollution, Rehabilitation of TB and RD patients Assistance to patients in sanatoria and at home Baby Sitter's Training Courses Refresher Courses in Respiratory Diseases for Nurses Research into Tuberculosis and other Respiratory Diseases Please use your TB-RD Christmas Seals on the back of your mail and packages to show you care. Won't you please speed your gift to- ONTARIO COUNTY, TUBERCULOSIS AND RESPIRATORY DISEASE ASSOCIATION, C/O BANK 0F NOVA SCOTIA, 11 SIMCOE STREET, NORTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO. (The Christmas Seal Organization assisting in the control of Tuber- culosis and other Respiratory Diseases). ASPECIAL "THANK VO U" 15 EXTENDED TO OUR VOLUNTEERS I- V Ir 1 1 1