Whitby Free Press, 12 Oct 1972, p. 8

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î>,w;:t.ii RIAOCTlOBhiR 12, 1972, wi IITB'1Y 1;i:L PRE;SS essence of good stylé and hair By Kîi Ariinitage Fashionable hair styles are everywhere bu t good style is rare. What con- stitu tes good style? For a womnan'-s hairdresser it is the perfection of tech- nical skills that 'somie- thing extra'-- artistie tiare --- whatever it's called, cani't be tauglît. The fashioii silhouette changes froîîî seasoîî to season. This tall tlîe uni- sex trend, altlîough 'adl- ing a little like deimi, is still 'itii for the youinger set. Elsewhere ini faslîion. hair is cut short ini vary- ing lengths. It can be cropped short on the crown with the ends styled ini a tapered tail at thie nape of the neck, or perhaps short enouglh to coi-ne just to chin level and clear thie collar. To be very 'in' is to wear the hair short, parted on the sie or in the middle with soft waves at the sides. Long hair ist't out this faîl by any nicans with the short-sided ta- per eut and longer backs. For the long liair even- ing sophistication is the pulled back chignioniet'- fect. Thiere are more soft fémiininîe lhes for 'all w ithi Meegaîit' thîe nîost uised description of' what is faisionable iii hiair styling. "Basically a good hair style should frai-e a face in a complirnentary man- ner-as doles the proper frarne for a picture," says John Weiss of Cre- ative Styling ini Oshawa. "Thie silhouette of a liair style should niodify the bad features of a face and bring out its good 980 Brock Rd. S., Pickering f 1eatures. This 'basic sil- houette' cani be fashi- ioned or adapted in a mod or simple tailored style, or chic, higli fashi- joli look depending on the wornan's personality and life style. Whiei I1 do a cut for the first timie on ci custonier I know, by the phIysica,,l featu res, l'in workiîîg towards an eventual style whîcli by the time 1 get tlîrougli the settiîig of' the ha,.ir and the coîib-out, I know a fair aniount about lier personality and what style will suit lier. It's always very dif- ficult for any hairdresser to do justice to the eus- totiier thîe first timie. It takes timîe to evaluate whiat she says she wants, and wliat is best suited to lier." TheBigestBedingClerne/fuIn OurM Values up to $69-50 BY FAMOUS BEVERLEY. Buy a poir and save $50.00. You choose from .smooth tops, foam tops. quilulaps in a wîde ronge of firm' nesses and colorful, iong-wearing tickirgs. Every piece custoni crafted by Beverley, Conado's leoding bedding manufacturer . .- your assurance of the finest in sieep producus. Be on hand early for the pick of the lot ... YOUUL SAVE ond SLEEP BETTER. Values up to $79-50 BY WORLD FAMOUS SPRINGWAU.. The label preferred b>' more people ail over the world . . . and the construction that gives yau perfect sleeping from edge ta edge . .. with no centre sag. Choose froni beautiful quilted surfaces in top grade, imported damask tickings ... . man>' attractive patterns. . . . Ail standard sizes. Com- pare Iis value . .-.' YOULL SLEEP LIKE A KING. MI 48388 MATTIRESS Oit BOX SPRING NOW ONLY '583'88 MATTRESS OR BOX SPUINO Hwy 2 C 401m ciriture Bseline >F UR ±IURL-4u Mucit ~~ P/A J~~~ i Ot ;n hmR dI PnvI- - - -l t, ea r 839m4461 Johin Weiss is a slimn, energetic iai whose special expertise in lhair- dressing has garnered for irin an enviable and sel- ect clientelle îîot onlly ini the Oshiawa-Whiitby iarea but froii Toronto to Peterboroughi and Port Hiope. Hie caters to nmore miature wonien, prof'essionial anîd busi- uîess wonîeuî, anîd the youîîg set. He is a lonig standing îîîeuîber of* the Guild of' Hair Design, a prestigious group of' sel- ected, screeuîed, exa- îined, reputable coin- îîunity businessmien ini Ontario and Quebec. Eaclî year 5oiiC mciii- bers of' the (;uild go to Europe to