Whitby Free Press, 21 Sep 1972, p. 6

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PAGE,: 6, l'IIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1972, WIIiTBY VE PRESS AMnýIl Ahbut The Whitby Lions Although Dallas, Tex- as is a long way from Whitby that s whiere the Lions got their start back iii 1917 with the hielp of foundcer Melvini Jones. Officially, the organi- zation is called the Inte national Association ot' Lions Clubs and their colours are purpie and gold. Even the. naine 'Lions' was no accidet as it stands for-, Liberty, Intelligence, and our Na- tion's Safety. There are few borders holding back the Lions and you'll find them îin miany parts of the world. The Lions have for offi- cial languages; Englishi, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, French, Ger- man, Italian, Swedish, Finnish and Farsi. Thie Lions have an iin- ternational organ ization to hcelp the service clubs organize and co-ordinate thoir activities and the whole organization lias thoe motto -- "We Serve." Liko most service clubs the Lions try to promote botter under- standing and friendship on civie, cultural, social, NOW is the ltUrne to change your furnace te atral Gas ~ year s rentai. of gas burner. "" ~'installation. Get ready for winter now with this speciai, limited-time offer on a Natu rai Gas burner. If you act before Septem ber 3Oth, you can convert aur present furnace to Natu rai Gas, without charge, nd no rentai payment untîl September 1973. The Naturai Gas burner can be instailed in any type of urnace-forced warm air, gravity warm air, hot water bolier, steam. Installation, service and maintenance are absoiuteiyl ree. You pay for Naturai Gas oniy as you use it. When onthiy rentai payments start in September, 1973 for the as burner, they can be as iow as $1 .95. Think about the coid winds, snow and ice ahead and onvert to Natu rai Gas heating now. Cýosues~a 668 a9341 and moral levels both at home and international- ly without personal fi- nancial reward. Froni that small be- ginning in Dallas even- tually came the start of the Whitby Lions Club in 1959 under the spon- sorship of' the Ajax, Lions Club and withi the hielp of Paul Coath, a solicitor in Whiitby. Mi- chael Starr, M.P.P. spoke at the charter nighit a- long with Mayor J ermiyn and soîne of the cotîn- cillors andi the club was on its way. [n order to raise fuinds for varionis charities the Lions have sold peanuts, chocolate bars, lighit bulbs, pumipkins, and have organized teen dapl- ces and car waslîes as well as the annual St. Patrick's Day dance which tised to be held at the Club Bayview. A major project that required a lot of fund raising xvas the Lake Jo- seph Surninier Camip which re(Itiired 5$1,000 froin each Lions club and the Whitby club c x- ceeded this amounit by S 200. Thlicbest fliind raisîng' effort was f'or thie Jo- seph Rtîddy -liosp-.ital when over S5,000 wvas ra ised by thie sale of' a boat, niotor anid trailer and it went over so0 well it wvas repoatedl in 1959 s0 the Lions could pro- vide the Whitby Police Departinent with a Szite- ty Van and equiipnient. The van and equiip.inlent and spocial filmns were used for Salkety Educa- tion in local schiools. The Lions are also kept buisy raising funds f'or a midget hockey team, a figure skating trophy, cash award and certificates to two high schools each year, pay- ment for oye examnina- tion and glasses for local REGISTRATION SEPTEMBER g President of the WWhitbY needy tam ilies. inor la- crosse, soccer and base- bal!. the Girl Guides a ndc Brownics and the Whit- by Y.M.C.A. Funcîds arc raiscd for the C.N.l.B. andc everv year the Lions have a wine andl cheese tisting party f'or the residients of* Fairvie\v LodIge andl duiring Coity' Town Carnival