Whitby Free Press, 12 Oct 1972, p. 25

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JUNIOR A, " TER. Z Ajax Knob Hill Farm lst period: 7:09: 14 Bernie Johnston, 7 Johin Fielding, 2 Calvin Pettit. 2nd period: 3:26: 7 Johin Fielding, 6 Jini Heslin, 4 Randy Herring- ton, 8:38: 17 Tomn Ken- nedy, 27 Steve Miller. Wexford Raiders lst period: 8:55!- 18 Greg Natale, unassisted. 2nd pcriad: 4:22: 27 Mike McEwen, 4 Rob Trimble, 6 Craig Mac- Phierson, 14:47: Il Bill Hassard, 21 Dan Tablas 6 Craig MacPherson. End ofl1st periad 1-I1. End of 2nd period 3- 3. Ken Davidson played a terrifie game ini goal for Ajax stopping 48 shots. Steve Tobias Midgets Major M idget teamn played an exhibition against the Oshawa Park- way T.V. Thurs. nighit at Harion Arena. The Teain looked good buit with more practice and gaines they slîoîîld be- caie a very strong clUb and suipply the fans witlî excitiug gaines. The first period the Brooklin Whitby Club oiîtplayed- a id outshiot Oshawa. Thiere was no scoring in this period. The second period was a little dit*- ferent as Oshawa took, over. Thecy scored two qUick goals îxist Bob Oueîlette. Gien Hirkhiam scored at the 1:24 mark witli J inmDuignam get- ting the second anc at the 4: 23 ta take [lie lead. At the hiaîf way m'ark the teanms clianged Connel I1y played an equally goad garneiel goal for Wex- fard stapping 41 shiots. In the penalty depart- muent Wexford had 8 and Ajax had 6. In the first periad Johin Baker was tripped and was taken ta thie Ajax hospital for x-rays an his knee. He hiad nat returnied by the end af thie gamie. In the second period an Ajax player made a good move by stopping thie puick in the crease, saving a likely goal, bt Wexford was given a penalty shot. The Wex- player did flot score bt 1ie didîî't even Ibit the net! It was a real crowd pleasing gai-e! on action goalies and Tomi Con- nelly took over froni Bob OUt lette in net. Oshi- awa camie oni again and scored at the 10:50 mark on a goal by Jeff Keenan ta take the lead thiree nothiing. Tie thiird period the Brooklini Witby teani finally was able ta get tdie puick be- hiind the Oshiawa goalie on a liard fouight power play withi Dave Sari- chietti getting thie pass t'romi Ken Clar-ke and drillîing it haome at the 5:30 mark. The ganie was not withaut the uIsital penalties Oshawa picked up five ta Brook- liii Whitby's one. The next gaine is ta be Sat- tirday at Hyland Arena Toronto gaine tinue is ": 15 Oue llette excel in nets Thie Brooklin Whitby Majar Midget, Teami sponsored by the Cana- dian Building Corpora- tion played an exhiibi- tion game against the Richmond Hill Midget Teaîn at the Hyland Arena, Taronto. The second veriod Ken Howst scored for Rich- mond Hill at thie 1:20 mark. Bath teams changed their goalies at the hall* way mark of the gaine. In the thiird period Richmond Hill's Paul Hoagenboon scored at tlie 8:00. B,- W.C.B.C. Terry Harper finally put themi on the score board at the 8:45 mnark.,B.W.C.B.C. pulled their goalie and Richi- mnond Hill scored inta the empty net on a long shiot by Jim Graliarn. Time- was 13:30. Tomi Cannelly and Bab OueI- lette did an outstanding job in net far B.W.C.B.- C.'s. This gaine hiad miany penalties by bath teams Richmiond Hill 9 ta B.W.C.B.C.'s 11. Twa ofithe B.W.C.B.C.'s pen- alties were 10O plus gaine. i Pec Wec Champions and PIay-ot'f Champions (bottom Ileft to right) Robert Kotiard, Rick Prinzen, Milan Lubinie, Andy Kadykaio, Tony Vanderly, Brent Legautt. _(Top row ieft torig'ht), Coach Casey Local2222 won the play-offs after blasting Lasco (4- 1). The big scorer for Local ')222 was Fred Prinzen wha blasted in three goals, and one from Ronnie Wiersma. Milan Lubinie, the top player in the whole league had superb foi-m and made the victary passible. The only reply fi-rn Lasco came fi-r a beau- tiful goal by lan Smith. OUTDOORSMAN' WUT.H PAUL WICKER The high point in the year of manty outdoor loyers is quickly approaching or is in the pracess of happening right naw. I arn referring ta the yearly pilgrimage ta remnote areas in the quest for a deer or moose. This quest usually secs alot of us going into bush roads that we would .normally bypass but this is part of the înystic powers of the big gamne huint that bringsus back evcry year. Un- fortunately, ail too oftcn we are prepared in every way for a good, safe hunt except in the department of dependable transportation. The senses tell us it is faîl or early winter but the mmnd is still thmnking sumîner and conditions betwecn home and nor- thern ai-cas can vary greatly. Your vehicle should be complctely winiterized; with anti-freeze, snow