Whitby Free Press, 5 Oct 1972, p. 4

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PIA(;î 4, TIIURSDAY, OCTOIWR 5, 1972, WHFUIY FREE PRESS CÀANDIDAT.E ON THE HODTSEAT CANDIDATE X", WHY SI-OULD WE IN THE OSHAWA - WHITBY RIDING, VOTE FOR YOU ON OCTOBER 30? EDITOR'S NOTE: Deal- in-g with specifies is what 'Candidate on the Hot- seat' is ail about. In at- tenipting to do so, Mike Starr, Peter Comnolly ai-d Ed Broadbenit, the Progressive Conservative, Liberal and New Demio- cratcandidates for Oshia- wa-Whitby Riding were asked to respond to the following question: "Why shouîG we in Whit- by vote Liberal, Cotiser- vative or New Denocrat. Candidates were re- quested to submit an- swers ini their own words to the Whitby Free Press, and were asked to incor- porate ini their replies, the nlierits of their respective parties. Following are those replies: _____ We regret to inform you that despite repeated atternpts on the part of the Whitby Free Press. over a two week period, we were stili unable to get a response fromi Pro- gressive Conservative candidate Mike Starr on this article especially prepared for the con- stituents of Whitby. We would like to thank Liberal candidate Peter Connolly and ini- cunubent NDP Ed Broad- bent for their speciai ffort during a busy carnpaign and for the "coiicerni" they have isplayed for "the other half' of the Oshawa- Whitby 'Riding, and would hope the arro- gance displayed by both Mr. Starr and his key campaign people who appear to think his vic- tory a foregone conclu- sion does not carry over to the innocent elector- ate in the event of a Starr victory. Starr lias puhliely. said lie refuses 1<> air- gue lte issues in [lus election cainpaign. Per. hae.s Mr. Starrs arty wluile i ifl ailaorS the hligli eost 01, Toru ad- vertising, CANNO'I' if- ford to deal witli [liose issues belore tlie people "ISTARR 15 X)N CERN El)" ~"l'llE ARR{OGANC:E 0'1111J îlE U'ItDIEA UI (>0 V ERtNi EN '1"' <Quotes trot,>aiaîd ini an Oshiawa newvspaper) versity and Coach of the R.C.M.P. in the National Defence Football League. * PETER CONNOLLY lias served as Assistant to three Liberai Cabiniet Miniisters, including Bryce Mackasey, La- botir's best I'rienid in O ttawa. *PETER CONNOLLY beivsthat thle truc measLIre uf conmLlnfity service is effort and in- volvemen t. * PETER'and his wife JUDY now reside in a duplex at 461I Simicoe Street, North in Oshawa. * PETER CONNOLLY as a Governmiient Merm- ber promiîses vigorous and effective representa- tion to ail the Citizens of' Oshiawa,. and Whitby whatever their political affiliation. LI BERAL CANDIDATE PETER CONNOLLY WHY A LIBERAL GOVERNMENT? 1. Because of its record. * The economy fias grown 2W(,. Personal in- cornes are higher by S800 per capita. Almost 7 50,000Onew homes have been built. Exports have passcd S21- billion a year. * More than 8.5 million Canadians are working. 800,000 n ew jobs were created in four years. * Prices have been stable. In Canada prices increased by only 3.7/( per year, less tfian in [fie USA, France, Brit- ain and Japan. * Ten new national parks have been created; strict controls are iii ef- fect to hiait air and water pollution, protecting the environrnent for us and our children. * The lîighest guaran- teed mnonthly income of any country in the world fias been establisfied, plus hospitalization, mieicare, fiousing, spe- cial tax exemptions and the New Horizons pro- gram. * An identity for Cania- dians fias been asserted througfi unity and inde- pendence at home and abroad. Froni the arts 10 [the Artîc, in industry anid [rade. Canada grows strong. * Hundreds of miîllions of dollars have been commnitted by the Liberal Government [o benefit areas whichi need economic development. * Industrial incentives, a special S60 million highways agreement, plus S I 55 million in ur- ban developmient grants [o aid Atlan tic growth. * A stronger Quebec tfirougli more [flan S200 million in regional ex- pansion gran[s and boans. * 366,000 new jobs, more than 300,000 new hiomes and special gov- ernmnent incentives for Ontario's industrial heart land. * The inint; the Mac- kenzie Valley project; two-price wfieat pay- ments of S57 million, and 2,000 fiopper cars to achieve record grain ex ports. * 133,000 new jobs, salaries up more than 30(1(, over 80,000 flus- ing starts, and trade cx- pansion in the Pacific. 