Whitby Free Press, 14 Sep 1972, p. 1

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VI WIDOW SKOCKID' AT,,GRAVE The site of the collapsed grave. 'Resu rrectiioni', the Ca- tholie cemnetery on Ross- lanid Road, Whitby was the scenc of a terrible shock l'or- 57 - year - olci Mrs. Johin Moinar Iast Satiîrday morning. Fier hiusband, Johin Moinar hiad appeared to have been in good hecalth up to the last four days ot' bis life and the sud- deness of his death four and a hiaif months ago na,,.tuirally lef't Mrs. Mol- nar ini a state of slhock. It was lIbît by friends that a trip to Europe to visit with relatives shie hadn't seen ini thirty- two years would help case lier sudden bereave- ment. Whien Mrs. Moînar ar- rived back ini Whitby Saturday morning the first thing shie wanted to do was pay a visit ta lier hiusband's grave. It had been four and a haîf* mnontis since the funeral services but instead of a mnanicured, grassed area with"plaque and flowers was the gaping hole she hiud seen lier husband's casket lowcred in on a sad day in April. There was no ex plana- tion to be foLIfd at the cemnetery, so to pacit'y Mrs. Moînar, Mrs. Serke a friend with whomi she lias been staying, called Armstrong Funeral Hom~es, the company wlio lad carricd out fui- neral services. Armstrong of course explained to her that they were flot responsible, and on Mon- day morning Mrs. Serke called the WHITBY FREE PRESS. STORY'CONTINUES INSIDE ON PAGE il HI i ESY VolU2 No 37 T5.IIRSDAY SOPt14 th 1972 FREE HOME'DIELIVE«T Ir BY JIM QUAIL A I106 acre parcel of lanîd called Hernit Valley situated niorth of' the sevenith concession zind cast of Tickson Road is turing out to be a kîing sized lhcad- achie for thie Town of' Whitby anid die owncers. Bob Heroni and Don Mitchiell of* Brooklii. Tie lot is face- tiouisly ref*erred to k' the taxpayers as 'Thie Ponider- osa' anld thle 'C'outieil Den'. as thce property is allcged- ly a popular scenie for robLlst parties attenidcd by soine ofth le more prom mienit people iii towni. The property lias a hiistory of' problecms whiichi began forty yeurs ago. In tie early 30's the property was sold to Glciihodson Counitry Club Limnited by thie Towniship l'or onie dollar. Thiere was somne prob- lem about a road allowance because part of the road leadinig ini ta the propcrty was open anld part was iot. At this poinit neithier thie Towîi of" Witby nior thie owners are sure whio does own the road allow- anice that miay or miay not be pluink iii the middle otf Herinit Valley. Ilie probîcin is inade worsc because a franie cottage was crcctcd oni the site without a building permit. Mr. W. Evanis. Townî Engitîcer kricw ofl' te prob- lcm a mionthi ago and said t1i' buildinig will have ta bc either dîsmantled or built to specifications. He added thiat it was pcrmnissable to build -a cottage on lanid suchi as Hcrmit Valley, but a bildinig permit niust be tirst obtained by tie owniers. The Whiitby Public Utilities becare initercsted iii the area after discovering that somneone hiad hooked ani electric hune t'romî the Town's power to the cot- tage without installinig a nîcter. A P.U.C. îinspector explainced thiat flic wircs would hiave ta be disconnccted froui the town's muain line aind looked up tlhrougli a niieter and tlien îinsp-ected by tlîe I.U.('. before approval could bc given l'or thie Lise of clectricity 1rorn flic Town at the site. STORY CONTINUES INSII)E ON P>AGE Il Wîth no permit the popular cottage at Hermit Valley will either have to be dismantled or buit to specifications.

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