Whitby Free Press, 28 Sep 1972, p. 5

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TENDERS - Con tinued from front page cause they don't fe the comipany is reliable or can meet the condi- tions of tirne. Frorn this point the departmient head recoin- rnends' to the counicil thua4 a certain tender be accepted and thie coun- cil miakes the final de- cisioni as to Who gets the job. The comipanies in- volved are tlhen iniformied of the comncil's decision. l'ie tenders for the wrecking of the Whitby Arenu ranged froîi a bld of S4500 subinitted by Cardinal Wreckers to a highi bici of S$10,000 ac- cording to Mr. Wallace. The Cardinal bid of' $4500 was ultimately accepted. Townî Engineer, Wal- ter Evans, adnitted that lie would certainly like to have seen the town get the job done for no- thing but defended the tender system and said. I think the public ten- der system wherever pos- sible or feasible 15 the best system we have." He added the Town was hoping that soi-e com- pany would actuially pay themn for the chance to wreck the arena and sal- vage the miaterials but 110 offers were forth- comîing. Mr. Evans saîd tlhat if the Town hiad accepted the original offer fromn M r. Cardinal to tear down the arenia for no- thing and hlad not ac- cepted bids then the Town was leaving itself open to charges fromn an itidividtîal wli mighit later appeur and claitn thut lie WOLIld hiave tori clown tlhe bttilditîg and paid f*or the privilege. He uadded thut il' Mr. Cardinal wus sincere abouit doîng the job f'or nlotti g lie COLIII Id hve Suibnîitted a tender stat- ing l_ e-__ o.. ld A ve.. 1 teniais that will come out- of the arena and he has saved him self thous- ands of dollars. Mr. Car- dinal plans to salvage al the roof trusses and have themn shipped by rail to Ottawa. They wilI then be trucked to a com- munity near Ottawa where he wilI erect a horse palace with the roof trusses salvaged from the arena. He esti- mates the trusses would have cost him $500 each if he had to buy them elsewhere. nobody NOTE: This feature is a product of- Sou therra Michigan Prison's Inmate Writing Program, spon- sored by Mr. Jess Van- Dusen. It is beiiig offered to selected Canadian newspapers as a blow against apathy in the coiggeneral election As another general ec îtin day approaches, no dloubt 11ILCIIis ut stake iii my cou ntry. But nobody votes in my town and most of my 3,700 townsmen aippari- eintly are chronie misfits whio couldnut cure less. My town seemis a mnillioni miles fromi my home- town: Beausejour, Mani- toba. My town is "Jack- town"-Southern Michi- gan Prison, near Jackson. Now, in the miorning chow line, a young mur- derer and a middle-aged burgiar seern ready to votes tangle in an argument oni the merits of the Re- lYLblican Party. An alert guard breaks it up just in tiîne. Thie burgiar is serving his fifth termniin my town. I know hlm well. So, after hie cools off, 1 nieedie hiim a bit, saying, "I take it you voted for Hubert Humiphrey in inciteen sixty eighit." "'VoLtkidd in'?" lhe scowls.&4M an, I neyer voted inin y life. 1 got senise cnouigh to kinow tio mnatter who gets elcc- ted, the best aniy littie guy's gonfla get is the worst of it. The hiel with vo ti n'!" Thiat's seditiouis phil- osophy, isn't it? "4The hell with votin'!" means down with democracy, your country, your gov- ernment and, conse- quently, every home (where government really begins) in the land. Yet, I have been guilty TU WHIST FIPREU (Voice ot the. County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn. Published every Thursday in and for the people of Whitby. Office 212 Brock St. South. Mail box 206, Whitby. Phone 668-6111,668-6112. Publisher W. "Bill" Durkee. Editor Judy Durkee. Editorial Staff Jim Quail. Advertising Ron Winstanley. Promotions BobtBurn,. Jr. Graphie Art Consultant Ken W. Down. 'n my of comparable "sedi- tion". It came out dis- gLised something like this: "Didn't get around to voting; hiad too malny other things to do on election day." The re- flection isn't easy to face, flow that I am, exiled from mi-y Cana- dian voting righits for many elections to corne. 1 begin -to wonder how miy neighibors feel about flot beinig allowed to vote. Later, 1 questioni niearly 300 of themn. AI- nîiost 90% inîerely shrug or othierwise ind(icaý,te Lack of concerti. Eighity inidividuals admnit thiat thiey hiad neyer voted! (Could the deeds thiat landed us here germ«- miate to sLlch disregard for demiocracy?) Consi- der three responses to: "Did you vote regularly when you were free?" Gambling syndicate underling (age 33, serv- ing 5-10 years): "The organization always saw to it that 1 voted: even told me who and what to vote for." To The Editor: In reply to a letter froni Mr. Don Lovelock which appeared in the September 7 edition of the Whitby Free Press in which hie suggests the placing of a police prac- tice shooting range in the proposed police WIIITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1972, PAGE 5 town Alcoholic (age 47, do- ing 1-2 for non-support) : "They'd let me off work in time to make itto the poils, ail right. But I'd stop at a buddy's house, to talk the election over. There'd be a bottie or two around. And some- how, before I considered ail the issules andi candi- daltes and decided who'd get my vote, it was ei- thier too late or 1 was too loaded to care any More." Sex offender (age 39, serving I V2- I10 years): "I neyer bothereci to vote except ini presidenitial elections. 1 voted for Richard Nixon becaLîse my narne is Nixon, too." (Wouldn't it be inter- esting to know how mnany other votes are cast for similar, lacka- daisical reasons?) As for me-w el, some- timesit is unpleasant to face the mirror of pat- riotism. Instead of vot- ing I have gone hunting and fîshing and attended to persona] matters of assorted kinds. But my future, back home in building. Mr. Lovelock must be placing this higher cost facility above other com- munity needs, etc., which are so desperately required in this town. Cou ncillor Gerry Emm, Ashburn. by Ray 120530 Conley as told to Pete Simer Manitoba, will offer op- portunities to prove my determination again to skip a chance to vote. And 1 will vote as in- telligently as 1 can. In the meantime, what about you? Like rnany other sheer blessings in our full- fashioned freedom, the privilege of voting just can't cornpletely be ap- preciated uintil it is lost. 1 know. So 1 must agree with the immigrant who said: "It is difficult for most Canadians to ade- quately appreciate their system of governrnent because they don't Lun- derstand what it is not." However, our beauti- fui Maple Leaf Forever waves best when every thread is intact. Sirni- larly, the governiment that this flag represents needs every vote. But nobody votes in my town. Nobody may. What could be worse, patriotically? Your town, where every aduit Canadian may vote . . . and you don't. cCIassif*ltd et*1&- 1 i Play bail with us and gel more eff icient home heating. Most folks really do.nt pay enough attention to their 011 heating system. Resuit: they waste a lot of money. Let us go to bat for you. We'll examine your oil heating system free. In most cases we can show you ways to save money. For money saving tips, cal us today. BAXTER WHITBY ShII FUELS 6 «W8 M S291 a

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