PAGE 10o THURSDAV, OCTOBISR 26,'1972, WVHITBV FREE PIRESS canvas -boisters McGee' s Confidence reigns in the Conservative ranks of Frank McGee with oniy days remnaining un- tii the October 30 vote. When the polis close on Monday, Ontario Rid- ing's P.C. supporters fuiiy expect that this seat in the House of Commions will be re- turned to the Conserva- tive side. Their hiopes are bol- stered by the positive reaction to a mnassive door-to-door campaign -that lias taken place in ail corners of the Rid- ing. Every cornmunity in the 50 miles from Lake Simicoe to Lake Ontarioolhas been can- vassed by the Conserva- tive election teamn and by candidate Frank Mc- Gee himseif. "The number of comn- mitments we have re- ceived frorn disiliusioned voters who supported Trudeau in 1968," said McGee, "lias confirrned our .knowledge of the substantiai shift of suip- port to ouir side. "Wlhat is even nmore surprising," lie contin- ued, "is the large nuim- ber of former NDP vo- ters who have indicated they intend ta register their protest vote in the hopes, most poiiticaiiy ef'fec- tive way possible-with a Conservative ballot.. "Apparently the Tru- deau candidate, lias re- ceived the same nmes- sage," said Frank Mc- Gee. "Why else would lie be suppressing the resuits of the expensive Liberal-sponsored sur- vey? He lias finaliy rec- ognized that lus coattail ride to Ottawa four years ago was a one- tirne trip and lie is now scramnbiing togetiier iast- minute measures ta, try to recover his losing position. "His ludicrous at- temnpt ta replace the large r nnbers 'of lis disappearing Trudeau- mania vote with a sprinkiing of so-calied 'Tories for Trudeau' is iuardly an effective sub- stituite," said MeGee. The P.C. candidate wiids tip lis caipaign witli a fluirry of final weekend activities. Tlie last few days of the camipaign will find Frank McGee in Ajax. Keswick. East Wlitby, Pickering, Reaclu and Uxbridge in lis approaclu to the vo te rs. .7,eut CSrsUittrJ, 'Ntinauto accident No doubt many of the Whitby residents have noticed thec new Whitby l'rec Press paper box located beside the Wliitby Post Office. This box is convcîiiently located there tor Ille people of thie urca wvho wisli to pick up thie mail anîd paper together. 'Flic box %vas lettercd by The Sign Slop (Signet Signs) in Oshiawa. Don Rogers îs owner and operator, capably assisted by Leroy Lavoy wlio lias donc an excellent job on the lettering of tlie box and also rnany otlicr jobs cornpleted in the Whîtby area. So M~'ien you pick tUp your mail don't forget your copy of THE WIITBY l:RLI PRESS. ALBERT HOSMAR, C.A., FORMERILY 0F 47 PRINCE STREET, OSHAWA ANNOUNCES THE MERGER 0F HIS PRACTICE WITH HIOPKINS, 13URROWS, SEIBY & IWAI)LE 146 SirnCoe Street Northt, Oslawa EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 1972 Councillor Attersley tangled fenders with Or- well Carrington of Osha- wa iast Saturday after- noon and neither driver came out awinner. Damage to Atter- siey's car was estimnated at $800 and Carrington's at $1000. The accident occurred in front of Sunnybrook Food Mar- ket as Carrington was ieaving the parking lot. Carrington has been charged with, faillng tO yieid the right çf way from a private drlv'eway. SWOIDS -t s'fi1 r t OSHAWA'S NEST TORO DEALER KING WEST GARDEN CENTRE 847 KING ST. WEST 728-9429 BETWEEN OSIHAWA & WIIITBY fontainebleaui Oshawa Centre TAVERN Open on Sundays 12 noon to 930pi z jF FONTAINEBLEAUJ STEAK N19EEF TA VSRN TOVWNE & COUNTRY VW1LLOWOALE FONTAINEOLFAU STEAK N8EEF, TAVEAN - THOR NC LUFF E MARKIET PLACE DON MLLS FONTA.INEBLE.AU STEAK N' 85SF TA VE RN 2025S SEPPARD AVE.. EAST WLLOWVDALE FONTAINEBLEAU STEAK N. BEEF TA VSRN ^SvAuA ENTRE OSH4AWA 'FONTAINEBLEAU STEAK N'8SF IdIESTMOUNT MALI. LONDON FONTAINEBLEAU STEAK N BSPE TA VS RN KINGSTON CE MTRE KCINGSTON Appelizers Clilld Tonm tJu. ......... .20 Baby Shrimp Cocktail,......... 