tires, tunc-up, the whole bit, before the hunt is under way. A set of tire chains, by my experience, are essential as jumper cables and tow ropes. An extra battcry is a help at times and don't forgelta take a set of tools with you. I would tïîrther recommend that more than anc ait toinobile nîakes these trips for safcty's sake and ta Iend a helping hand if you do gel into problems. Most problems occur off the main routes, namiely down old bush roads, and when you get iuta problemis iere you are cither ready ta cape withi thern or yoîîr hunt is ruined. The first rule here is cominon sense, don't go inta sonieplace where you will nat be able ta get out of if il snows, and wet snow is very conion from uow o.n. Investigale any bridges or fords before you go charging across them and don't start inta an un- known bush road îînless youî have enough daylight ta get you ta your destination. %ýA good idea ta follow is ta have at least two axes, bath of* which are capable of cutting up deadfalls fraîn the road in a hiurry. If you can get a hold of, or own, a chain saw, take it. The Faîl is a limie of hecavy wiuds and more than once I have hiad [o cuit my way out of a Jogging road. Old culverts and bridges may be rotted away and a new anc may have ta be built or the old ancei-e- Dewitt. Ricky Riensma, Ronnie Wiersma, Captain Fred Prinzeri Perry Adibar, Erie Smith. (Missing) Centre Haif- Andy Bos. Ci-axaI won the play-off title in the Mosquito division by defeating Ace Electronics ( 1-0). Rae Joncs won the play-offs in the Atom divi- siîn by defcating King West Garden Centre (3-0). .The Squirts League champions Randal Plumb- ing defeatcd Brooklin Concrete ta take play-ofl chaînpion -the score was (2-0).1 WFUTBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOIJER 12Z. 1972, PAGE 25' iforced; so. include some good ýsized spikesý in your kit. One or tw'o small hydraulic jacks can save the day if a bog hole grabs'you and a power wench can make getting mired down a slightly srnaller problem. A boat or canoe is used for most mnoose hunting and the proper materials should be on hand ta repair any leaks that may spring up. Spare paddles, and shearpins, for those mators tliat stiti have them, are a must, there just wil flot be anyone to tow yau back. Life preservers, naturally, will be used whenever the watercraft is in use. Going out prepared for the worst may take a lit tic more roomn in the camper but l've neyer faund that it detractcd from the cnjoymcnt of the hunt. In fact, most of the time it improvcd it. U PLAND GUNNING 1 went ou t hunting after supper Tuesday and while aur trio failed ta sec a pheasant feather wc did see woodcock feathers. Yes, their down in gaadly numbers, and things should get better in the coming wceks. The best place to hunt these fcathered bullets is in the low land areas wherever the earth is soft enaugli for themn to probe for earth worrns which are their main diet. A good place ta start looking is whercver there is alders;- hellish places ta hunt, but, the woodcock lave thcm. The patches of "whitewash" in these aider jungles will tip you off that the birds are, or were rccently thcre. Woodcock have a way of dropping in during the niglit and dropping out the next; or they may be here for weeks. The length of their stay usually dcpends on the weather. Freezing conditions which harden the ground will move themn out quite smartly. Take advantage of them while they are here but don't expeet easy shooting. A slow working pointer is the dog to use for these fellows; but if you don't have one, a close flushing breed will do the job of putting them up for you, but it will be snap shaoting at its fastest. If yau do knock anc down, dan't be surprised if yaur dog refuses to retrieve the bird. A fair num- ber of otherwise fine retrievers just cannot stand the taste of a waodcock. WATERFOWL The first part of the migration is under way and if you haven't used up ail of the timne allotted ta hunting for this year, naw is the timne ta start daing it. Thausands of divers are reported ta be on Rice Lake and if they are there yau can be sure that Simcoe and Scugog are carrying a goadly number. The fields are being cleared of standing corn and with the puddle ducks and geese on the inove it's a good bet that a little investigation cauld provide some great hunting over decoys and sul- hauettes placed in these samne fields. It's rather enjoyable ta duck hunt without even getting wet. Dunlop Radial PIy Tire H EÀDQUARTERS 'ATTERSLEY- TIRE SERVI.CE 103 Dundas St. East, Whitby 668-3356

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