Whitby Free Press, 12 Oct 1972, p. 22

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PAGE, 22, TiIIURSDAY, 0('TOBER 12, 1972, Wi-i'rTBy i-I1iPSS m*LEC I -omW y7za Broadbent:, An equa share-for Whitby InCimbent N.D.P. Ed Braadbent criticizcd re- cent Oshiawa-Whitby in- tegration of services de- fend ing the Town of Whiitby as a distinct city and deploring the basis of centralization of re- cent services as an illus- tration of the old, mis- taken 'bigger is better theory'. "Thie placing of these facilities just do hiappen ta miake a dif- ference to a smiall town," lie said. Speakîng ta members of the Oshawa-Whitby mneia, lie drew out a inap at his Oshawva Ihad- qLlarters, explaining by sketch that it is just as convenient for somieone to go to Oshawa froin Witby for services as it is vice versa. "A cen- tralization of services in Oshawa is tinot neces- sarily the most econami- cal, and if Whitby is ta retain its own sense of comninity identity the next integration iove niList take place witini Whitby bouindaries," hie said. As examples of ab- solute OsKawa initegra,,- tian of facilities lie cited tlie post office, CPR, Ottawa CNR and Bell (?anada, wliicli lhas recentiy pliased out its Whiitby paying agents. M r. Broadbent is currently pursuing the Bell inove with aI group of Wliitby citizens whio have ap- pealed thçe comnpaniy's proposai. "Onle of the centrail facts abouit Oshawma- Whlitby is tha.'t it is .madice uIp of two distinct cities, eaich withi its owni sense of identification," lic told airca newsnmcn. 'In recent yearis thierc hias been .i tend ency to lfos- ter initegra,,tiati of* Lic- support partmenits anîd services in a way which l iairly fails to recognizec the nieeci ta preserve faceili- tics ini Whitby. If asenlse of communiiiity is ta be Oshawa aîîc Whitby are to be treated as one are-,a for certain rationaliza- tion procedures, as it sensibly shIoLld be, thien it fallows thiat Wliitby retained, tliere iiiust be nîuLst be trcated a fair shiare of* Whitby ably-anc i îot lia) integratian. h hiave pro- sucli caction take posed ta cýabinet mcmi- iii Osliaci," lic sai( bers aof the lfederai gav- 0f otiier spccifùc crnment that inù-.wiy fi- concerrus lice made titre integrtion of facili- tionioa' a 'caini tics, wlctlîcr iin the post conîmîiittcc' whici office, railways or whiat- Waiild like ta sec ever-, tliat Wlîitby mnust whcetlicr lic is re-cl sharc cqually withî (isba- or ualt. The caini wa in living such ccii- COl iIi Ît tCLeWOULI c tralizcd tkî.cil itics iocatcd sent business, labo wîtlîiu its boundar,,11ies. î pIif'ah itce f or Connolly C1u it- ve ail place d. clocal 1iilin- litni ty 'hi lic set uIp I ccted inuiit y rcplirc- or and ;ts ini Oslhawa-Wlîitby with the purpose ta bring posi- tive pressure ta bear ini Ottawa for the speecly rnodernization of the harbour, the campietion of' the airport and the iminiediate re-vaniîing of carparate tax palicies. "For if we work jointly and make inteligent ap- l)roaclies we can con- vince the governmnent. h thiink thiis kind of corn- niunity actioni was il- lustraitcd by the coni- mittcc whiclî won gov- crnnît attention ontlîe autopact issuie,' l1esaiid. 1970 MAVERICK - 2 Dr. Extras. Great Condition, Low interior. Lic. 16630A. $1,788. Expediôtes Plans - for the ex pan- sion of Harbour facili- tics in the Oshawa Whit- by area have beeîî ap- raved by the Govern- mient of Canada. Oshîawa Wlitby Liberal Candi- date Peter Connolly said today after meetings with Transport Miniister Dan Jamieson that an Order - in - Council lias been passed,_appraving the expencliture of $400,000.00 ta expand and iniprove tlîe Oshawa Whitby Harbour. Mr. William Selby, Cliairmnan of the District Harbaur Commission, attended meetings last week ini Ottawa, where a final approval was given to the Plans. Mr. Selby said "wile the iiîîrediate benefit One Owner. Many Mileage, Colour Bluel 1970 DUSTER - 6 Cyl. 3 Speed, On The Floor Radio, plus Extras, Colour Plum Craze, Real Sharp, Lic. 66570A. $ 1,988. 