becornie more fauîîiliar witlhetlîeuîw clotiies styles andi fash-' ions. Tliese îîew styles anid trends iii iair sil- hoLiette are niodified anîd adapted to wlîat will be stylislîi i tlis country. Lt's an establishied fact." says Weiss, "that Montreal will have the new styles froîîî Europe on its wouîeî aniii the streets a f'ull seasoui be- f'ore New York, Saii Francisco or Toronto! " The initial step iii cre- at iug thie silhiouet te is a good cut. Thîis is the f'outidatîii,ithe lholdinîg power. thîe stability of a look which ks the l'iîial. ultiniate style. The tecli- niique of cuttiîig hair lias developed sa rapidly iii recetit vears, thazt a wo- mni can look hetter ini a really good cnt îîow, without a set. At teltioti to the niany dci ails wlîicli go ilito thie decîsloi as 1(1 what Mwi Ci(act. lie the f'itiîa IsilIhoutite of a eus- toners hair style is re- sp)onsih-ile 1in 10sinall way tor Weiss' succcss anid 1.oputlarity. 'IVaîî wonien ii wo arc ex- tremiely busy, active or sports types arc wîllîing to sacrifice a more at- tr.active style for souîîe- thing thiat's casier to care f'or anîd re(IUires little whio waîît a good basic eut ini a style tlîat's f7ashi- ionable andc acceptable to thîe personality anîd life style of* eci. -' The trend îîow is to shorter hiair Iliat still gives thie appeariice of beiîîg loîîgislî. Here, as witl 'I woiieuî, it's an 1in- dividlual adaptation of' 1 rock Iro)inii i c nc\ i iii collIcctionoiSinio -car Whcil Itcauies t() the 'do0 - il - voiseituîess oh' ionie peruiiaueuts uiist ha ird ressers wou Id rathler a1 custamler wio lias de- cided 10 give liersell ai hoime îcruiauieut, seek adcvicc first. lt's avaiilable l'or' a siliaîl cotîsuilta.tiaui lee Lsl; ,Ily auîd is ia lot caisier oui everyouîe thîau try in iito correct the tun- inlfor miecl umess al't er- waird s. For a vouien wxliat constitutes- good style'? Leadiuîg Mouitreail stylist anid designier Jecai Maric dleLeuige says in i bis clîarm iîîg. Iighi tly accenit- cd E uigl ishi,"A Il t he mîouîey ini the world cau't buy good style. It eau biuy aum educatiouî as to whîat couistitutes good style but if' a woinau doesu't know liow ta Lise tlîat kuîowledgc shîe's uîot miucli ftirthîer alîead oui tlîat poinît, is shie? Yoiu cati, work ut de- velopiiig whiat yaLi lîave-auid sanie people are amazcd ,ut whîat tlîey Uuicaver as the result aO' a littIe attentionatnad work. Most womeui are brilliauit at adlaptiuig lash- ~io t0 lîcir uîeeds and îersoniahities itn ways that arc couipletely ac- ceptable. But style- thîat's the woanin whîo cai take thie ulist coiîn- 11iîon-p lace eîisemhIbe aiid \Vitli thie spilash 0of ia colon ufI scari lîcre t he glaw or lcaîiii Ofl apiece ot'jewelry there sa il is completely lier awti. A wviii iwith ail finle scîîse Of style is oftenl diflicLult ta kniow rcally well. Tliere airc always îîew. saiietinies uniex- pccted. sliiadIi ngs iand depthrs to lier persoiiality aiîd real self, wlîiclî be- camne apparenit oîîly graduahly. Tlîeî'e is ah1- ways tlie feeliîig tiat the nmore anc discavers the more there is ta discover. Slie iat aîîly lias tlie appearanice of' style-- the way shie looks, the iîainer iii whîiclî sie dr-esses, wears lier liir --bu t (lere is a real style thiat is onily iers iii lier walk, thie way slîe talks, eveuî a seuise of hîumiour. l' slie lias anc, it becaiies uni- mnistakably, styhislîly lier ow Il!"' Tlhe elemneîits aof good style. Whiethîer it's your iair style, your clothies style, thie way you walk or thîe wiay you giggle, it's the 4'sainîe odaIdlhe'- 4'do your owuî thîilîg'. But first youve got ta fîiud it. Tlîeîî work at it. Tlîat's thie basic cIe- init iii style. The Store Hiours Mon to Fni 9:30-9 Sot 9-6 mmmmmmmý 1 RMél,ý& - -> - 1 @.Pl eu ilotgou -183 .-J Co F- lui§ I

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