2. Because of' its leader- 5h ip1. *Prime Minister Tnt- dcaui is recognized as one of the most intelligent and energeic political leaders in the world. Be- cause of fis strong lead- ership, Canada now plays a lead ing role inilthie Counicils of the world. * The Primie Minister lias lit tIe patience witli thie petty quarreling of* partisan politicîins---ie is only interested ini getting on witii the job of providing Canadians with sound and effective Gove rnme nt. * Finance Minister Johin Turnler-whio is fast be- cointg recognized as our couIntry's best Fi- nance Minister. * Bryce Mackasey, Jean Marchiand and Martin O"'onneillitree nmen wlho give both organized and untorganîized labouir thieir' strongest voice in a Fede rai Cabinet in ii tfe Ntîi's Ihistory. Recent labouir legislat ion passed by Maekasey and O'Con- neil rates amiongst miost progressive in thie world and is being copied by many countries. * Mitcell Shiarp lias brought Canada to thie Iorefront of world af- fairs. Rememnber in tthe searchi for peace, it was Canada whio led thie United States and thie Japanese to Pèking. Whiile we cannot agree with the policies of thie Russian a nd Chinese Goverrimeîits, we cannot ignore thie existence of' almost one billion people. 3. Because it lias brougfit Canadians togethier. *Neyer before have we hiad such a sense of na- ional pride. * Canadians hiave built, in a short 105 years, what most people now recognize as the miost desirable place in the world in wfiicf to live. * For over 40 of [the last 50 years. Canadians have hiad Liberal Govern- ments because the Lib- eral Party is thie only one [fiat fias been able [o elect tiienibers tfroni' ail parts of'Cnaa rep- resenlting the richi diver- sity of' our culturail, so- cial mid cconiomic lite. * The Liberal Partycdues tiot over represent the views oft une group or anuther in ('anadian Su- ciety. It is neither the Party uf*th fe rigfit nor the Party of' the leit. I t is thie Party of' ail inter- ests led by strunig, cx- perienced and compas- sionate men. 4. Wliat about PETER CON NO LLY'? * PETER CONNOLLY at thirty years of age is bilingual and fias a comn- bination of youtfi and ex perie nce. * He stuclied Canaclian History, Law and Politi- cal Science ini University. * He also gined a solidi background in business problemns while Execu- tive Assistant to Finance Minister Edgar Benson. *Quarterback of Cham- pionship Football teamns in High School and Uni- INCUMBENT NDP, ED BROADBENT RETENTION 0F A SENSE OF MIENTr,,ITY FOR W H ITBY May 1 thank the cdi- tors of [fie Whitby Free Press f'or offering [fie candidates an opportunl- ity of stating whalt they believe to ie [the central issues facing the Oshiawa- Wfiitby electoraite. For. as lias alrcady become cicai' during [fie elect ion ili our cunlStituenIcy. Sig- i fican t di ff*erenices ex ist amnig [the candidates ho tii iln terîni s ut' ap- proacfi anld pol icy. AS YOUur presen t Mcmi- ber ut 'Parliamienitfor Osfiawa-Wfiitby it is per- lîaps ap)propriate i1n a bni' note to conicentrate un record during the past four years and to SLggest wfiy ny ne-elec-' tion wiil provide-, Whitby withi a stronig voice at O ttawa. My primary goal was [o greatly improve ser- vice and communication to the cunlStituiency. To [fiat end a regular News- letter waIs senIt to you several timies a year- a practice undertakeni for three ycars betore [lhe govcrnnîent actutally made tut ds available for sLIfII pUirposes. In the newslctter 1 attenmpte1i [o outinie ry feelings on a wide range of sub- jects and to seek your reactions and opinions. Happily. many concer- îîed replies landedon my diesk. Furthier.l'or [the first [mnie in our arca, 1 esta- blislhec a commit nity of- tice open tfie days a wcek. 1 phone [lus office every day froni Ottawa to ficar problims of' con- s;tittients. And it is a tii n ritle In m y Ottawa office that any constitu- enit's re(]uest tflLtst fie acted uipon within 48 fouirs., Throuigh these nlev ap)proaclues more than -3,000 persons--or rouighly 05 per wcek- have broighit [o nmy at- tention some matter of' personal concern. In addition [o fielping with personal problemns 1 hiave pressed for the interests of Wfiitby in tflrce sigificant areas of policy. First, both puiblicly and privately with mcmi- bers of the Cabinet and [fie Wliitby Counicil 1 have argiicd that thec nlext roLund of integra- tion in ouir area (c.g. post office, railroad, Bell Telephone) should take place in Whitby. After ail, of prîmary concern Continues on page 5

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