Whitby Free Press, 2 Nov 1972, p. 1

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Attersley G ivitîg reasoils of mlire t inte ho tend Ilus j)rsoIiaI bîusiniess at'lairs ind 'a gencm'ai diseontîcit w~ith the set-Liu o the tîreselit coulncîl systeli, ('otileîik>r BoliAttersicy ait- tutecd ini a formai state- ment othlie WHITBY FREE PRESS Tiesday, lhe will ruit lneithier for inayor- nlor Cotin- cillor -titis Decemlber. Ile was annon ilicilig i is lîl tturc intentLions ltîrst tÃ" tlie FREF 11RlSS lie sidoi mtol' respect kir ite go tnp s an d ini- dividual rutepavers w~ho have pledged opien isupport lo r 'A ttc rslev l'o1r M uvor' mioff ed orculipaigiitg liitlîses il' i îeeîled it-,1 i Iaî Coumumlit- ilieitt s loi suppri Il'rollitcet- tulit wiity service Clubs, \vuis approaclted by att ullýîitg iuiiber uti' private cit izeits, vvlose li nbers su rirised evenl îiy sel ', uand vus asked tIo ru it by inleitibers ,I'lte Suitting couuîcii us wl,'lie disclosed ini a telepltîtîte Convelsatioin lihic vtui l itlu elbora le oni tlie lut er supporters fl.ot tL- viios retsonIs. "I WvOUn{dhave I iked tIot a ke ut D)es onit kti'aîymîi h wot iid hlave eitjoyed lt. tIl* oiily i co'utlil l 1le Iiii" Bn it hl ultsiniess vus exý- sequnîtly eqînied lus uîituost. 'l'ie ilecîsiittî tiot l( try Io retui I lis 'Seul us couîîcihlor. itlis tel-Itt, witiclt will pcr-liups coilie lus 1more of' a surprise bo Itis 1iollo(vcrs itaitl uis oiilt decluru t ionIti i lie will île- chne [tie lnîuy('trlity race, re- quliied more Itluglîîl'or i itti. lie explaîied '"li ciioosiig io t t i seek re-election 1 i 1<pe i alitt lot leavitg t[lie imipres- Siiin 111tut i hve let(ily con- counci'l st iIt nicitsdoIhvîl \vd5 aimtigli îlicisiîti. A l'tc a lot of, iltîtît 1l i i de ttu ip illy iitu (t resîtîve il otre way (tr tlle ((t bU l'oi ainutiiie menlt t (lite FRl~IA" RISS aund Lbis is whltu1t i tve dloilit', Exîîuîd ing (n litls dîscoti- teiît wvitltlItle sel titi)(Il couit- cil's adlmtinist rutioînitndoper.- ut iott citîumi it ees lie saut, "(olitlittee chuiritucu siiiply Ituust be in Chaurge ol' tîteir- respective comtni tees antd re- port back It coulicil as suicli. 'ihîcir contlinuaIl meetinigs ure rilicLilotti S iiil utildet Itis syslti tIle tlime coîtstmîttptîoiu cuit itly serveius ailctiÃŽlîtelt t(t miiy c'tîllcjllor wlll is alsit al lbnsililessîitn.' 1lie alst viticei l ciagriîii witlt cîtuiitCil's treut Ilue 1t tt ]LS fli of1 i e i co itwn uredeveloi(>)1itt iandî suid lie wus st ilI uand woîi lit a lsays be "d cud ag- aimtst a civic udniiiist ra1iîn cinttre ia y lro(ltlitedcîow n- t(îwu core. "Titere jîstlibas ltob l ieliCchanîges to (lie r)"eCI teittcotuucil." At tiîîugti tic said lie woLntd l10t 11ieContlîîlleriîug his ser- vices to te Wliitby etcctîirate run hi Ititut le years. tic iidlicu lei lus ilecisitîtIl(*)(t o rtî Ii is year is tutu I. 