Whitby Free Press, 12 Oct 1972, p. 2

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PAGE 2, TIIURSDAY, OCTOBIR 12, 1972, WIIITBY FREE PRESS Mrs. J. Durkee, Whitby Free Press, Dear Mrs. Durkee: In the last issue of the Whitby Free Press there appeared an edi- tonial and a letter from a Mrs. Joyce Read. Both items seemed as if they hiad been written by the sanie person, but 1 arn sure this is just a co- incidence. The gist of both items appears to be that 1 arn being criti- cized for permitting a spokesman, representing the Town of Whitby em- ployees, to register with the Council complaints about poor working con- ditions being experi- enced by the employees of the Town of Whitby. Mrs. Read is active in the labour movement in this area, and it is be- yond me why she should attempt to depnive the workers of their rights to bring knowledge of bad working conditions before their employers, the Town of Whitby, and before the taxpay- ers of the Town of Whitby. 1 can only con- clude that Mrs. Read is s0 desperate in seeking support for one Candi- date or other in the forthcorning Municipal Election, that she is pre- pared to seil-out the very people whom she is sup- posed tb represent. The Whitby Free Press has provided a worthy forum for the people of Whitby, but occasionally this newspaper is very short on objectivity. Any person in public office is capable of making faulty judgemnents, and if this newspaper thinks that 1, as member of Council. has erred in any decision, 1 arn open to persuasion and advice. However, I refuse to be intimidated or to be moved by threats. Any objective report of the proceedings at the Council meeting in question, oughit to have indicated that in res- ponse 10 the question by Mr. Slratford as to why lie was the lasI of three delegations, was because it was anltici- pated that his involve- ment would take a long, time. In fact, there were three delegalions:_ the first took twenty min- utes, the second, Mr. McPhee on behaîf of the Union took fifteen minutes and Mr. Strat- ford took more than an hour and a hiaîf. It is uinfair to compel people to rernain if the likeli- hood is that a certain niatter might well take a long time to present. An objective report miglit also indicate that despite considerable pro- vocation, as Chairman of the meeting, I was determined that Mr. Stralford be given a fair and impartial hearing. It was my intention that the Council receive as much clarification as possible of the proposi- tion of which Mr. Strat- ford was spokesm an. Mr. Stratford was given ut- most latitude ini qirect contrast to miy treat- ment of some memibers of Council, Who mîight be forgiven if they ac- cLise me of being 100 partial in permnitting Mr. Stratford to make hîs case. Finally, 1 understand that the Whitby Fre Press investigated the crowded conditions sLif- fered by employees of the Town of Whitbv. This newspaper is to be complimented in so do- ing. Il is 100 bad this didn't take place many months ago. 1 under- stand that the represen- tative of the Whitby Free Press made the comment that she was taken aback at the overcrowded con- ditions' under which some of the Whitby em- ployees have 10 func- tion. It will be inter- readers esting to sec if thle Wilîit- by Free Press features tluaI remark in a future editorial. Yours sinccrely, T. Edwards. (Reeve, Town of Whitby) ED - There were two peo- pie who accompaîîied reporter Jim Quail and editor Judy Durkee dur- ing tlieir recent tour of town hall, CUPE presi- dent Gerry McPhee and Mayor Newman's secre- tary Verna Robertson. Having checked with both these people and assum;*ng they were tel- Iing the truth neither reported back to you that either Mr. Quail or Mrs. Durkée were "taken aback". We would advise then, Mr. Edwards, that you check back with your source. Editorial Staff, Whitby Free Press. Dean Editor: 1 sec in die Ajax newspaper thiat Gerry McPthee, President of CUPE Local 53 ini speak- ing on belialf of inside employees at town liall. spoke of thie "deplor- able"~ working condi- tions thiey are sLbjected to. Weil, if working con- dit ions are so bad -- wly are tliey against using the Brooklin Municipal Building or die sug- gested portable hiuIs as temporary measures un- tl Regional goverrnnîent is settled? Somne of our schiool teachers have to put up with portables whien tdie schiools are overcrowded until thiey gel better accommoda- tion. One thing about this LoeIÇY$m hi ýÎSkfbAFrER A LONG PERICA) OF IPLENE-E6 jS PAZ1 EýACK IN 1RlE>CAPr=AC G&LYJES I BoLT ~ ~#..