Whitby Free Press, 12 Oct 1972, p. 5

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wiiirBY FREPRESS, 'IiuRsiAY, oCTloBiWR 12, 1972, PAGEI; Do you remienber aIl those beau tilLil leaves th-at provided shade during those hot summier days recently'? Take a good look outside and you'll dis- cover they're A lyînig dead niow oni the lawn. For mie it's a blessitng in dîsguise because it covers up rny overgrown lawn thiat didn't get cLît too often because of tuat dratted lawinnower. Most people sceem to hiave the diistinct imi- pression that you have to do somnethitng with those dead leaves in the faîl. Uni quite content to let the leaves faîl where they rnay and take their chances for the winter. It mneanls that the rabbits around liere will have to chiew their way througli ail those dead leaves before they caii start to work on iny i edges. A few years ago the raîbbits got at the lhedges anid almost stripped the bark off' maniy of the bushes. Although i t looked ridiculoLîs I lîad to go out ini the freeziing cold witii a hcated cani of latex paint and give ail the trLlnks of'flhc trees a coat of' painit. Wlien the rabbits camne around tlîey jLlt took oie bite of' the bark witli that latex paint and tlîey decided to finii a neighibour's slirLb that wvas't so rotten tCastinig. I t could Lic tlat the colour turined themn off* because the offly spare piainit 1Ihad tliat IPLUMB1NCDinSCOUIml ~ FIXTURES & SUPPLIES I701 Bro&k st. N. Whitby 20% DISCOUNT DIRIFCT TO YOU BIRD'S EYE WIEW year was shocking pink. 1 figure the Chamber of Commerce should have given me the prize for the best deeorated house at Christm-as time that year. ltjust wouldn't be Fali without leaves swirling in thc wind and the kids jumping in huge piles of thenm. 0f course it doesn't make the guy that piled up the le-cves too happy but kids don't worry about those minute details. 1 can rememlber oneie meanl old mani in my neighibourliood raking ail his leaves over la fire hy- drant. After a beautiful simultaneous swan clive thiere were about three of'LIs who staggered home w i th luni pson ou rheacls. Bu t we go t hîi at H allow- een witlî the old burnîig bag of mnanure trick. To mnost peopfle falling leaves mneans a lot of scuirryîng around with rakes and wheelbarrows to c.atchi eaclh and every dead leaf and put it in a fire by the cuirb. Althiougli burning leaves just add to polluitionIi must admit the puingent smiell lets your IIOSe know thiat winter is fast approaclîing. 1 don't ineed the leaves to tellInie Winter is coming. My first Winter issue of' Skiing magazine usuially arrives about Septemnber and then lIve got the buig to get back out on the siopes but wlîere the heck cani you ski around here in September? By the timie the first snow flics l've hiad about three issues andl Fin so keyed UI go Banzaii on the first day and wreck my skis and almost put myself ini traction. Ail things ini srall doses is flot my lifestyle. Last year 1 read sornewhere that rotting leaves mnake a good mulch for the grass and bushes. Wrongo! There are rotten leaves around my place from three years ago and the grass appears to be looking f'or a better life after death. 1 renmber one place the grass uised to'grow like blazes . . . . righit in the middle of the hiedge. It figuires, in the hiedge, the tlower gardens, the patio and parts of the driveway but the lawn, heck no! 1 stopped the grass froin growing in the hiedges. 1 shoved thie leaves uinder the hiecges and they choked out the grass. Some people might say it*s like hiding dirt unider the rug but 1 ignore tlicem. They're the samne kind that do a washing Why risk an empty heating omh tank on a blizzardy day?. Sheil offers two words of advice to homeowners: Automatic Refuli. Automatie Refili is how ShelI makes sure you don't run out of heating oil. The f îrst tîme you purchase ShelI heating oil, we start a record of your oil consumption and relate it to weather records and forecasts. We use a mathematical formula to figure how much oil you'Il need du ring the year, and exactly when you'll need a refili. You won't end up the day of a blizzard saying: I can't believe we used the whole tank." Call us soon. once a week. The answer is to find a use for the leaves when they corne tumbling down in tne Faîl. If Pollution Probe was srnart they would find a way to recycle the things and use themn again in the Spring. But ithen too it wouldn't seemn like Spring with brown leaves on the trees. Maybe we could get the public to change their smoking habits and instead of smoking the leaves from tobacco plants we could aIl smoke maple leaves or elm leaves. Some rude people have even gone s0 far as to suggest, after snielling rny cigars, that 1 have alreadyemibarked on such a plan. The auto manufacturers could change the car- buretors and we could ahl burn leaves instead of gas. Mind you the fuel problemn could get kind of tense around early Spring. 1 guess each of' us wiIl have to work out the leaf problemi on our own but if you're waiting for me to rake the damn things, forget it! 1 have already figured out what to do with about 100 pounds of theni this year. I'rn going to pile themn up on the roof over the front door with a trip string and the first kid that cornes around on Halloween niglit, beats my door to a pulp'and yells 'Trick or Treat' gets it! Sorry kids but I warned for that Dunk the Celebrity on Halloween! you 1 would get even soaking I got. Corne -J/M OU1A I Rake flot Leaves.tee. me Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon-Fri Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 P.M. I 668m6601 BAXTER FUELS 1970 PONTIAC PARISIENNE - 2 Dr. H7350 Power Steering, Power Brakes, Radio, White Walls, Discs, 32,000 miles with balance of General Motors warranty. Sierrra Gold with matching pleated interior Dk. Brown Vinyl Roof. A family man's car ai a family man's price. $2,795.00. 1970 TORINO BROUGHAM - 2 Dr. H.T. V8 Auto. Power Steering, Power Brakes, Radio, White Walls, Wheel Discs, Maroon exterior with Beige pleated interior, 34,718 miles. A hard to get car ai an easy to get price. Lic. 54606A. $2,395.00 1969 BUICK SKYLARK CUSTOM - 2 Dr. H.T. V8 Automnatic, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Radio, White Walls, Wheel Discs, Regal Blue with Black vinyl interior and Black vinyl Roof. A youthful car for the young ai heari. $2,195.00. 1970 DUSTER - 2 Dr. H.T. 340 Esquire 4 Speed transmission, Yellow with Black Racing Stripes Black vinyl interior. Has a Black vinyl Roof. This k'ý a real Sporty Car for the Sporty Buyer. Lic. 19748A $2,895.00 "Mi ý1250 Dundas St. E A Whitby Where every ~ transaction meons 'UT WÀ~I~~Pw satisfcin m 't t, k 1: Il; Il 1, I t'

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