Last A speciail publuic et- hiîg lais been v(alled ait the Tori 1-Mai11fori-Tuesdaîy, SepteiuîberS .it î: 15 pa.. T[he public nlot ice, is- sued f romn the ollice of' the clerk. arrived ai ixvo local iiewspapiers beyond the deadlinle date, and advertises the iown 's ini- tention ,to discLuss the priion of'Arenla l'a- M'in ut e ciities, the Police BuildI- ing pro jeet. the munici- pal Building projeet. the Librýary BuLiild ing pro jee t and to estabhli hpriori- ties fo ruLi îd erita k inig these prtoijects." -'ihe newspaper lias been aware of* ai pianied nmeeting of' ibis nature lfor somee rne. aand due to itle nearly niissed ad- Publi«c veriising notices ex- plainied ahlove. and rela- tively Short notice to the public, asked (ierk Bill Wallcace i f i kstem îned lrm last-m lin ite plai- niig. Mi'. Waliace explaiîed huiat lie was given ini- struictionl 10 give înotice otl' the Septeînbeî' 5 Meeti«ng meetini Ld ri ng an in camnera Sessionîîof'couLin- cil on Monidaiy venling by tlhe Mayor "on the coîîceiîscs of' the coîîîi- cil". Ile said lie was un- amvare tliat anîy preselîta- tion on an a renililfcac i1i ty wouid be imade by the Arema ('olinînittee, ah- thocigh lie sýaid once they ( colin i t tee) were macle aware af' the special nmeeting, tliey would îîerhiaps be able to pire- piare al preseîîtation. "Thlis meeting will be mlore on dte uines of' ia puiblic jcou ncii dlebate 011 the iiatter, rather tiian an op)eîiiig l'or the re- view of' preselitatiolis," lie said. At press fiie, liow- ever, noa motice of' pre- sent(ation hiad been fiied witilhi luofice. A secondairy imajom' meeting slated lfor Sep- tenîber 7 Mheni discus- sion of an Areîia comn- plex l'oi' Wlîitby wilh be cliscussed is stili planiiec ati 8:30 11.11. Y ~i~?\ <? Vol 2 No'35 TrHURSDAV August 31 1972 FREE HOME DEUIVER Why Brooklin Gus 5K linuei' is anî avem'aoe tax payiei' i n the Towvn of wliiîby. [le voi'ks at ININlaiid speiids imost of'l ls othf-Line emioving biis 1tl'anîly aiid the h[me hvli lie labonioLis1 I buI]t h inîsel '. [lis homîe rests oi a b)eauit ilLtilly kepit, 20-aicre lot coilete 'vithim nlllliing1pool. T1he sxiîningiii 11ool costs h imîî a conmpeinsa tiinof' aln ex trîa S6 011 biis veai'l y lix ietLiri. Thie i.-o'0Lcls ofh'tle K ling2er i'esideîice are sa tIeýiLitit*llill iif'act tîmaýItit*'s dit'1'*CuLt ta illit-mile thiat the weep)imig-wllawedi. greeli carpletedl propei'Ly is aîiywliere close t10 an urbaiî ceîiii'e. But don't envv G us K linger'. [or aill thli beaLitv to h li ad on bis tweiit v acres. i t lis on lv vem'v ne- cety been eiiioved. T'he K linger propertS' is just I200 l'ee t Iawav f"oîîi lhe l'orme r 10w îî cluiii i, w hichl seenlis eveîiildiat 1ILIIIucl oser silîice thle towîsii piii- f omiiiecl lii ii h is teice \Vas0on i t 5propei'iv a îclsu b- SeîiLieIltlv tor'e il îlo\vii. Along witli the probleiis omie \VoiuiLI nonnîad1l expedi iivîig ini close proxiliiity to a tO\Vii dILIIîIp i kc b ow inîg pa per. andidcebi'is andl l'ire. corne extra lia rcslsIike thle oiie denioiist rate cl iii au r phoCtos" abIove aidbelo\w. TI )lbuIlet-rîLcdled pa ilV i tii ou r iioclel is a lel'tover nesîLIait i IeC i Lii11p sport ktnowîîi as mai siooting. Rat sîiooting cLutclown coîisicle'ablv the eiîjovîiient of* tie Klinîger f'amily on1 miore tliaiî mie occasionîilen GLus or' lus f rigîiteiieclwif'e haci tc liieralîy mmi Il'or coven ilîta the 1bouse. ",We've hiac to caîl the police especially wMien sonîie of' tic rowclier omies haive been clriiikiiîg," ex- plained Mrs. Klinger, "bLit we're so f'ar onIt iere thiat Model Johin Raliie shows a bulct-riddied jial l'ound on K inger propcertY. by thie tie tihe police ariveci tIe shooting pariy haUci nIsLally broken up." LLîck ily l'or Gus amui l Iis tïuniily thie rat shooting enclec liapp1)lily oîîe(Lay \Vîtii the closiîigi of' hie town lu nip. anîd sinice thlen t bey have eijoyecl relative peace andc quiiet 011 ilîcir owiî groLiics. 