//AD IN CLJJ5 LAZ TAKEr£SA LoQ'< lirt:> USADVW"EB lÀkÙUNV I> -rY... ý write There îs always sorne- oneC just as capable bo do the job if only they are given the chance. Sincerely, A. Bruce, Dunlop Street, Whitby. This newspaper ne- cently published a story that our present mayor, Des Newman, the de- feated Llberal candidate in thie last federal elec- tion spent, according ho 'Reader's Digest, $3 1, 379 in his unsuccessful bid for federal seat. We, in the Town of Whitby, know thial he has also spent consider- able amouints of money in his elections for civic niayo r. Rcflecting on these large sums, 1 as a tax- payer, wonder how much has actually corne frorn Whitby taxpayers pock- ets? Or are our mayor's elections being financed by "outsiders"? With the municipal elections onlly a short lime away and new edec- tion expenses aboLut 10 be spent, 1 wonder if thie mayor wouild eni- lighhten uis (in his art of finance?) S in c erely, Brtuno 1H1arilaid, Wilitby. Sir-, Wli by lias neyer been known 10 do anytlîing spectacular, but 1 cert- ainly nmust lake imy lat off Io Ilîre of our locail children. These kicis spentI îiost oft1tleir fre limie lasI weekend col- lecting nmoney for-tdie Channel 9 teletlion. It certainly inade niy heart very proud of these kids for their effort and deep concern. Whitby should be very proLld of Iliese kids --I know their parents miusl be. Mrs. S. Wriglht. Whi lby. ,Bur Su00JàwYA1 ïgRr FPc« ? &cw/ /S &P' 7-0iAIS 4W~ T-I4CN ON A LM aC To the Editor of the WHITBY FREE PRESS We would like 10 thank our neighibours in the Hazlewood Drive, Scott and Garrard Road areas of Whitby for help- ing us filI our jar for the Ontario Crippled Childrens' Society Thanksgiving Telethon. Because of you we were able ho turn over $34. 00 Kinsmen for Arena to the CTV Telévision Station on behaif of these children. Thank you for opening your hearts and-your wallets. Sincerely, The Bouwma chul- dren & Jackie Berenschot Karen (9) Sylvia (7) Robent (5) Bled $1. Land The Kinsnîen Club of Whitby has suibrnitted a tender of $1i.00 for the land on wliich the Comi- irlLnity Arena was situated. Ted Bell, president, states that ""it is the feeling of the Kinsmien that in as much as they originally donated the land for a commnunity arena to be used by the children and youth of Whitby, and that Lise hias now ceased, thiat they shiould get this land bek. Why? It is feit by the club thiat they could ob- tain a more favourable price than thie town cotild on a public tender basis. It is the clubs intention to donate the proceeds and other budgeted funds towards providing a new arena facility for the children of this town, in ac- cordance with the original intention of' the Kinsmien in 1953. To thie club's knowledge, Couincil lias not pnib- licly comitted thic funds fromn the sale to sucli a facility, wicli is badly nceded. We feel that the arena slîoLld be buiilt on ade- quiate lanîd so that additional recreational needs of' tie people couild be econoinically locatecl on the saine site. If* this tender is accepted. the loca,.l Kinsmien CIlub will have, succeeded in furthering ils nmollo: Serving tlie Coinmn ity's Greatest Need'. THE WHTBY FREE PRESS i <Voice ot the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn. Published every Thursday in and for the people of Whitby. Office 212 Brock St. South. Mail box 206, Whitby. Phione 668-611 1,668-6112. MAILING Publisher W. "'Bill" Durkee. PERMIT Editor Judy Durkee. NO. 2941 SPORT'S LOITOR DOUG \Vl-.ALI-IS Advertising Ron Winstanley. Promotions Bob Burns.Jr. Graphic Art Consuiltant Ken W. Down.

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