1.65 SPECIALTY 0F THE HOUSE ... 2.59 CHARCOAL BROILED. RED BRAND NEW YORK SIRLOIN STEAK Baked Potato. Tovao Juice, Fontainebleau Salad, Frensch Dressng. Toasted Roll, S:ra«Wbry Shortcake. T«a, Coflas. or Soit Drink. AO Pku Order by Number CHARCOAL BROILED. RED BRAND 1- T-BONE STEAK......... ..2.99 saed Potwoo, Fred. nch O..,.i.a.To.tta ud S. CHARCOAL BROILED. RED BRAND 2- JUNIOR NEW YORK SIRLOIN STEAK....... 1.89 SI.ed P.l, .fnî.e..b.a. Sbla ,.rech D..uUng. T,,,.d @un. CHARCOAL BROILED. RED BRMND 3- NEW YORK SIRLOIN STEAK............ 2.39 sieN Ptate. salad Frenc.h Coî...negile a.Su. 'CHAftCOAI. BROILED, RED GRAND 4-CHOPPED SIRLOIN STEAK.............. 1.69 Baked fl..l, o nonnI.u a I ad, FrancP. O..un, Tceotti @Su. CHARCOAL..BROILED. RED GRAND 5-o JUNIOR CHGPPED SIRLOIN STEAK'........ 1.29 9*04 FPolooo, Fon~uin eou S4aua , ec us O n,. T,....d Suný CHARCOAL BROILED, RED BRAND 6- FILET, MIGNOON (Wropped irn Bacon).............. 3.25 Saea Poine ts.a o.î,..u.tmSaluaFrnch, Toana. Su.. Desserts and Beverages Strawry Shortc*e .................... .45 Hot Aps P...35 Wft ioecrumi.5Witt chmu. .50 Ice Crum. ........................... 30 Tu. Coffm, MillE, Soft Drinks.............. 20 a R 0 T H E R s Im Wei lm Appetizers Pickled Hurring, Sour Crssn.......... .95 ~'FONTAINEBLEAU SPECIAL...... 3.25 RED BRAND RGAST BEEF AU JUS Baked Poulo, Hors@ Redih, Choke Green Pas. Tomato Juice, Tosad Roll. SirawberTy Shoncake Tes, Cotise, or SofitDrink. PlsusOu by liumnh EEN SIZE CUT 91MRb MÉ%~EA JUS................. 2.99 Daked Potato. Horse Redish; Choicu Green Peas. RE RAND ENGLISH CUT 2- IROST BEÉF AU JS. ......2.69 Balcon PotalOHome. Rudas,.Choicu Green Pa. RED BRAND. TWO SLICES 3- ROAST BEEF AU JS.......26 Balced Poitao, Horse Rodish. Choice Green Puatt SRED BRAND ROAST BEEF SANDWICH. .....19 Smed un Loat. Choice Green Peas. RED BRAND, FONTAINEBLEAU STYLE 5iSHORT RIOIS........................ 1.89 ServecU wiIU, speciaU sauce. poisto. or choîce green pEas RED GRAND 6- RIOS 0F BEEF 9WMEN AVAILABLE>.......1.29 Fontainebleauj Sauce. Oaked Poulo or C1hoëcu Green Peu Desserts and Beverages Strawbsrry 5hmfua*............45 MtApple P. .35 whith omui.50wmth hrnu.5 Ice Crm .............. .....30 Tu, Coffre, Milk $Se* Drinks . . . 2 FONTAIUNEBULEAU CAF ETERIA TOWN E & COUNTRFIY SQUARE WILLOWOALE FONTAINEBLEAU CAFESTE RIA FAURVUEW MAIL WILLOWOALE FONTAIUNEBSLEAU CAF ETERUIA OSI4AWA CENTRE OSHAWA FON TAI NEBILEAU SNACK BAR rOWNE & COUNTRY SQUARE WU LUOWDALE FONTAINEBLEAU IANQUET ROOMS AVAILABLE 50 to 300 223-4700 M OIAUN eAU TWO ROOMS FORF MRIATE PARTIES SPANISU4 OECOft lu-- l-u' --- Expending throughout Ontario INTRODUCTORY OFNRS Introductory Off er 50C 50c off the Spedialty of the howue New York Sirloin Steak Dinner Reg. $ onîy $2.09 50C (Offer expires Nov. Il, 1972> FAMILV SPECUAL Valid every Sunday, Monday and Tuatsday on our No. 5 Special Junior Chopped Sirloin Steak FREE DONNER to on. -child under 12 .ccomponied by a parent (bring this coupon> mm -9 1