the residents are taken to ;and t'rom the carn ival andý the Pan- cake Breakf'ast. The underprivileged kids are treated to a Ch.lristnîa,,s party eachi year at the Cen ten niaI Bildingý- and this sum- nier 250 underprivilegedl kids fromi Eastern Can- adla vere hosted at I-ly- denshore l'or a party and dance. During County Town Carnival the Lions liad a very successful Beer Tent at the town park and to get people to the festivities tlhey hiad a train running froin the different areas of town Lions, Art Desdardin to theo park. Presidotît Art Desjar- dine said that Millioîîaire Nighît lias beeîî one of' the most eîjoyable f'uîd, raisiîig efforts anîd the Iîext one is conin ti u on1 October 1 8 at Hcy- deiîslore. Tliore will be gaines of chance, ref'resli- melîts and dancing. Art joiicd flie Liolîs ini 1960) wlieîi lie was in Scarborough aind lic camîe to Whitby ini 1970) Canadian .Boer Tsam Canada Thli latîguage and thîe sccniery may be dii'- foerent. buît wheliei ci- bers of' Teamî Canîada sit dlown f'or diniier iniRtus- sia thiey'll recogiîize wliat tlîey sec iin froîît of' tiien - Canadiaui beer and steaks. W.F. Rcad, President, Laba tt B rew eries of' Cani- ada, lias annotixced lus comîpaîîy wili ly beer to Moscow to eîîstre tlîat thic hockey players THE ONTARIO COUNTY lo-BOARD 0F EDUCATION ADULT EVEN NG 25-26 I I when ho docided Whitby was a good place to run a Canadian Tire store. In 197 1 Art became third vice president and be- cause the first two vice presidenits were trans- ferred hie becaine first vice president in 71. Ho is now 1resideilt. Art's first venture into f'und raising Mien lie camne to Whitby was the boat draw of wîlîihlhe was chairmani and lie felt the effort was very worthwhile. This year there, are 'some new things cooking and Art said, "We're giving a po- lice award this year to the policemnan of the year! " Like most of the other service clubs Art feels the Lions could tise more miembers and hoe explained, "We're strictly after yoLung memibers this year." Ho added, "Last year the club juîmped froin 32 memibers to 52 mcmn- bers so wc'rc getting bigger." Il' you'rc intercstcd tlien d roi) iii to thîe ('eîtcîîîial Build ing at 7:00 p.ii. cvcry fi rst anid third Tucsday of' the monttIibecause ,ýêtliat's Mien thc Whitby Lions hiave ,thci r regular iii cet- ings. and Steak for 'ccl at lioniie--even if tlîey arc. thousands of' miiles away 011 inlaili- liar territory. A represciitative of' Teaniî Canada returned froîîî a t'act tinding aid reconnaissanice survey ini tlîe Ru.ssian city recentiy witlî a report thiat Ruîs- sian beer hias a flavor distinctively different froîîî tlat brewed iii Canada aîîd predicted that it miglit be un- palatablo to Canadians. Part of Teani Caniada Coachu Harry Sindeîî's strategy, appareiitly.. is to be sure tlîat day-to- day livinîg is as close to niormal as possible for tlîe players anîd he's liav- iîîg Caîad iaîi style food, iiicludinig steaks, slîipped 10 Rtissia, along witli a Caîad iani chef' to supcr- vise ils pr1eplaration. dlxitt 's is plcascd to abile to co-operate \Vil h Tcani C(anada by inukiiîg Canadian beer ilable iii Rtssia for î-ýe on tlîe dîîiîg table. 1, will also conie ini îîindy for the toasts at , tie coniclusion of what lias bcone oî of the îîîost exciting hiockey series ever pla,ýyed," Mr. Read said. Tlîe Moscow serios begins Septemiber 22--nd witlî garnes following every second day there. AIl gaines will be seen in Canada, witlî Labatt's as the mîajor sponsor. PROGRAM Pick up a new 1972-73 night school brochure- avoulable at ail high schools Choose from. almost 100 courses beîng offered ACADEMIC- COM.MERCIAL-TECHNICAL and GENERAL INTEREST LEISURE TIME COURSES

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