Whitby Free Press, 21 Sep 1972, p. 4

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PA(1, 4,'I IURISI)AY, SI 1>1 IMilhR 21,. 1972. WHIIlBY h'REir:PRESS Bell Canada:, "'Damned if they do and damned iôf they don'ft" A representative at the Toronto office of' Bell Caniada, acting ini the absence of District Manager G. R. Robertson told the Whiitby Free Press on Monday represen ta tives at lieaci office find tlhe Whiitby re- sponse for a local paying agency, "very uinusual". "I arni astotindedi," said the representative. "We basically have hiad very few conîpliaints in our reports froni other areas." He said, 'It is îîot our intention to single out any one commnunity and explatineci that as little ýas two years ago Bell Canadia had over three litindred local paying agencies and niow aIl except inety hiave been phiased out with the reiaîinîig ninety being phiased out even now. The phasing ouI of the local paying agencies is explained by the company as a miodernization of the Bell system i neluding a compuîerized pay pro- cess systeni which iinitiseif will include substantial savings for the cornipany iin bothi timie and mioney. "We are simiply trying 10 operate as efficiently BERNIES MOTOR SALES AumoRizED SALES Amorican Motors 668-2262 ru as we can,' lie adicded mincaýting th-at sinice file c cision to streamlinee mechanized comnpu (crs wa s maide by Bell everyth ing lias been geaired in tbis direction. "Less than 25/(,of' Bell subscibers living in the ]own of' Wbitby 1pid 1 h rough local ,agenicies," lie saidi, add ing thcat i t was h is bel ief 1 00'/( of* hîi r subscribers should tiot have to îpay tor the 10% sub- scr-ibers in thie province who have beeni usinig lhe agencies to date. Responding to ai question regardîng how thie conipany would hand le opposition such as the kinid being displayecl in Whitby. lie said, "There is ailways soiiC Lipheaval with the inîplernentation of* new thiîîgs. But this is a,. dit'l'icult situationl. Youi're danîned if you do and dam ned ilf you dlon't." There are now 488 signatures and 1 I12 Whitby Free Press coupons in thie posession of Mr. Il. Perry, the WVhitby nman ieýadinig off ani orgainized a,.ppeal. Petitions are still ouI and once tlîey haîve been re- Extended Buyer Protection Plan-ý Peacem of Mmid for 24 month or 24,000 miles... TH S C - RA E R2 MNHe O 40 IE S...e *NEW CAR GUARANTEE *FREE SERVICE LOANER CAR NEW OIL FILTER & 4 QUARTS 0F OIL EVERY 5 MONTIIS OR 5,000 MILES ,0 MILSs 10,00 MILSs lospect/Cotr*Ct Flid Levels Ilclu#d" gBatteY) Inspoci and Luowcaisle t lVolve lEaSaust Meaulod Inspect Diove Beltz iCoid.l.ou' aid Ten*eai), Consci il e osqa inspctiCoo.ect Phird Levois tlnctud" g aIteyl nspeçt and Luboocate Neat Valve. iBaust # maod Irrîpecl On,. Boitz (Conditon ,and TemiorlCotocoi tgrequ.osd IMIPOci Nid Cbean (ahausi a«i Aecuîal.ooValve imspect £al.au.lGris ctculabwOasDcharg. Pori <6 cpi î Cseai. tg .qures " Bnie Oit Filler Cap " meal Volve " Drive Bell. *Carbursior Air Cearer Biemorrl replace) PCV Vlve (replace) PCV oes PCV Fit,, <(6 cylindar) *Choe Lnkage DOiltîbulor Adiace Mectaîrso. Oitiîbutor Cap aid Rolor Spate Plugi Cool and Spa h PIug Wfet Oîîlribulot Cam. Lubricalor (foplace) gnto PoiteadCodensei Ignitioon Tmng lais Sped Tranm.î,oî Coniooll.d Sparli Spîlgoo Fueltritium. Cap, Tank, ilote, and Coîmectiont Fuel Vapor Iil illeFl ai Clacoal Ceorrîler replace) Fuel Fiier Elemont (replace) AiGuard Sylterr Noi TAC Syslaom Vacuum Fitigs. Notai and Con»cttons Complet» Body Luborc4itoir BlaIke lihpectlàor Front Susp*noo CAWtibarCeuri nid Tue manuel TaimeînClutinl lnspectlCortect Fluid Lavette llnctudmq. Baitury) Imîpact and Lubticate Meut Valwe iEîi.auol Maifîold) Iipuit Orie Balte lCoiîion idtTeion) Cooreci si lequired Inpat aritroen Boiras aiRcîrcîlairon Volve liapecl Soicuat Ga« Raccutatos. Drohaige Pori <S cyt.> Cloet rec r.q.ed 'nWe Build Themn Better and WM Backç Them Better!" Moo turnied tlhey will bc forwarded to the Bell Canada Chiairmiati and the Minister of Transport ini the forr'n of a Whitby protest. lt's Ail Go For Sports Compi ex! Memnbers oi Whiitby clubs and organizations are rended of the major meeting f'or discuIssion on a sports comnplex for Whitby being hceld 8 p.mi. toniglit (ThuLrsday) ii the Amber Roomi, St. John's Hall, corner ot'Palace and John Streets. Memnbers of»1the steering committees (Joe Ottenbrite, Rex King, Bob Catton, Art Desjarditi, Paul GaUdet andi Arnold Hendriks) spearhieading th proposed projeet report that enthusiasmn is higi amiong tlie clubs who hiad been asked to merge in th planning stages, with the verbal support of' the Ro tary Club, Kinsmien, Kiwanis and Lions alread expressed. The proposai is for a non-political, multi- purpose sports facility "buiît for and by the people of tlhe Town oU Whiitby".1 MV I_____ ffip (o cabie fa it MORE MOVIES MORE SPORTS 12 CLEAR CHANNELS FOR A IMJTED TIME ONLY noL r= W= New Subocribers Onty See cable tv in your home Free Cailtoday! 668-9331 oeY caletv 143 Brock Street South, Whitby TRIP INTERRUPTION PROTECTION OWNER HOTLINE 1

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