1969 CHRYSLER NEWPORT - 4 Dr. Sedan, 35,,000 Miles. Balance of Nlew Car Warranty. Colour Sky Bue. Lc. 3984A. 21488 Harbour of tlîis expansii ius ini- partant, it is realîy the lonîg range growth af' tliese Harbour facilitîcs wlîiclî we are counting On" The first step inithie expansion wviil be dredg- the Harbour possibilities the Harbour ta make it possible for t'reight-car- rying sips of' oceauî- going size ta dock and unlaad. Mr. Selby aclded "tliis capacity will apen uLp A kinds of possibîitfies tfor other nîiaiiu factuirers ini this area ta îîake uise of slîip transpiorta-'tion for thlîir finishied goods anîd prod net s"". Mr. Selby alsa stid "thIat thie support of* leter ('onîolly iii Otta- wva was a m'ajor factor ini expeditiuig the (ov- cment decisiaî ta sîup- port tlîis local ceavour."* cii- 116 DUNOAS ST. W. PETER ('ONNOLLY, the Liberal (kuîd idate ini Oshîawa \Vhitby. said ta- dlay tliai several niaîor palitical figures vilI lie visiting tlîis Riding be- f'ore October 3Othi. "Ex- terîîal Affairs Minister M itchelîl Sharp lins ta- day confirniied bhis plians ta visit Oshîawa anîd Whiitby October 25th", Mr. ('onniolly said. Nanpow~er and iiiiiii- gration Miîiister Bryce Mackasey is scliedulîcd to be iii the Riding Oct- aber I 9tli. Siuîce I1968. Mr. Conntoliy lias been Executive Assistanlt ta Mr. Mackasev. Labour M inister and ini hius pres- cnt Portfolio. M r. ('oiliîoliy's re- sponisibilities iicicldedl the ofatiga' new La- bouir Relations and Un- emnpîoynîciîit Legisiation. Revenue Minister Herhi Gray, froni the MADE TO MEASURE SUITS FOR THE MAN UN MUND OTTENBRITI"'S MENÉS WEAR "*EVERYTHING FOR THE WELL DRESSED MAN ,P 13DUINDAS ST. W., WHITBY- CHINESE FOOD eL TE $(fJNUGftT 10% OFF on Pick Up orders 668-1021 '"And Lot Your Tastele 'sThe Jinigo" FREI Home Del ivery [ast Take Oui Service 668-3261 AMPLE PARKING AT REAR Windsor Riding lias a large proportioni ai' U.- A.W. Menibers. lie is also, slated ta visit Oslui- wa and Wlîitby oui Octa- ber I6tiî. Charles ('accia, Mciii- ber aif Parlianient l'or Toonto Daveniort, (l'o rmer Parliamieitary Secretamy ta Bryce Mac- kasey) wiIl visit the Rid- iîg on October h 8th and will attend the I tahiaiî Recreatiouî Hall iii the ii the eveniuîg at 8 p.nî. sports edi'tor Thie Wlîitby Free Press is pheased to wehcomîe Doug Weales'» of Whitby to its staff as Free Press Sports Editor. Doug is presenthy the publicity director for the Whitby-Brooklin Junior B Tiremnen and hast ear served as gai-ne aiinouincer for the Whitby, inor Hockey Association. As' an employee of GM, Doug anîd lis 'wife, Bonnie hiave iived ini the Whitby area for saine tiîîîe. They have two chihdren, 8-year-oîd daugliter, Lori and 12-year-ohd Doug Junior. who shares his father's ivehy interest in sports. Doug lias studied up-and-coming young hiock- ey stars and feehs Whitby lias a hot of potential iii thlis field. Witlh hîis direct, Doug's terest ta tiiose reputatioiî as being'outspokeu anîd sports editorials shîould be of lui- I iiîterested 'iii Whitby-Brooklin sport- He welcoîîîes ideas and suggestionîs froii read~ 1 rs. Expansion *DX OW. ~683341. -q 3SPECIALS frorn WFITBY DODGE 4. * SUNLIGHT RESTAURANT a a

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