'l'lie îîews <oIf' omîîcillîîr At tersley's illiu-aal tr(tîu iltitîicitul ()Il lice is alsit a disappoin 1 meni1t1l(t t lie XWli i 1by [tEL PlRLISS, inî ttat a re- inurkable inuubcr of' VVliitby citizeni--eader-s exîressed sup- po(rt h lurougîtLite ixiter lîîr M r. At tersley as bot It mlayor. and cou mcill tor. lit is Ille opinuionîof' the ItCWSjIapeIaI (Xîuîu ciL lor 1-At- tersley is mne ol' the more sincere and cîîmîscie nLiumns îuîeuîubers of-Wlitby contil. VOL. 2, NO. 44 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1972 1 Ot per Cop WINNERS ROTH - by Bill Williams WHIITBY-Thce NDP's Ed Iroadbent carricd Oshiawa-Witby, Tory Frank McGee squeaked in ini Ontario and ConservaLive Allan Lawrence was a runaway winncr in Northurnberland-Durham. That is die area score following Monday's federal election. Broadbent was thc only incumibent Lo win ut the polis as Liberal's Russ Honey, in the eastern rîdîng, was roinced by tie fon-ner Ontario Attorney-Ceneral and Norrman Caf-ik was nosed out by McGee, tie former Conservative cabinet inîster. To the victor go the spoils and here NOP's Ed Broadbent and wife Lucille, smile and exult as they view resuits board as 1,000 -vote Iead mounis. F'rank McGee, witfl lus dauglter, keeps lits tîngers crossed as he inches slowly ahead of Nlùrm Cafik. Hie now hopes his smail 12-vote win hoids Up in recount. Photo spread pages 2-3 Bîlitl-leii t beal tis (ponti- enis s.Toiry NI ike SI arr, Libme;ai Peter (îîol(ly uîil ('oîltnut- isi Rwsecli Ruk.L anlyi. filis lead ove 1ciiînîîîîeî'uîîSt:îî r \us titole 1iaî 000} votti',. A lai1 crv t'ronîut is wîmt iii 1t i(ý \ltiei lie itosed ilfSî:î n li andi ('ai'ik bal tted tiglît lit[tie wvire Illîî e Iti tld entl le (lite ('ulseîvaî'eivclv ail ani- îîu)Ltitced i2voeiltaigili.Ilt pi ivei lite Ilile cli sesl race 11) hIe cîtilre coîtlîitrv aliîi a lecitîtri t wil be uril(tiuu;ltc. 'lite NDP's Albuî aîii-lIwujs a distanut tîird MIle thiec- wVay race. i loue>'. wio liad repre- seîîted Nituîî elîî-) liaintt îr Ilite past 1 0 y'eams, waus tl] u aaiist a t ougl i coiit- petitîtr. Lawreutce was a popui- lar utilister ini botli uIiî- banls and Davis poli ticai înia- chutles atnd was eariiiuriked bu ruîtilunItle basicaily larmiiitg coruîmuunity despite (tie fac t lie luad bectu' n urbaiu relire- semtative iii prevituns pulit icul euh heshs. ND)> aîitiilale 'Milliter ili, 3(î.year-îîid sciio ctihaciier was l'ar-buck titird inIllte Norilu- ruîiber-latud-Dirltattt race. magîietisrn Broadbm'îh pparetiy car- ried blie vote on blite busis ot' luis personai îîîagîîelistu iii ilite rid iug. [lis stand iin demunce of' buie U.S.-('uîuadi Aulît Pact and his opposit iuunîIo govèrni- muenit ltuîîdou ts t M ichelimn Tire tIo a id ini est abiîshiig a piantt ini Nova Scot ia, wcre ulsît ipplar wîliIltie vît tes. 'lite Osliawu-Wliitby ridiîîg lias a large îtuîuber of cuuîtito)yces ili bîtt Ilte auto buildintg anud tire tut ait nl'icit nuîîiiidurîies. Imuilis victuury speech ho supiportersutl Itle UAW i lall it Osli :îwa 'oltîtwiiigluis vie- 1 ()ry, Brîîudbent gave ll credi t hi "Ity litrî-work-ig antd iddica hed cuit)puigit lie also %vas prol'use in llts praise (ut Wliil by vote! s %where lie c t imnd ieiî an il liu st e\- aci Sptlit inIille pptlai Vote. I Oshawa-Wlttby I l<ak (CIMI) O ntario t13,9 131 92 WCkk'îPî16,321 Ujl k fI11 i)f6.309) N orth u mberiand-D u rh amn .i\ rcîîc.' ('C)17,388 1îny<lli1.5 It is a1 vcll knlow nl act that Wiîitby voters hiad mever givenl lin a very siicable Vote in tlle past. Mr. Uroadbent told the FR1;PRESS that lue re- quired tfinte to assess te over- ail situation bcl'ore lie would lhazard a guess as totfibis par ty's position ini a iniority gov- mrnmcnt. 