'lieni caine a proposaIl lor a shooiing andl rifle raigte ai YOLI guesseci it -the f'ormner ia\vi1cunp. llc proposed rifle range to [be useci by bath tlieWittv Rif'le R ange and iown police is just north of' Grovesicle ('eîietery. andcl ecaLîse the im mcid iatc area Suui'r-LI IIcliiil. ILis peopled by youi mg. growing la mn iliies i n a seîîîi-ruiral I a iii osph)iere. abloLI ieÎ ighty people (itîer iluan thle K linger V*amiv are 0pp)05img il. -l'lie people. represeiiîativc ol' Garcdein Street, Roiiiaý. r St reet anc i Iiwav 1I2 ai'e miai SO InuLIC app1OSeci ta thle du mpI as site of' the rifle thiev are ai itle ai legeci lack of'noney t liai w iii go iii o uts naken p ta brinîg i t LIII ta sat'ei y standcarcds. l11 archer ta naaiiesal'ely f'orI hir clilremî, or f'or tha liaîuatier. aiiyoii, thiey l'eel l'eîiciigt. a tar- g-etl bu iker \vit hi steel guanils. anmii praper cm baiik- iiii as a sal'e t y 1baýckgrIou lc1 l'ai'r Iicochet i îîg pro- JectiîleS SlîoLiiIihie cojiderec.l' hîey f'eei tuai tue S75 cash OLmiltlie 1v wei'e tbld \ou Iiilie shiemit onithle proposeci ramnge 1liai su fTiciemî ho nmake il saf'ety- proot'. A prmîary coiicernl expresseci ly (Clatus Kellimg an area resideni. is the am'ea whiicli will tic used 'or target. Thie practice area wliicîi WOLIlIc seemu ta be a likely spot t'on the target shootimig is comnposecl of' steel, rock.,ciegemerate auto carcasses andl ailier as- sorteci lancîfill, and lias alreadcy îraveîi aniLmpe ciciable lever l'or ricochet bUllets. lIn a lenomstratiomi staged ta cîueii the f'ears ot' area residemîts, the secondcl siot ini a second roumid f'irecl by ('lief' Pilkimig.oii icocliettecl ol'l the pile. 'l'ie beatit'uil hamicscape surraumîldimîg the area ini quLestion iholds appeal ta childremî wlo wandered casuially ti rocigl adjoimîimg ravinles ta the site even dürimig thîis imnterview. SNo pravisiomi l'or t'emcing lias beeîî mîade in thie rifle ramîge plani ancd parents are comîcermîed about keepmîg the gruids oi-af-boumiids ta Ilîcir cuirions offsprnmg. Thîcre is also camîcerîî being expressed for el- derly people visitimîgthie cenetery JUSi îiorth of the site. "Deafmîess is miat amn umcommomî thîing ini the elderly," said Mr. Kelimg, worryimîg aioud about the passibility ao' thîcir comimîg 100 close tathie practice area. "Tliere are jUSt 100 Marly'is. The resictemts petitomiec the rifle ranige pro- posai imitially amnd were inîtecl ta a meetimng witlî the cemîetery bioard, thie rifle ranige, local coumîillors and Chief ao' Police. l:,VeII 1110re Lnncertaiîî because of' the ricochet bullet at the clemonstration andcii intimation at the mneetinig that there woulcl only be a S65 to S75 cash oui lav in conv erting the dlump to the range be- cause ,thaitxvas ail that wvas necessary," they .were surprised to see a story carried ini the daily local paper statig thaý,t 9()/(of' their group iagreed with the proposaI. A second petition "strongly repudiating the statenient ',,and rciterating their views xvas submnitted to Clerk Bill Wallace ai Town Hall Mondlay miorning. "The tests which were conducted at the Aug(- uist I15 demnonstration were spaced at I 5-inutte iii- tervals, but could stili be heard, so if a number of people begini shooting at the saine time duriîîg ,a competition, or practice session, the noise would be initolerable," said Mr. Kelling. "'They just can't convince us, as if one really wanted to shout, the sound of the human voice woLuld travel from the site to Robmnar Street (imi- miediately \vest of site). We've tried to be reason- able and polite but we just canit stand by and be lianded a 'snow' job' when somnething as elemnental as saf'ety and life are at stake." continues on Page 3 Called Lui- eCLký. Stand up f or your rights, warns an editorial on page 2