1' is evident t hiOiigh ,"ie sa id t lia t thle NF)! Part y lo lds tuie bualance of powe r ii Otî1a wa." St arr, wh o carl icr i n the day cxuidcd conîfidence, scenîcd like a mant bitterly disuppoinicd once the results were known. Dejection Hle toid a large galîring ol*party laith liu1, somne oi'tein dejecccd Io the point! of leurs. tla hatt by lhad fouIgh t the good filht and huadtnotliiing Ioticb aslhinied of'. "Xe'cail t houig it Wc shou.1d id ave won," lie su id. "bu t a su I'tficiu t nnm1- ber' of" clcCtor-s tIImught (dil- I-erentl (ly." Petber Cotitol y's elct ion canmpaign crcw vere tilor- oughily dejected by tlie ba 1lo hî iig. (untipaignl manager MirS. Jleaii Mc(g iverît wus e 11)11a tic ini lier beliel' ilat udvertise- iefi ts, place(thy Itle ('on- se iva iiive tppo si tion lîu local nmedia autithe eckend, lhad a lot tIo do with thle Li bcral's Site was relerrîng to Starr advertisencnts wvhich clainmed a vote lfOr (onnolly would be a vote lOr lite N'DP * Rtnss Rak. Conîiiuitiisî , lad iffle (o enthluse about. Hie gurnei cd a total oft' on ly ()-- votes and wvill lose bis S200 deposi t. lii Ontario ridîng it wvas a reail cliii bianger. The lead l'or NicGce and thien l'or Cal'ik sce-sajved] back and l'orth al nigli t long. Wh île the final couint gave the nod t o Mee, ('aflïk orkers dispute te t'ouitt. Gordon ('olby. on the' Calrmk teain, said thieir, comnt sliowevd an abIsolutL ie. Cai- 'ik's e lec tion day chai rnan, Kei t h Scot t, su id "t lie o 'ficial count could be reversed on the recouint because our fig- Lires certainly don't jibe witli wvhat the rcturning olTicer go t." McGee toId a cheering crowd of supporters that lie f'eit the airpori issue only served to conl'use flie voters. He blamied the Toronto Globe and Mail 'o)r this, saying thieir reports 0on tlecCoisoirvitive stand huad been taken out of cotex and, in soine cases, were dellinite inisquotes. 1l1-fated Speakinig ol thle ill-l'ated- e 'Conservatives l'or Cafik' fac- lion, McGee said lie felt the group was forîîîcd by Cafik suppuorters Lo stemu an obvious swing away from the Liberal Party. "I believe il worked in reverse," lie cîîîciuded. Norman Caf-lk was a very dejected tman af'ter thie final resu lis wcre anmounced. He aiinotîced to party suipporters LUal lie would sluiulderte bNainuelfor bis def'eai "if indced a defeat Calik Lit ilue "suowved cituinigs. ('at'ik brougu t tii the' tliIi« ediatcly at'ter the final result was annouuuced Caruk said lie wvas drbious about a recomîut. Hovevcr, later lie bîîwed to sborted requests lr)mi supporters anud said 'lie woîrld demuaîîd tule. "Regardless of the finial resutît," lie said, "tlIis was iy* hast ehectioîu. 1 do not intend to run aàgaini." Aîbaju Ward, NDP candi- date, Loid Lihe FREE PRESS lue was miot unhuppy with the large trirnout of electors. "Across the country our party did wel," lue said, "anîd 1 ofl'er fil congratulatiomns ho bhc successful candidates. 1 fée secure aîîd good iin the knowiedge titat te party, ini Lihe future, wiil be a force to said the camutpaign nothing brut luonor party and perliups Up muîy own short- said te caimpaign luit bing bu t lionlor party anîd perliaps nup iny owmu shoîrt- INSIDE IT'S BACK TO THE COURI1ER DAYS FOR WHITBY... 'Nhcn Town H all inoives - Sec 1>g. 0 THE STUFF THAT STEEL IS MADE 0F.. ...,see Lsco Pg. 14 LOC'AL SPORTS st art oit Pg. 10 WHO'S WHO IN AJAX ... s ce page 7. won't

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